Councils given five minutes’ notice of local lockdown confirmation

Started by Dynamis, October 03, 2020, 06:45:54 AM

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Borg Refinery

 :P ..Just 12 more pages of Stomas winding up the gnome to go folks.

Having skim read it, he is bumming the gnome and wondered why his bellend turned blue, so asked for advice from the doctor on the most prudent course of action.   :D


Quote from: papasmurf on October 03, 2020, 04:51:13 PM
I am NOT a Tory, stop lying about me.

it was good conservative advice you were giving borkie , you cant fool me pappy.

...and i fully admire your entreprenurial spirit selling off council flats and making a mint a the helpless taxpayers expense.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on October 03, 2020, 04:49:06 PM

I was merely bumming you up to borkie about how you old tories know all the dodges and wheezes. FFS can't i give you a wee compliment now and again?

I am NOT a Tory, stop lying about me.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on October 03, 2020, 04:45:52 PM
Thomas I usually have you on ignore because all you can do is harass and ridicule people I have never seen you contribute anything worthwhile to debate.
Frankly you are a waste of oxygen.
A pathetic waste of time.

As deppity dawg said to you on another thread you dont do irony do youi?

I was merely bumming you up to borkie about how you old tories know all the dodges and wheezes. FFS cant i give you a wee compliment now and again?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on October 03, 2020, 04:42:33 PM
its alright pappy  i know and you know you are scared shitless. Dont worry about it , you are doing the right thing isolating and hiding in your bedroom.

You are happy  ,and the local residents are even more happier you are isolating.

Thomas I usually have you on ignore because all you can do is harass and ridicule people I have never seen you contribute anything worthwhile to debate.
Frankly you are a waste of oxygen.
A pathetic waste of time.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on October 03, 2020, 04:28:45 PM
Go and piss up a rope.  I am NOT hysterically scared of anything. Quite the opposite in fact.

its alright pappy  i know and you know you are scared shitless. Dont worry about it , you are doing the right thing isolating and hiding in your bedroom.

You are happy  ,and the local residents are even more happier you are isolating.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts on October 03, 2020, 04:13:08 PM
I am not questioning the inevitable spread, that goes without saying. The images transmitted worldwide of medical staff in different parts of the world up to their necks in incurable cases and the dearth of preparation evident in this country demanded that we eventually took action. Some areas even then were up to their necks.

I completely understand this toots , and this is part of what i am saying.

There seems to be a misunderstanding of the purpose of these measures against the virus. They arent to cure us of the virus , or make it dissappear as smurf and many others seem to think .These measures are designed to SLOW the spread of the virus , not eliminate it , so that it slowly spreads around every human being rather than spreading as a massive rate and the bodies piling up overwhelming the nhs as you point out.

The government know the bodies are going to pile up , they just want it to do so at an extremely slow rate so as not to alarm the popualtion or overwhelm the hospitals.

People like smurf appear to believe these measures are designed to make the virus dissappear.
However in all the gung ho, we don't care attitude that understandably pervades a lot of society for whatever reason

What gung ho dont care attitude? Sorry toots i dont agree ,this is mere newspaper hysteria .

For the most part people do care and have great attitudes , with the possible exception of a tiny minority as you would expect.

Quotethe situation still exists that not all the older, frail with underlying health problems have been killed off yet.

I dont want any old folk anywhere ( or any age group) killed off for whatever reason .

However , society still has to function  , and what is best for the majority rather than a minority can be the only way to operate. As deppity dawg , barry and many others have said , we are have reached the point where the cure is worse than the disease.

I was in the pub last night , and increasingly the staff are telling me they are being subject to more and more abuse weekly as restrictions are re applied or new one s come in.

An older couple in their early sixties , half pissed , were telling me and my wife that the spread is all the fault of the young folk ( surprise surprise as they stood next to me not socially distancing until the barmaid told them not to congregate.)

No one wants anyone killed off , but we have to do whats best for society as a whole  , not one part of it. This is the difficult choices politicians have to make.

QuoteAdd to that the fact that medics etc still do not know what long term health concerns in now young people are going to have to be paid for in the decades to come.

What long terms effects?

Sure i have read as you have the latest scaremongering. Remember back in march , the "kawasaki disease " was going to wipe out every child in the uk?

The whole of this covid 19 pandemic has been shrouded in hysteria of whats ifs and maybes.

I dont want my children or anyone being subject to any long term effects , but this has to be balanced against them living their lives , and mental health. Im more worried about the real here and now known effects rather than the latest media hysteria .

Life is a balancing act at all times.

QuoteIt seems to me purely logical that we still attempt to keep infections simmering across the population rather than sending them to boiling point simply because we can.

sure within reason , but not at any cost. Not at the cost of freedoms , wellbeing , jobs and businesses.

I have spent the last 8 months worrying far more about my business surviving than i have given a moments thought to this virus. I have had sleepless nights worry over it .

Everyone is in a different position .

QuoteFinally someone is going to cop it if/when deaths rise to the point that suddenly people want to know. I don't envy the person who gets that blame, because blame there will undoubtedly be.

The blame game is happeneing just now , and its being played every day and has been from day one.

Its human nature.

