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Started by Barry, June 21, 2021, 11:33:40 AM

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Quote from: Thomas on July 20, 2021, 11:32:48 AM
What a way to run a business borkie eh?

Pubs cafes restaurants etc trade is down over a third compared to pre hysteria period ,yet here we still have some places trying to frighten customers away.

All they are trying to do is to protect their staff from nasty aggressive and abusive tourists, of which locally there are far too many. Personally I would have a couple of "rent a thugs" as door security. (There is no shortage of those.)

News from West Cornwall:-
08:35, 20 JUL 2021
Cornwall town St Just unites to ask visitors to still wear masks
Signs have gone up in shops and businesses asking customers to continue wearing masks despite today being Freedom Day
Businesses in a Cornish town have united to ask customers to continue wearing masks.

Posters have appeared in independent shops in the west Cornwall village of St Just "politely encouraging" visitors to still adhere to Covid safety rules despite the Government dropping the legal ruling of wearing a face covering and keeping a social distance from others as of yesterday (July 19).
Now over 30 businesses in St Just have agreed to carry posters in their windows stating: "St Just is united.

"The businesses of St Just have joined together with one voice. We politely encourage and expect you to protect our staff and community. Please be considerate, respectful and continue to wear a mask."

The idea to produce the posters came to Fynn and Zinzi Tucker, who run the Jackson Foundation gallery, following conversations with other businesses and their own staff.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Borchester on July 19, 2021, 10:22:48 PM
Pompous bastards.

We might be popping down to the Lizard later in the year, but we will take sandwiches.

What a way to run a business borkie eh?

Pubs cafes restaurants etc trade is down over a third compared to pre hysteria period ,yet here we still have some places trying to frighten customers away.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on July 19, 2021, 10:22:48 PM
Pompous bastards.

We might be popping down to the Lizard later in the year, but we will take sandwiches.

Nothing pompous about being fed up with aggressive tourists abusing staff. (Give rate local businesses are closing their doors because of staff infections and far too many aggressive tourists, you will probably need to take sandwiches.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on July 19, 2021, 05:38:27 PMWavecrest

Pompous bastards.

We might be popping down to the Lizard later in the year, but we will take sandwiches.

Algerie Francais !

patman post

Quote from: johnofgwent on July 19, 2021, 09:06:28 AM

But this is true of the flu, which I remind you the centre for disease control wildly underestimated the number of cases of the year before the Chinese pox struck.

The CDC were forced to make guesstimates because nobody bothers to count the number of people who take a couple of paracetamol / lem sip and suffer until it goes away.

This despite the fact it is without dispute a killer of the old and the sick and so on

In the end we need to ask the question why are we allowing the Chinese pox to utterly paralyse society when it is starkly clear the hospitalisation and fatality percentages are way below what they were a year and a half ago.

It is time to say "you go hide in your damn bunkers all you like, I've had it with this shit"

And I say that as one who was reduced to not being able to climb more than two steps by it.
Are you confusing the UK activities and US CDC pronouncements and mixing them with your past experiences as a lab technician?   
It seems the Chinese version of Covid has long since evolved into variants that thrive in different environments around the globe, and is currently out of control in large parts of the world.   
In the UK the spread is still largely due to too many people not getting jabbed, ignoring the advice of hands/face/space, and still crowding together. 
No doubt the system can cope with the odd nutter wandering round the place sounding off at what they see as infringements of their liberties. But I wouldn't be surprised to see them shunned or, if space is at a premium, treated non too gently by those around them.   
With a great deal of luck — and people using common the sense and understanding that the govt seems to believe most of them have — we could be out of most of this by mid-September. But I'm reckoning on a stricter "regime" in place in under 10-12 weeks, and a second Covid Christmas...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Notices at local café today:-

