latest snowflake outrage

Started by Thomas, January 31, 2021, 10:02:07 AM

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Quote from: srb7677 on January 31, 2021, 02:15:45 PM
My issue is not so much identity politics but am obsessive focus upon it to the detriment of all else. I think it has a legitimate role as part of a much bigger picture, but in recent decades in the Labour party social and economic inequalities have been largely forgotten by a centrist bunch of Blairites focussing their progressivism entirely on identity politics and largely ignoring or underplaying economic inequalities.

This latter has caused rather more haemorrhaging of support which the party under Corbyn tried to address. But the establishment - including the Labour right - were having none of it and made sure it could never happen.

Some of us want to address the economic inequalities and economic concerns of the poor and the working classes. We are genuine about that. But for some strange reason the fact that we want to do this reinforces the contempt of those who already hate us. On some level they seem more comfortable with a party that only waffles about identity politics, it's what they feel comfortable hating. Heaven forbid we try and help them improve their lives. To make things better for the struggling and economically oppressed millions. OMG how terrible that would be. How extremist. What a bunch of trots. Lol

Oh do feck off. This is about someone complaining that people who can't pronounce her name are being "malicious". Its nothing but victim playing.


Quote from: srb7677 on January 31, 2021, 02:39:10 PM
Even UKIP which had the active backing of much of the Tory media, only ever got 1 MP. Just one. And that only by way of defection

When we first joined these forums circa 2009/10 , ukip support was in a minority of two ( greg lance watkins and streetwalker) and they were regarded as a joke party.

5 years later , they gained millions in support , forced the tories into a referendum on europe , and had cameron shitting himself in terror.

All in the space of five years.

While you say they had some support in the media , which is true , the establishment was fully against them at every turn , yet in such a small space of time , they managed to create an earthquake in uk politics , yet for some reason , you dont have the courage of your convictions to believe the english left could somehow produce party that could do the same?

It s cowardice, laziness, and lack of belief pure and simple , so you carry on doing the same thing over and over but hoping for a better result.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteYewande Biala, from Love Island 2019, says having her name mispronounced feels "malicious".

When I was at school the senior navigation master would point in my direction and say, "Hey you, Mr Farty Pants"

It did not bother me. Indeed, my teenage ability to break wind at any time or place earned me a certain level of street cred among my friends.

I read an article recently by an old school who had managed to not merely maintain his teenage angst for the last 60 years, but transform it into what appears to be a nice little earner. It is mostly the same stuff about the emotional and physical abuse he suffered at school and indeed, most everywhere else. Actually, as I recall we found him to be the sort of sniveling little git who seemed to be begging to have his head stuck down the toilet, but I don't like to break his rice bowl so will say no more.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: srb7677 on January 31, 2021, 02:39:10 PM
Were it not for FPTP some of us would already be doing that. But the left stands no chance under FPTP in the face of a toxic media. No new party stands a chance until or unless we get PR.

SNP and their success over the last 14 years says this is bollocks steve .

Told you that before . Are you claiming the english people , alone of the people in the developed world  , are incapable of forming a new party which could rise to challenge the conservatives ?

Sorry this is puerile nonsense , aimed merely to justify engaging in the same tired old two party race that has failed you time and again.

You have been telling me for years hopw much you despise blairites like starmer , but at every opportunity just cant bring yourself to do something different , trotting out the same tired old excuses time and again to justify the status quo of supporting labour , a party who by your own admission time and again are unrecognisible.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on January 31, 2021, 02:19:40 PM
Tbh Steve I think labour has become a toxic brand,to do want you want would need a new party.....just my opinion.
Were it not for FPTP some of us would already be doing that. But the left stands no chance under FPTP in the face of a toxic media. No new party stands a chance until or unless we get PR. Even UKIP which had the active backing of much of the Tory media, only ever got 1 MP. Just one. And that only by way of defection

The Tories have been a Toxic brand in the past. Remember the days before Cameron? From the ERM fiasco of 1992 right up to Cameron's accession as leader in 2005, the Tories were toxic. Some struggled to see how they'd ever get elected again. But times change. People move on. Any apparent toxicity is not set in stone. It just takes the right leader with the right agenda. Am personally not at all sure that Starmer is it, but I remain in the party so I can vote when it matters. Starmer will not be leader forever.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on January 31, 2021, 02:15:45 PM
My issue is not so much identity politics but am obsessive focus upon it to the detriment of all else. I think it has a legitimate role as part of a much bigger picture, but in recent decades in the Labour party social and economic inequalities have been largely forgotten by a centrist bunch of Blairites focussing their progressivism entirely on identity politics and largely ignoring or underplaying economic inequalities.

This latter has caused rather more haemorrhaging of support which the party under Corbyn tried to address. But the establishment - including the Labour right - were having none of it and made sure it could never happen.

