But wait the EU is just a trade body

Started by Sheepy, September 18, 2020, 06:50:51 PM

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Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 07:39:25 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 24, 2020, 07:25:07 PMYou  said we were in charge of immigration and our borders, not according to the EU we weren't they were in charge and think they had better change things pronto, but its way past bedtime for them.
Did you just read the head line. The EU is suggest a approach where migrants can be swiftly deported, only letting in the ones that really need help. Secondly any country taking or supportig a country with their refugee issues would be on a voluntary basis.

So far each EU state is in total control

Then the EU is looking for a crisis management system where something like Syria were to happen, don't tell me you would turn you back on that ??

But back in 2016 before the vote, the UK only had to deal with refugees it found on it's doorstep and it culd send 100% away. Any refugee that came to the UK from another EU country or via an EU country could be immediatly shipped back to that EU country

So yes the UK always had 100% control
LOL I did read the headline before I let you run loose with your bullshit on another thread, because I knew you would be left defending the indefensible, just for the fun of it. Well you asked didn't ya!
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on September 24, 2020, 07:25:07 PMYou  said we were in charge of immigration and our borders, not according to the EU we weren't they were in charge and think they had better change things pronto, but its way past bedtime for them.
Did you just read the head line. The EU is suggest a approach where migrants can be swiftly deported, only letting in the ones that really need help. Secondly any country taking or supportig a country with their refugee issues would be on a voluntary basis.

So far each EU state is in total control

Then the EU is looking for a crisis management system where something like Syria were to happen, don't tell me you would turn you back on that ??

But back in 2016 before the vote, the UK only had to deal with refugees it found on it's doorstep and it culd send 100% away. Any refugee that came to the UK from another EU country or via an EU country could be immediatly shipped back to that EU country

So yes the UK always had 100% control


Quote from: Thomas on September 24, 2020, 04:56:23 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 24, 2020, 04:25:38 PM

Blind leading the frigging blind RobRoy.

i know sheep. What about this one though....

Will Italy leave the EU after coronavirus?

The country's relationship with the bloc has been strained to breaking point by the pandemic

QuoteItalians have been losing faith in the EU since their nation became the front line of the European migrant crisis in 2015, with Eurosceptic parties gaining significant ground in recent elections.

But the final straw for many voters may be the perceived failure by the EU to help Rome at the height of the health crisis, with some commentators claiming that Brussels' response amounted to no less than an "abandonment" of Italy.

QuoteBut despite asking other member states for assistance in providing personal protective equipment (PPE), Italy was met with near-total "silence", according to The Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

The failure of the EU to supply much-needed medical equipment led the government in Rome to seek aid from China. Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio subsequently hailed the arrival of a Chinese plane loaded with medical gear and doctors, "in what appeared to be a pointed rebuke to the EU", according to Politico.

Gerry and all his remainer friends will be feckin shattered if the italians go next.
The EU's response to the pandemic has done little to bolster pro-Brussels sentiments in Italy, whch was already struggling with its identity as part of the EU27. In recent years, the country has seen a surge in support for anti-EU populist parties such as the Five Star Movement and Matteo Salvini's Northern League.

In a survey of 1,000 Italians conducted in April, "42% of respondents said they would leave the EU, up from 26% in November 2018", according to the BBC.


You do find some nonsense, this is a more balanced report. Your link seems to draw on the findings of the Italians re the c19 and EU help & migrants. At least sheepys link showing the EU is tackling the migrant issue as a block will help peoples worriers there. However if Italy was outside the EU they would be fooked as no way they could pass on migrants. Alot of these reports are based on "if the uk does well after brexit" well looking at how it's going the EU is pretty much safe until things change for the UK. maybe in 40 or 50 yrs ?


There are some crumbs of good news for the EU in the Euronews poll data. Asked how they would vote in a referendum on their country's membership of the EU held in the near future, all four countries showed favourable leanings toward staying in the bloc.
Germany registered the highest pro-EU sentiment with 67 per cent, followed by Spain with 63 per cent and France with 47 per cent.
The number of Italians who would vote to stay in the EU for the time being was a significant 43 per cent, compared to 31 per cent who would vote to leave.


Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 07:19:35 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 24, 2020, 04:25:38 PM
Quote from: Thomas on September 24, 2020, 04:20:51 PM
Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 03:14:20 PM

You have to admit it work. If people had looked at the detail spouted by the leave side. About the 350m a week (johnsons lie) or turkey joining the EU, another lie. Maybe controlling your borders when the UK always controlled its borders. Maybe if people had looked at these and more then this crap could have been called out. But people preferred the Jingo's ad the echo chamber. People believed the thousands of lies about the EU and never bothered to scratch the surface. I didn't say people were stupid, you did. You drew that line, it's obvious to me that's what you think. What I said is people looked at the headlines, they weren't bothered to call out the lies.
Again makes no sense you posting this, the Eu proactively working out how to deal with migrants, a system where they either quickly get ent home or accepted and how the EU would deal with a crisis like Syria.  Why point out a really good thing about the EU ?
the fact you still think today this was all about liars attention to detail baffling the gullible , rather than the english didnt want to be part of an eu empire end of  , shows how clueless you realy are four years on.
Blind leading the frigging blind RobRoy.
You  said we were in charge of immigration and our borders, not according to the EU we weren't they were in charge and think they had better change things pronto, but its way past bedtime for them.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 07:19:35 PM

Again makes no sense you posting this, the Eu proactively working out how to deal with migrants, a system where they either quickly get ent home or accepted and how the EU would deal with a crisis like Syria.  Why point out a really good thing about the EU ?

what do you fink gerry?

Italy next?

QuoteWill Italy leave the EU after coronavirus?

The country's relationship with the bloc has been strained to breaking point by the pandemic
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sheepy on September 24, 2020, 04:25:38 PM
Quote from: Thomas on September 24, 2020, 04:20:51 PM
Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 03:14:20 PM

You have to admit it work. If people had looked at the detail spouted by the leave side. About the 350m a week (johnsons lie) or turkey joining the EU, another lie. Maybe controlling your borders when the UK always controlled its borders. Maybe if people had looked at these and more then this crap could have been called out. But people preferred the Jingo's ad the echo chamber. People believed the thousands of lies about the EU and never bothered to scratch the surface. I didn't say people were stupid, you did. You drew that line, it's obvious to me that's what you think. What I said is people looked at the headlines, they weren't bothered to call out the lies.
Again makes no sense you posting this, the Eu proactively working out how to deal with migrants, a system where they either quickly get ent home or accepted and how the EU would deal with a crisis like Syria.  Why point out a really good thing about the EU ?
the fact you still think today this was all about liars attention to detail baffling the gullible , rather than the english didnt want to be part of an eu empire end of  , shows how clueless you realy are four years on.
Blind leading the frigging blind RobRoy.


Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 06:37:12 PM

The fact that you think a vote built on lies where 17m out of 65m people is speaking for ALL the people of the UK.

Two things here. Lies , rightly or wrongly are part of politics , and every referendum and election. There were plenty of well documented lies from labour and conservatives among others in the scot indy ref in 2014 , no one is asking for a re run because of it.

there are plenty of lies by the winners of all uk elections. Tony Blair lied to get elected in 1997 when he said he wouldnt intoduce tuition fees  ,and he introduced them. So brexit is no exception.

Second thing is the numbers. No one is claming 17.4 million people who voted brexit represents 65 million uk residents.

The turnour of 72.2 % was one of the highest ever , and those that voted knew the trules before the vote , and those who didnt vote dont matter. Leave won so get over it.

QuoteThat doesn't mean we ca't look back and see what happened and ask questions, hold people accountable, find out what's actually going on.

whats it got to do with you?

earlier you say

Quotethat's all accepted and I don't have a problem as I don't live in the UK.

It serves no purpose raking over the coals again and again , especially for a so called non uk national to do so.

QuoteI don't think the UK had such a strong conviction to leave.

It voted 52% to leave. Had it had a strong conviction to stay , it would have voted to stay on the day. Get over it.

QuoteI'm sure the vote would have still gone leave.

It would have.

You had a referendum , and numerous elections where we were told people has changed thier minds , or about the mythical silent remain majority that never appeared , and still brexiters won every vote over a four year period up to last december. The fact speak for themselves , and you can't say remain didnt have more than enough opportunity , and the backing of powerfull forces to overturn the vote in that time but it couldnt as england clearly wanted to leave and will do so in 14 weeks.