We're really gutted to have to make this sign, and to post it on here, we're not usually about negativity, but after having some pretty awful customers in yesterday we feel that we need to make it absolutely clear that we won't tolerate rude and aggressive behaviour towards our team by an increasing minority of people who feel that they "don't need to wear one", "I left it in my car" or "I'm doubled vaccinated" etc etc when being asked to wear a mask (and this was BEFORE the law change that came into place today). If you are exempt, then please send in someone else from your group who isn't exempt to make your order, or call a staff member from the cafe entrance and we'll do what we can to help. We also had to pick up numerous used masks that had been thrown on the floor around our plot, which is just completely unfair 🤮😡

With countless businesses around Cornwall being forced to close for 10 days due to staff being 'pinged' and/or testing positive for COVID19, which can be catastrophic for businesses that have been closed for so long and only have a short time in which to try and claw some revenue back, we're doing everything we possibly can to try and keep everyone safe and stay open for as long as we can, which means having measures in place to minimalise contact between our team and our customers.

If you want to be able to dine out, then please do your bit to help hospitality businesses stay open, it's that simple 👍

Please continue to wear masks when entering the cafe 👍
Please continue to clear your tables into the bins provided 👍
Please continue to be kind and show understanding to our team 👍

Basically, don't be a numpty! 👍

Big thanks to the majority of our customers who have as always, been fantastic 😊🙏


Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: johnofgwent on July 19, 2021, 09:06:28 AM

It is time to say "you go hide in your damn bunkers all you like, I've had it with this shit"

:) :) Union Flag Dancing Woohoo 

Algerie Francais !


Quote from: HDQQ on July 18, 2021, 12:10:46 PM
Yesterday the UK had the highest number of new daily cases of any country in the world (over 54,000) with Indonesia second and India third. So, we might be doing lot more testing than those places but we're not doing much more testing than we were a few weeks ago when there were only a couple of thousand positive tests per day.

It looks like the vaccines have done a lot to prevent more serious cases but they haven't stopped them altogether, even among fully vaccinated people. This is in line with what experts predicted.

The more cases we have and the longer the British epidemic (within the global pandemic) goes on, the greater the chance that a vaccine-resistant variant will emerge and  the greater the risk that immunity of vaccinated people will 'wear off' over time.

The so-called 'freedom day' tomorrow was set in stone at a time when all the trends were going in the right direction and it's as though the government just wants to turn a blind eye to the reversal of fortunes that's going on now.

But this is true of the flu, which I remind you the centre for disease control wildly underestimated the number of cases of the year before the Chinese pox struck.

The CDC were forced to make guesstimates because nobody bothers to count the number of people who take a couple of paracetamol / lem sip and suffer until it goes away.

This despite the fact it is without dispute a killer of the old and the sick and so on

In the end we need to ask the question why are we allowing the Chinese pox to utterly paralyse society when it is starkly clear the hospitalisation and fatality percentages are way below what they were a year and a half ago.

It is time to say "you go hide in your damn bunkers all you like, I've had it with this shit"

And I say that as one who was reduced to not being able to climb more than two steps by it.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


The Great Reset will be the theme of a unique twin summit to be convened by the World Economic Forum in January 2021. The 51st World Economic Forum Annual Meeting will bring together global leaders from government, business and civil society, as well as stakeholders from around the world to convene both in-person and virtual dialogues. But, more broadly, the Great Reset is a commitment to jointly and urgently build the foundations of our economic and social system for a more fair, sustainable and resilient post-COVID future.

The initiative grew out of the Forum's COVID Action Platform. And, as we enter a window of opportunity to shape the COVID-19 recovery, the Great Reset will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: HDQQ on July 18, 2021, 12:10:46 PM
Yesterday the UK had the highest number of new daily cases of any country in the world (over 54,000) with Indonesia second and India third. So, we might be doing lot more testing than those places but we're not doing much more testing than we were a few weeks ago when there were only a couple of thousand positive tests per day.

It looks like the vaccines have done a lot to prevent more serious cases but they haven't stopped them altogether, even among fully vaccinated people. This is in line with what experts predicted.

