Infamy, Infamy: Tory rebels want T May led Brexit Uprising vs Boris's EU WA Plan

Started by Dynamis, September 12, 2020, 10:23:22 AM

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Quote from: GerryT on September 13, 2020, 02:43:30 PM

All your showing is this govt have no details other than, "trust us, lets leave and it'll be all ok. We have your back." Frankly all this gov has proven is they can't be trusted and they will stand on people to further their own agenda. NI under a bus, british citizens but who cares. Scotland betrayed...stay in the UK and you stay in the EU..hahahhahah , lads you didn't believe us did you, you bunch of scot fools, we had our fingers crossed. I could keep going, but seriously, trusting this bunch of loosers with your human rights. Not a risk I'd be taking.

Nope. Im showing how the tories stood on a mandate to possibly repeal the HRA and ECHR membership , and have been talking about it for years now.

Dont let your bitterness about scotland shine through gerry.

Democracy has spoken and the uk has to leave the eu , and will do . :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Borchester on September 12, 2020, 10:29:27 PM
Quote from: GerryT on September 12, 2020, 05:04:42 PM
Quote from: Borchester on September 12, 2020, 11:51:48 AMReading the foreign press the main response seems to be that BoJo is a treacherous sod, which is pretty much a given anyway. But other than squealing Perfidious Albion every time matters aren't to their liking I can't see what come back the EU has.

So, sod the lot of them. Walk away, trade on world trade terms and abolish this Chinese flu before it screws up Christmas.
The EU initially won't do much as it will hurt them also, but if the UK persists down this line there is so much it can do. Fist as the UK would be breaching international law the EU can ignore and past present or future (from since the WA was signed) deals with the EU and under the WA treaty could impose sanctions, close borders and all done legally as per the WA terms so the EU wouldn't be breaching international law. Pity Johnson signed the UK up to such a treaty, he really is one of the most stupid people about.

Yeah, but they won't. You have been squealing about embargoes by the EU in general and the Irish Republic in particular since Paddy Peas got a load of German guns free of VAT.

And sod all has happened.

And won't happen this time.

What will happen is the Barnier will say something on the lines of Cent soixante-quinze centimètres de hauteur? Je ne savais pas qu'ils empilaient de la merde si haut, kick the cat (because he is an evil French git) and start haggling again. Boris will make a concession or two but in the end the UK will be a bit better off and the EU slightly worse.

"Go and boil your bottom English pigdog"

Kinda the most likely response, that and royally screwing us sideways as every single forecast and modelling has predicted.

However, England voted for it and I accept the will of the people is to lay down and take it for England.

So... fair enough.


Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 02:06:07 PM
Quote from: GerryT on September 13, 2020, 01:46:17 PM

Just because you say Papasmurf has an agenda against the Tories, that doesn't mean he's wrong about the ECHR.

well yes it does , and i have explained why it does.

QuoteThe UK govt won't say their coming out of the ECHR to make life worse for people.

its non of your business. You are not a uk citizen.

The conservative government were elected on a mandate to update the HRA , and leaving the echr completely  is something the tories have been considering since 2015.

QuoteHowever, in January this year the parliamentary under-secretary of state for justice clarified that the government would 'wait until the process of leaving the EU concludes before considering the matter further.' This has led to concern that the possibility of repealing the HRA and leaving the ECHR is still an option under active consideration. The 2019 Conservative manifesto states they will 'update' the Human Rights Act, but is short on specifics.

All your showing is this govt have no details other than, "trust us, lets leave and it'll be all ok. We have your back." Frankly all this gov has proven is they can't be trusted and they will stand on people to further their own agenda. NI under a bus, british citizens but who cares. Scotland betrayed...stay in the UK and you stay in the EU..hahahhahah , lads you didn't believe us did you, you bunch of scot fools, we had our fingers crossed. I could keep going, but seriously, trusting this bunch of loosers with your human rights. Not a risk I'd be taking.

On the bright side all these lies, betrayal, self serving really plays into a Scottish win at the next independence ref the English let you have.


Quote from: GerryT on September 13, 2020, 01:46:17 PM

Just because you say Papasmurf has an agenda against the Tories, that doesn't mean he's wrong about the ECHR.

well yes it does , and i have explained why it does.

QuoteThe UK govt won't say their coming out of the ECHR to make life worse for people.

its non of your business. You are not a uk citizen.

The conservative government were elected on a mandate to update the HRA , and leaving the echr completely  is something the tories have been considering since 2015.

QuoteHowever, in January this year the parliamentary under-secretary of state for justice clarified that the government would 'wait until the process of leaving the EU concludes before considering the matter further.' This has led to concern that the possibility of repealing the HRA and leaving the ECHR is still an option under active consideration. The 2019 Conservative manifesto states they will 'update' the Human Rights Act, but is short on specifics.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on September 13, 2020, 01:46:17 PM

Just because you say Papasmurf has an agenda against the Tories, that doesn't mean he's wrong about the ECHR. Going on current UK Gov performance and the lack or reasoning regarding the ECHR, the Johnson plan to break international law, it all points in one direction.

