FT: Bojo to override WA

Started by Dynamis, September 07, 2020, 04:20:38 AM

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I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Dynamis on September 13, 2020, 04:51:58 PM


Happiest guys on the forum?

You are surely pulling my leg, and you say life is miserable here? I can't imagine what it's like where you are that he comes across as happy..

unlike you dyno borkie is always cracking jokes , living life to the full and comes across happy.

As he says , you folk in the brothers and sisters take life too serious for the rest of us mere mortals.

QuoteI don't mind Hastings that much, I'm talking about london where I'm from.

So am i.

Dont you want to talk your home city of london up?

FFs show a bit of loyalty and respect.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 04:05:27 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 13, 2020, 04:01:44 PM

I waste my time.

you certainly talk shite.

Seriously you have done the thread a service , and we owe you a debt that can't be paid dragging the subject onto how spain can abuse its international obligations but in your eyes the uk can't....cause brexit is bad eh good old? :)

The uk government will let the foreigners at the eu know what they have decided over sovereign uk territory in northern ireland when they are ready.

As they say , you can never smell your own, and you certainly can not. You dragged the subject to Spain ,as you drag every subject to some other location to avoid making any attempt to answer a simple question.
Spain will have  have obligations in human rights as all EU members have. That would need interpreting and clarifying .Spain has no obligation to the EU concerning the status of Catalonia, within Spain. You condone , Boris, if he breaks law. You condone ,the lie of an oven ready deal that now needs the intervention of a breaking of international law.You condone the breaking of the GFA, caused by. The afore said.  If that's not shite , and can  not smell it you will never know what shite  is.


Quote from: Good old on September 13, 2020, 04:51:22 PM

Nothing in the treaties Spain have with the EU  changed the status of Catalonia, within the Spanish state. .

i havent suggested it did. This is yet another diversion from you.

You clearly insinuated nations are bound by law , i pointed out spain was bound by European laws on human rights and international law on self determination , and it overrode those laws .You didnt complain.

When the uk does it , acting like spain in its own interests , you then complain , and im simply pointing out your double standards.

QuoteBoris, is about to break a treaty freely entered into and signed by his own hand, just a year ago.

As you keep telling us parliament is sovereign , not the eu , nor any international treaty.

So all johnosn has to do is get parliament  to approve a law rescinding the WA or any other treaty , and by your own words , this is perfectly accpetable as parliament is sovereign no? :D

QuoteAnd bleat about it being all caused by the EU, which never  had any say in whether the U.K. stayed or left the EU.

but you are tellin  us the eu has a say in a constituent part of the uk staying in the eu arent you?
Cheered on by you of course.

but you keep telling us parliament is sovereign , and cna do as it pleases me old china.

All johnson has to do is get parliament to pass legislation ( by october if i remeber correct) to rescind or remake the WA and no one can do anything about it isnt that correct?

The uk parliament is sovereign and can do as it pleases good old , make break or rescind any law or treaty.

So well done boris.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Apparently Boris just noticed the EU is threat to the UK's integrity, from what I have read on here lately he ain't far wrong.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 04:40:55 PMBorchester is one of the happiest guys on this forum , you seem as miserable as feck.

When im borkies age , i hope i have the same zest for life , happiness and ablity to laugh.


Happiest guys on the forum?

You are surely pulling my leg, and you say life is miserable here? I can't imagine what it's like where you are that he comes across as happy..


QuoteWe can make a guy from Glasgae of all places want to top himself.

i love glasga.

Greatest city on this earth. You talk your city down , i talk mine up.

We have never ever had it so good since we kicked the champagne brit nat socialists out of power , and we are living life to the full and loving it dyno.

You should try it mate ,and stop being a miserable socialist ( or whatever lable you use) bastard.

"we" meaning your whole city?v🤔

I don't mind Hastings that much, I'm talking about london where I'm from.

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 03:55:46 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 13, 2020, 03:50:26 PM

More bullshit, Spain was not negotiating on the basis of a treaty , freely signed by them for any reason. .

spain was and is bound by eu law and human rights law , subject to both the ECHR and ECJ , all freely signed up to . Which they ignored and overrode when it suited.

Just as johnson is doing over northern ireland , and by your own admission rightly so as the eu has no right to interfere in the affairs of a soverign state. ;D

He is perfectly allowed to rip up the WA and do whaty is in britians interests as you correctly infered the spanish did over catalonia.

What good for the goose and all tht. ;)

Nothing in the treaties Spain have with the EU  changed the status of Catalonia, within the Spanish state. .
Nothing more than another diversion from the situation that Boris, has created.
Boris, is about to break a treaty freely entered into and signed by his own hand, just a year ago. .Which was supposed to have settled NI status to both sides satisfaction.   That in its self would break international law.  At the same time doing so would then make it impossible to not break the GFA.
And all you do is applaud him.  And bleat about it being all caused by the EU, which never  had any say in whether the U.K. stayed or left the EU.
The only question the UK public , and the rest of the world should be asking is. How many more laws will he break ?, How  many more lies will he tell ? How many more treaties will he screw up once he has deceived you into a negotiation.?
How long will it take this man and those around him to reduce the attitude of Joe Soup , to an attitude to the rule of law and responsibility to rules of behaviour , to a level as near the ground as they have been displaying themselves for some time now.
And in so doing invite the disintegration of a lawful civilised society?
Cheered on by you of course.


Anyway I am still waiting how you explain Connelly, and speak about tolerance when everything he did and said was about intolerance.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 04:24:23 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 13, 2020, 04:20:16 PM

I don't seek to force him or anyone else to live in my ideal society. Everyone should have their reasonable choices.