The more cases we have and the longer the British epidemic (within the global pandemic) goes on, the greater the chance that a vaccine-resistant variant will emerge and  the greater the risk that immunity of vaccinated people will 'wear off' over time.

The so-called 'freedom day' tomorrow was set in stone at a time when all the trends were going in the right direction and it's as though the government just wants to turn a blind eye to the reversal of fortunes that's going on now.
So, you don't find it just a little odd that as soon as freedom is mentioned the vaccines ain't much cop Ducky and it would be the fault of those who haven't taken them but relied on their own immune systems instead or that yet another trigger has arrived at the very advent of freedom, or that all that mask wearing is total rubbish against a virus and every excuse under the sun has been used up to keep people wearing them, I do worry about your level of vision sometimes.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Yesterday the UK had the highest number of new daily cases of any country in the world (over 54,000) with Indonesia second and India third. So, we might be doing lot more testing than those places but we're not doing much more testing than we were a few weeks ago when there were only a couple of thousand positive tests per day.

It looks like the vaccines have done a lot to prevent more serious cases but they haven't stopped them altogether, even among fully vaccinated people. This is in line with what experts predicted.

The more cases we have and the longer the British epidemic (within the global pandemic) goes on, the greater the chance that a vaccine-resistant variant will emerge and  the greater the risk that immunity of vaccinated people will 'wear off' over time.

The so-called 'freedom day' tomorrow was set in stone at a time when all the trends were going in the right direction and it's as though the government just wants to turn a blind eye to the reversal of fortunes that's going on now.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Quote from: papasmurf on July 17, 2021, 01:23:54 PM
Judging by the mass influx of tourists into Cornwall at the moment their common sense has been left the Eastern side of the Tamar. (The rise in Covid is getting very worrying.)

The figures being bandied about by "scientists" now scared shitless that their mind control is ending seems singularly bereft of two key figures previously trumpeted.

A year ago figures for the number of new positives cases were ALWAYS accompanied by the number of people in ICU AND the singularly fake "number of deaths within 28 days of a positive test" which fir ease of statistics collection actually counted every death recorded at a registry office regardless if what caused the death.

Fact is for some months now the number of new admissions to ICU with Covid have been less than the number required to sustain belief in the bogus death figures.

The last figures for Wales which is riddled with infected Indians (sorry Indian Variant victims) showed a total of 217 people occupying the 154 in total ICU beds in the principality (so they are hot bedding which can't be good for survival) but 214 of those 217 were there for reasons other than COVID and in spite of Whitty insistent that 46% of those in ICU with Covid die of it, the 1.48 nominated victims crassly continue to give Effing Guessing's replacement the traditional two finger salute and refuse to curl up their toes and climb in the body bag. Which regrettably exposes the fake nature of the death figures which now significantly exceed the numbers worryingly ill with it.....

Someone has noticed this and the three sets of numbers are now never released at the same time ....
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: patman post on July 17, 2021, 01:18:33 PM

I guess this period will show just how caring members of the the public are, and whether they can be trusted to use common sense.

Judging by the mass influx of tourists into Cornwall at the moment their common sense has been left the Eastern side of the Tamar. (The rise in Covid is getting very worrying.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

patman post

Transport for London says its rules and restrictions will still apply. Local Morrison's reckons to keep its hand and trolley sanitising points in operation. Couple of smaller food shops have said they've paid for masks and screens so will continue with them until they reckon the infection rate has fallen. That's only a couple, don't know what the rest will do. Only Wetherspoons will definitely be dropping most restrictions, but it's still encouraging food customers to order via the app from their table. 

I guess this period will show just how caring members of the the public are, and whether they can be trusted to use common sense.

PS — although we've never been asked for proof we're double-jabbed, we thought we should get vaccine passports. They arrived arrived yesterday — complete with anti-copying devices...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...