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It'll be tough!

Started by T00ts, March 18, 2020, 10:02:07 PM

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Its certainly going to be a challenge Toots . Ive been indoors , apart from the odd visit to the pub for a couple of swift ones since the beginning of December after a minor op .

 Spent a fortune on the house trying make something positive out of my enforced layoff and now this  just as I was about to go back everythings on hold


Still worst things happen at sea .In my great great great Grandfathers case that was true  .Another time filler was tracing the family back and unfortunately for GGG grandpappy he never came home from doing a bit of herring fishing out of Whitby . Something I did find out was my European routes were a lot deeper than I expected , Germans , Poles , Prussians and Czechs on one side and Irish and Thames Mudlarks  on the other .


Maybe I should have voted remain  :o  I didnt know what I was voting for !  

I really do feel for the older people though ,my next door pal of 97 years old is missing me . I phoned him last week and told him I wasnt going to visit because of the virus . He said something about me having more cold days than Scotland and put the phone down .He has phoned a couple of times since asking whats up but I dont think he understands why I cant chance visiting him .  Im just waiting for him to press the button (Im on his responder list) then I guess the lurgy will have to take a back seat .

Don't worry though the last time was when he got his zipper  caught ,it looked more painful than it actually was , apparently .

Im going to stop listening to all the doom and gloom and especially the Mrs who phones me two or three times a day with her workmates sisters friends husband knows a bloke in the houses of parliament canteen who says we are facing this for 24 months and prohibition is about to be brought  back .

Anyway Im going out the Garden for a bit ,Ive seen a Heron flying about and the koi are starting to come off the bottom of the pond after the winter hibernation . When Worlds collide man intervenes .


Well today marked my 12th day in solitary confinement. I closed my door on medical advice a little bit ahead of the rest of the country and until today it wasn't too bad. I am well catered for with lots of phone calls, forums, TV, reading, a bit of DIY and a bit of mental improvement but today was a bit different.

Suddenly listening to the news the prospect of possibly being stuck here until the Summer, the Autumn or for 18 months hit me like a sledge hammer. I find after a lifetime of being there for my grandkids/kids, suddenly if any of them get ill and are bad enough to need hospitalisation, I am of absolutely no use to them. I am just one more worry.  

I shouldn't moan because I am pretty well catered for, but my mind went to those who aren't.

There will be all sorts of people locked away maybe without regular contacts, with no family, few if any friends. I'm not sure how many will cope. I'm not really confident that I will. It feels like it will be a long haul.