The world will carry on with wars and so forth unless we learn to tolerate difference.


The socialist workers party in hastings will be proud of your wee speech mate.

FFS put a smile on your face and be happy.

No you mean the anti-socialist workers party of Hastings.


Quote from: Dynamis on September 13, 2020, 04:33:08 PM

..Which has nothing to do with what I wrote at all.

i think it has.

Through our discussion you keep coming out with emotive shite like "dreaming of something better" and other such nonsense, and im simply pointing out nationalism doesnt necessarily equate to chasing the better sopciety and perfect utopia of something better , but many a time its purely for mundane reasons of wanting independence for indepdnecne sake.

QuoteSo just ignore everything he said about world socialism?

Where have i said this?

Im clearly saying the socialist part of his beliefs never came true , ireland didnt materliase as an independent socialist utopia because its a load of idealistic bullshit you seem quite taken by.

QuoteI'm pretty sure Borkie is a good illustration of what north london does to you, Hastings is a comparative paradise.

Borchester is one of the happiest guys on this forum , you seem as miserable as feck.

When im borkies age , i hope i have the same zest for life , happiness and ablity to laugh.

QuoteWe can make a guy from Glasgae of all places want to top himself.

i love glasga.

Greatest city on this earth. You talk your city down , i talk mine up.

We have never ever had it so good since we kicked the champagne brit nat socialists out of power , and we are living life to the full and loving it dyno.

You should try it mate ,and stop being a miserable socialist ( or whatever lable you use) bastard.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 04:21:47 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 13, 2020, 04:15:54 PM

Context: the ruthless Brit imperialist scunners of his time.

In that context, what he did was 100% what you'd expect him to, it was about survival and dreaming of something better even as unforeseeable as it was at the time.

Are you really comparing the horrors those poor fellas went through with our comparatively blessed existences? The mild reformist stuff I said I want (minor reforms of the electoral commission etc) is absolutely not 'lofty idealism' and cannot be compared in any way.

How many times do i need to keep explaining to you people in many countries didnt fight for independence for some blessed existence outside the uk or empire , or dreaming for something better?

Do you not really understand nationalsim?

Irish people wanted to be independent of england wether they were better or worse off.

I have told you i want independence for independence sake , wether scotland is better or worse off.

English people  , by your own feckin admission , dont buy into the economic argument of the euroepan utopia , but want out the eu wether it makes england better or worse.

....and still you dont get it.

..Which has nothing to do with what I wrote at all.

QuoteConnolly may very well have had at points in his life lofty socialistic ideals , but you dont know he was fighting for something better. Clearly as a nationnalsit , he wanted ireland to be indy for better or worse , and for the irish to take their chances.

So just ignore everything he said about world socialism?

QuoteFFS . its no difficult.

All i can say dyno after talking to you online is hastings must be one feckin grim place mate , i feel like topping myself  afer engaging wiht you.

Be happy , life is good. Glass half full and all that mate. You will end up doing yourself dmamge if you carry on like this dyno. ;) ;D

Be happy life is good?

I'm pretty sure Borkie is a good illustration of what north london does to you, Hastings is a comparative paradise.

I mean there is a place in Enfield called world's end where they literally took people to be gaoled. And it looks like it.

Then when tou get past Waltham X, you get into hell itself..er I mean Hertfordshire. Hatfield is the most 'depressed town in the country' as I remember.

See what north london can do? I
We can make a guy from Glasgae of all places want to top himself.

Patman post is another stoke newingtoner like me - he makes even me want to top myself.



Feck sake dynamis , you just made me think of that old joke.

Dynamis ( not saying you are a doom and gloom merchant) joined a support group in hastings for anti social people last year.......

They still havent met up. :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis on September 13, 2020, 04:21:49 PM

That's your opinion and that's fine. I'm not seeking to force you round to my way of thinking - and that's the point.

You definetly arent any way dynamis.

We live in a fantastic society in a fantastic part of the world.

You need to learn to appreciate what you have instead of moaning about some sought after nirvana .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis on September 13, 2020, 04:20:16 PM

I don't seek to force him or anyone else to live in my ideal society. Everyone should have their reasonable choices.

The world will carry on with wars and so forth unless we learn to tolerate difference.


The socialist workers party in hastings will be proud of your wee speech mate.

FFS put a smile on your face and be happy.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis on September 13, 2020, 04:20:16 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 13, 2020, 04:15:24 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 13, 2020, 04:08:03 PM
Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 04:02:24 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 13, 2020, 03:56:33 PM

Where did I say I hate it? What?

ok my bad , so what is it you are trying to reform?

Are you happy with the system we live under or not?

I thought you wanted the perfect corruption free society where all are equal and living in harmony or some other such nonsese? Where no one lies , or fights dirty in politics and all the rest.

What you are now saying after quoting all thses rebellious socialist ideas you are now happy with society and how we live? :D

No that's just another strawman you invented.

I don't expect 'perfection' in some Dynameon ouranou, I expect it will have warts and all but would be better than this rubbish society.

If people want to live in this type of society - and are happy with it - let them continue, but give others the choices of different societies. That's all I'm saying.

It's not impossible, nor unreasonable.
Well actually you  have your own interpretation, Thomas has a different interpretation, both are interesting for a change.

I don't seek to force him or anyone else to live in my ideal society. Everyone should have their reasonable choices.

The world will carry on with wars and so forth unless we learn to tolerate difference.
fair enough and when does one stop tolerating and say enough is enough? In Connelly's opinion that is>
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!