So stop crying.

QuoteYou do talk some cack Thomas,

Its "cac" gerry , there is no "k " in there , its gaelic , both scottish and irish for "shite" mate. ;)

Quoteyou don't speak for the whole UK,

neither do you , and i never once claimed to. The facts are the facts though , which you can't accept. So i will just keep rubbing your nose in it every day .

Quotebrexit was a build on a bedrock of quicksand and it is starting to sink under it's own weight. History will write what happened and it won't be kind to the UK for this episode in UK history. The cracks of "united" in United-Kingdom are appearing and only time will tell if we are watching the end of the UK


ohhh that is a worry gerry.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 24, 2020, 04:20:51 PMthe fact you still think today this was all about liars attention to detail baffling the gullible , rather than the english didnt want to be part of an eu empire end of  , shows how clueless you realy are four years on.
The fact that you think a vote built on lies where 17m out of 65m people is speaking for ALL the people of the UK. The vote happened, the UK is leaving (has left), that's all accepted and I don't have a problem as I don't live in the UK.

That doesn't mean we ca't look back and see what happened and ask questions, hold people accountable, find out what's actually going on. Echo chambers tend to represent a minority not the majority.

I read somewhere that 3m of the people voting on the day went in not knowing if they would vote leave or remain. I don't think the UK had such a strong conviction to leave.

Just think, if people had been told that staying would mean: Turkey wouldn't be joining, the cost of brexit while we are still in transition would be over 130b, that the red bus should have said the money we pay each yr won't even cover the bills we will have to pay after we leave, we will most likely leave without a deal and we'll piss the USA off so much they won't give us a trade deal either, we plan on threatening to break international law so as to show those johnny foreigners in EU we mean business, we have a 30b bill to pay our dues before we leave, we will have a border in the irish sea and another at kent, we wont have any of the institutions such as eurathom and 30 others setup for when we leave but sure we can fudge something there.
I'm sure the vote would have still gone leave.

You do talk some cack Thomas, you don't speak for the whole UK, brexit was a build on a bedrock of quicksand and it is starting to sink under it's own weight. History will write what happened and it won't be kind to the UK for this episode in UK history. The cracks of "united" in United-Kingdom are appearing and only time will tell if we are watching the end of the UK.


Quote from: Thomas on September 24, 2020, 04:56:23 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 24, 2020, 04:25:38 PM

Blind leading the frigging blind RobRoy.

i know sheep. What about this one though....

Will Italy leave the EU after coronavirus?

The country's relationship with the bloc has been strained to breaking point by the pandemic

QuoteItalians have been losing faith in the EU since their nation became the front line of the European migrant crisis in 2015, with Eurosceptic parties gaining significant ground in recent elections.

But the final straw for many voters may be the perceived failure by the EU to help Rome at the height of the health crisis, with some commentators claiming that Brussels' response amounted to no less than an "abandonment" of Italy.

QuoteBut despite asking other member states for assistance in providing personal protective equipment (PPE), Italy was met with near-total "silence", according to The Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

The failure of the EU to supply much-needed medical equipment led the government in Rome to seek aid from China. Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio subsequently hailed the arrival of a Chinese plane loaded with medical gear and doctors, "in what appeared to be a pointed rebuke to the EU", according to Politico.

Gerry and all his remainer friends will be feckin shattered if the italians go next.
The EU's response to the pandemic has done little to bolster pro-Brussels sentiments in Italy, whch was already struggling with its identity as part of the EU27. In recent years, the country has seen a surge in support for anti-EU populist parties such as the Five Star Movement and Matteo Salvini's Northern League.

In a survey of 1,000 Italians conducted in April, "42% of respondents said they would leave the EU, up from 26% in November 2018", according to the BBC.


Somewhere locked in my memory is the time that Italy was failing economically and the EU put in an EU man to oversee their economy because Italy refused to take the action demanded by the EU. They were beyond annoyed even then.  I can't find a ref and can't remember how long ago it was but it seems a long time.


Quote from: Sheepy on September 24, 2020, 04:25:38 PM

Blind leading the frigging blind RobRoy.

i know sheep. What about this one though....

Will Italy leave the EU after coronavirus?