Some of us want to address the economic inequalities and economic concerns of the poor and the working classes. We are genuine about that. But for some strange reason the fact that we want to do this reinforces the contempt of those who already hate us. On some level they seem more comfortable with a party that only waffles about identity politics, it's what they feel comfortable hating. Heaven forbid we try and help them improve their lives. To make things better for the struggling and economically oppressed millions. OMG how terrible that would be.

first time i have seen you mention the blairites negatively in quite a while , so i guess my earlier criticism of your silent support for them is hitting home now steve?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on January 31, 2021, 02:15:45 PM
My issue is not so much identity politics but am obsessive focus upon it to the detriment of all else. I think it has a legitimate role as part of a much bigger picture, but in recent decades in the Labour party social and economic inequalities have been largely forgotten by a centrist bunch of Blairites focussing their progressivism entirely on identity politics and largely ignoring or underplaying economic inequalities.

This latter has caused rather more haemorrhaging of support which the party under Corbyn tried to address. But the establishment - including the Labour right - were having none of it and made sure it could never happen.

Some of us want to address the economic inequalities and economic concerns of the poor and the working classes. We are genuine about that. But for some strange reason the fact that we want to do this reinforces the contempt of those who already hate us. On some level they seem more comfortable with a party that only waffles about identity politics, it's what they feel comfortable hating. Heaven forbid we try and help them improve their lives. To make things better for the struggling and economically oppressed millions. OMG how terrible that would be.
Tbh Steve I think labour has become a toxic brand,to do want you want would need a new party.....just my opinion. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: DeppityDawg on January 31, 2021, 11:48:43 AM
And this is why the liberal lefts embrace of identity politics has hemorrhaged their support.
My issue is not so much identity politics but am obsessive focus upon it to the detriment of all else. I think it has a legitimate role as part of a much bigger picture, but in recent decades in the Labour party social and economic inequalities have been largely forgotten by a centrist bunch of Blairites focussing their progressivism entirely on identity politics and largely ignoring or underplaying economic inequalities.

This latter has caused rather more haemorrhaging of support which the party under Corbyn tried to address. But the establishment - including the Labour right - were having none of it and made sure it could never happen.

Some of us want to address the economic inequalities and economic concerns of the poor and the working classes. We are genuine about that. But for some strange reason the fact that we want to do this reinforces the contempt of those who already hate us. On some level they seem more comfortable with a party that only waffles about identity politics, it's what they feel comfortable hating. Heaven forbid we try and help them improve their lives. To make things better for the struggling and economically oppressed millions. OMG how terrible that would be. How extremist. What a bunch of trots. Lol
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


And this is why the liberal lefts embrace of identity politics has hemorrhaged their support. Sick of fecking ****heads like this unloading their pathetic rubbish.

Yewande Biala. For feck sake, grow up


I guess we can see for ourselves which side uses emotionally charged politics as a weapon of mass destruction. There will be some more denial and deflection coming for sure.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: srb7677 on January 31, 2021, 10:13:30 AM
Well if you lot on the wrong side of Offa's Dyke insist upon using a language that employs 30 unpronounceable letters where 6 would do, you invoke a degree of sympathy for the T@@@ in Starbucks, lol.

Cue Thomas not understanding the humour.

As ever steve rows back and edits his post when his hypocrisy is flagged up as normal.

If john of gwent had made a comment like this regarding a north african migrant to the uk , imgine steve uproar and screams of racism?

As ever prejudice is selective among labours lefties.......the welsh , jocks and anyone else undesireable like the jews are all fair game , but let anyone say a wee "joke " in humour about a black person and all hell breaks loose.

Edit to add # i thought you had me on ignore steve? :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on January 31, 2021, 10:13:30 AM
Well if you lot on the wrong side of Offa's Dyke insist upon using a language that employs 30 unpronounceable letters where 6 would do, you invoke a degree of sympathy for the T@@@ in Starbucks, lol.

Cue Thomas not understanding the humour.

Were this an establishment within sight of of the London Eye I would agree.

But this was in fucking Dollgellau .....
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: johnofgwent on January 31, 2021, 10:09:40 AM
Well Boo Boo

Do you have ANY idea the number of ways people mispronounced the descendents of Henry De Veysey ?  I've had no end of it. Do I give a stuff ? No. But I did once react badly to a teacher thinking my middle name was Frederick.

I mean COME ON "we had to welease fwederwick" it has a whole new level of wrongness ...

Oh and I suppose the T@@@ in Starbucks labelling my cup "Ian" because he couldn't spell Iauan ap Barbara Merch Efan Ap Dafydd .........

i prefer those well know welsh names like Neva bin Behindbars , Mohammed Hasabigun  , or newports most common , Ramatunga Downathroata. :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on January 31, 2021, 10:13:30 AM
Well if you lot on the wrong side of Offa's Dyke insist upon using a language that employs 30 unpronounceable letters where 6 would do, you invoke a degree of sympathy for the T@@@ in Starbucks, lol

well thats rather racist of you steve isnt it?

Whats wrong with the welsh?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: johnofgwent on January 31, 2021, 10:09:40 AM
That plus the T@@@ in Starbucks labelling my cup "Ian" because he couldn't spell Iauan ap Barbara Merch Efan Ap Dafydd .........
Well if you lot on the wrong side of Offa's Dyke insist upon using a language that employs 30 unpronounceable letters where 6 would do, you invoke a degree of sympathy for the T@@@ in Starbucks, lol.

Cue Thomas not understanding the humour.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.