Cheers. With Dominic (Rasputin) Cummings running the show the removal of all the human rights of British citizens is on the cards.
The Tories hate dissent and even constructive criticism.
I just hope there are enough Tory MPs with the balls to kick it out when it comes to a vote on taking away British Human Rights

They got away with the gagging law which effectively stops charities from criticising government:-

I just hope there are enough Tory MPs with the balls to kick it out when it comes to a vote on taking away British Human Rights
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 11:46:31 AMI never said any of this gerry , and you are merely doing what smurf has done earlier in the thread .

He claimed the tories were getting rid of human rights , and i proved this wasnt true.

Attack the tories all you want , but you at least have to have a credible argument in the first place.

Whether or not you , a foreign national , thinks coming out the ECHR is a positive move or not , it is irrelevant to the discussion between this smurf character and his lie about the tories getting rid of our "human rights".
The UK govt won't say their coming out of the ECHR to make life worse for people. Just like they didn't tell the people coming out of the EU would make their lives worse financially, but that's been proven to be the case. 350m a week and the EU begging for a deal has turned into nothing for the NHS and so far brexit costing over £130b and that's going up. We all know that the UK has all ready left the EU, but after it leaves the protection of the transition harbour that's when things will really start going south
The ECHR is nothing to do with the EU/Brexit/Sovereignty. So the question is why are they withdrawing, one conclusion is to help large business to be more flexible with there variable costs---people.

Just because you say Papasmurf has an agenda against the Tories, that doesn't mean he's wrong about the ECHR. Going on current UK Gov performance and the lack or reasoning regarding the ECHR, the Johnson plan to break international law, it all points in one direction.


Quote from: GerryT on September 13, 2020, 11:36:24 AM
Its implied with reason that coming out of the ehrc is not a positive move  it has nothing to do with the EU or sovergnity.

I never said any of this gerry , and you are merely doing what smurf has done earlier in the thread .

He claimed the tories were getting rid of human rights , and i proved this wasnt true.

Attack the tories all you want , but you at least have to have a credible argument in the first place.

Wether or not you , a foreign national , thinks comeing out the ECHR is a postive move or not , it is irrelevant to the discussion between this smurf character and his lie about the tories getting rid of our "human rights".

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 11:21:52 AM
Quote from: papasmurf on September 13, 2020, 11:15:45 AM

Bojo-The-Clown is a serial liar that is evidenced.
The Tories will put the proposal out for consultation and like every other consultation since May 2010, they will ignore the result.


You lied , and i proved you lied , so now you run off to talk about something else.
There is a theory that leaving the eu allows the uk to continue with its off shore money laundering schemes as the eu tighten that loop. It also suggests the uk looks to get back to the good old days of "getting on with things" Nd removing workers rights. So its spun that the eu prevents you constantly working overtime for more money when the reality is those laws protect people from a certain class of employer.
The move to take back control is seen as going back to the dark ages, not something the working people in the uk should be advocating.
Question is beyond the slogan of keeping workers rights, what are the govt saying is wrong and needs changing to help protect workers. Because if their not then this govt can't be trusted, thats all ready proven in its dealings, lying etc...
Its implied with reason that coming out of the ehrc is not a positive move  it has nothing to do with the EU or sovergnity.


Quote from: papasmurf on September 13, 2020, 11:15:45 AM

Bojo-The-Clown is a serial liar that is evidenced.
The Tories will put the proposal out for consultation and like every other consultation since May 2010, they will ignore the result.


You lied , and i proved you lied , so now you run off to talk about something else.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 10:42:20 AM

You claimed the tories want to get rid of human rights , and the tory manifesto clearly says it wants to keep and update them.

Bojo-The-Clown is a serial liar that is evidenced.
The Tories will put the proposal out for consultation and like every other consultation since May 2010, they will ignore the result.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on September 13, 2020, 10:38:07 AM

Your quote from the manifesto. 

You claimed the tories want to get rid of human rights , and the tory manifesto clearly says it wants to keep and update them.

You are lying.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 10:26:46 AM


Your quote from the manifesto.  What they state and what the will do will be as usual two very different things.
They don't want us to have any human rights.  It stops them putting the boot in as hard as they would like to.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on September 13, 2020, 10:14:24 AM

The problem is Bojo-The-Clown wants to take away all our human rights.

Can you prove this please?

As far as im aware , the tory manifesto last decemebr had them standing on this ticket..
We will update the Human Rights Act and administrative law to ensure that there is a proper balance between the rights of individuals, our vital national security and effective government.' It also claims that after Brexit Britain 'will continue to be an outward-looking country that is a champion (and beacon) of... human rights'

So they dont want to take them away , merely update them to suit the uk outside the eu.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!