The country's relationship with the bloc has been strained to breaking point by the pandemic

QuoteItalians have been losing faith in the EU since their nation became the front line of the European migrant crisis in 2015, with Eurosceptic parties gaining significant ground in recent elections.

But the final straw for many voters may be the perceived failure by the EU to help Rome at the height of the health crisis, with some commentators claiming that Brussels' response amounted to no less than an "abandonment" of Italy.

QuoteBut despite asking other member states for assistance in providing personal protective equipment (PPE), Italy was met with near-total "silence", according to The Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

The failure of the EU to supply much-needed medical equipment led the government in Rome to seek aid from China. Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio subsequently hailed the arrival of a Chinese plane loaded with medical gear and doctors, "in what appeared to be a pointed rebuke to the EU", according to Politico.

Gerry and all his remainer friends will be feckin shattered if the italians go next.
The EU's response to the pandemic has done little to bolster pro-Brussels sentiments in Italy, whch was already struggling with its identity as part of the EU27. In recent years, the country has seen a surge in support for anti-EU populist parties such as the Five Star Movement and Matteo Salvini's Northern League.

In a survey of 1,000 Italians conducted in April, "42% of respondents said they would leave the EU, up from 26% in November 2018", according to the BBC.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 24, 2020, 04:20:51 PM
Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 03:14:20 PM

You have to admit it work. If people had looked at the detail spouted by the leave side. About the 350m a week (johnsons lie) or turkey joining the EU, another lie. Maybe controlling your borders when the UK always controlled its borders. Maybe if people had looked at these and more then this crap could have been called out. But people preferred the Jingo's ad the echo chamber. People believed the thousands of lies about the EU and never bothered to scratch the surface. I didn't say people were stupid, you did. You drew that line, it's obvious to me that's what you think. What I said is people looked at the headlines, they weren't bothered to call out the lies.

the fact you still think today this was all about liars attention to detail baffling the gullible , rather than the english didnt want to be part of an eu empire end of  , shows how clueless you realy are four years on.
Blind leading the frigging blind RobRoy.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 03:14:20 PM

You have to admit it work. If people had looked at the detail spouted by the leave side. About the 350m a week (johnsons lie) or turkey joining the EU, another lie. Maybe controlling your borders when the UK always controlled its borders. Maybe if people had looked at these and more then this crap could have been called out. But people preferred the Jingo's ad the echo chamber. People believed the thousands of lies about the EU and never bothered to scratch the surface. I didn't say people were stupid, you did. You drew that line, it's obvious to me that's what you think. What I said is people looked at the headlines, they weren't bothered to call out the lies.

the fact you still think today this was all about liars attention to detail baffling the gullible , rather than the english didnt want to be part of an eu empire end of  , shows how clueless you realy are four years on.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 24, 2020, 02:30:37 PMThis sounds like the same nonsense we have been listening to anglo remainers  for the last four year......you are all too stupid , you didnt know what you were voting for etc etc.

...and what happened?

The public said feck you , im off to vote brexit and brexit supporting parties at every election.

Not very good at this "hearts and minds" thing are you gerry?
You have to admit it work. If people had looked at the detail spouted by the leave side. About the 350m a week (johnsons lie) or turkey joining the EU, another lie. Maybe controlling your borders when the UK always controlled its borders. Maybe if people had looked at these and more then this crap could have been called out. But people preferred the Jingo's ad the echo chamber. People believed the thousands of lies about the EU and never bothered to scratch the surface. I didn't say people were stupid, you did. You drew that line, it's obvious to me that's what you think. What I said is people looked at the headlines, they weren't bothered to call out the lies.


Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 02:21:13 PM

All invented so mindless people didn't actually think about what Brexit was.

All totally meaningless

This sounds like the same nonsense we have been listening to anglo remainers  for the last four year......you are all too stupid , you didnt know what you were voting for etc etc.

...and what happened?

The public said feck you , im off to vote brexit and brexit supporting parties at every election.

Not very good at this "hearts and minds" thing are you gerry?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on September 24, 2020, 02:17:49 PMWe are doomed I tell you! Doomed!

I would just like to say that although Gerry is about as Irish as a bottle of Nigerian Guinness, I will do my best to starve to death in the New Year. It will mean so much to him and to be honest, I could do with losing a few pounds.
:) Thanks Borky. You can have some seaweed just to make it more authentic.