Im no tory , and have never voted for the tories in my life , but i have often pointed out i feel sympathy with johnson and any politician dealing with this virus as its a no win situation.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on October 03, 2020, 03:43:42 PM

People like pappysmurf are just hysterically scared and looking for someone  to blame. The chinese. Youngsters at raves , anyone.

Go and piss up a rope.  I am NOT hysterically scared of anything. Quite the opposite in fact.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Thomas on October 03, 2020, 03:43:42 PM
People are using their common sense , and ncreasingly questioning this whole covid farce.

The idea that this virus is spreading by those flaunting and breaking rules is a myth toots. Spread by hysterics like smurf.

We were all told right away back at the beginning of the lockdown this virus may not be going anywhere.........and that even if we all obey the rules and follow every guidline , its still going tospread one way or the other around every human being on this planet till eventually we  build up immunity .

People like pappysmurf are just hysterically scared and looking for someone  to blame. The chinese. Youngsters at raves , anyone.

The fact of the matter is these pandemics seem to appear every so often in history , and in the past , have been far far worse and had a greater impact on the human race than this current virus.

The simple fact of the matter is this virus isnt going away , and no amount of lockdowns or social distancing face mask wearing is going to change this.

I fully agree with barry. We arent often in agreement on many political issues , but we are on this issue of coronavirus.

Boris johnson or nicola sturgeon can't save any of us. They are human beings , and mere politicians , not the givers of the elixir of everlasting life  however much we would all wish them to be.

Legal measures wont change jack shit in my opinion.

Im carrying on as normal , as are my family.

I am not questioning the inevitable spread, that goes without saying. The images transmitted worldwide of medical staff in different parts of the world up to their necks in incurable cases and the dearth of preparation evident in this country demanded that we eventually took action. Some areas even then were up to their necks. Have you forgotten the Thursday applause for the NHS? That didn't come from no-where. We all realise that a cure as such is as far away as ever and that we are all expected to get it at some point.

However in all the gung ho, we don't care attitude that understandably pervades a lot of society for whatever reason, the situation still exists that not all the older, frail with underlying health problems have been killed off yet. Some of us are still hanging on. Add to that the fact that medics etc still do not know what long term health concerns in now young people are going to have to be paid for in the decades to come.

It seems to me purely logical that we still attempt to keep infections simmering across the population rather than sending them to boiling point simply because we can.  If we can just keep it simmering then there is a chance to help the economy survive. It's just a case of common sense and attempting to understand the reasoning. It isn't rocket science.

Finally someone is going to cop it if/when deaths rise to the point that suddenly people want to know. I don't envy the person who gets that blame, because blame there will undoubtedly be.


Quote from: T00ts on October 03, 2020, 02:51:24 PM
If only people would there would be no need for all the legal measures. BJ gave us the chance - we failed.

People are using their common sense , and ncreasingly questioning this whole covid farce.

The idea that this virus is spreading by those flaunting and breaking rules is a myth toots. Spread by hysterics like smurf.

We were all told right away back at the beginning of the lockdown this virus may not be going anywhere.........and that even if we all obey the rules and follow every guidline , its still going tospread one way or the other around every human being on this planet till eventually we  build up immunity .

People like pappysmurf are just hysterically scared and looking for someone  to blame. The chinese. Youngsters at raves , anyone.

The fact of the matter is these pandemics seem to appear every so often in history , and in the past , have been far far worse and had a greater impact on the human race than this current virus.

The simple fact of the matter is this virus isnt going away , and no amount of lockdowns or social distancing face mask wearing is going to change this.

I fully agree with barry. We arent often in agreement on many political issues , but we are on this issue of coronavirus.

Boris johnson or nicola sturgeon cant save any of us. They are human beings , and mere politicians , not the givers of the elixir of everlasting life  however much we would all wish them to be.

Legal measures wont change jack shit in my opinion.

Im carrying on as normal , as are my family.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Barry on October 03, 2020, 02:30:03 PM

As Boris says, let's use our common sense.

That assumes the Covid-19 rule breakers have any common sense.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Borg Refinery

Quote from: T00ts on October 03, 2020, 02:51:24 PM
If only people would there would be no need for all the legal measures. BJ gave us the chance - we failed.

It is true, lots of folks having parties on the beach here and such, incl my flatmate, great as he is and a nice guy but so oblivious.

Yet, Hastings has the lowest rates in the country, almost no one wears masks.

The spreading is the problem, plus no one in their right mind would come to Hastings except confused Japanese tourists, and the foreign exchange students plus the occasional livestock.  :D


Quote from: Barry on October 03, 2020, 02:30:03 PM
If all these VIP's can't avoid the virus, how do they expect us to, let alone councils at a local level?
The measures are not working are they? - so get everyone back to work and stop all the legal measures to try to control an invisible strand of RNA.
As Boris says, let's use our common sense.

If only people would there would be no need for all the legal measures. BJ gave us the chance - we failed.


If all these VIP's can't avoid the virus, how do they expect us to, let alone councils at a local level?
The measures are not working are they? - so get everyone back to work and stop all the legal measures to try to control an invisible strand of RNA.
As Boris says, let's use our common sense.
† The end is nigh †