The New Cold War with China

Started by Sampanviking, February 09, 2021, 12:30:37 PM

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Quote from: patman post on February 09, 2021, 02:06:12 PM
The "Cultural Revolution" estimates of Chinese killed range from hundreds of thousands to 20 million, and the Tiananmen Sq. massacre of up to 10,000 people.

There's also a report of thousands of "prisoners of conscience" killed and their organs harvested for transplant procedures. Not a place where life is respected...

You taking the piss Pat? Whataboutism mixed with Falun Gong BS. (Big Trump fans Falun Gong, that call Biden "Beijing Biden")
Did China ever sail to Africa to knock your relatives over the head and cart them off in Chains? No
As for respect for life today. less than 5000 Covid Deaths in a country of 1.4 Billion while little UK has nearly 120,000.
What next - No Freedom in China? Hell of a lot more there at the moment than here you pillock!


Quote from: cromwell on February 09, 2021, 01:49:09 PM
Well I'll start off by saying the predictable,I don't hate the chinese people.......Why would I?

Also I don't believe the west is whiter than white,however Samps if you think I will swallow that China as represented by its govt is misunderstood and aren't in the business of repressing dissent both internally and externally then you're having a laugh,the only thing afaik is they haven't got round to poisoning those externally a la Putin.

You are simply missing the point Cromwell. China is a different civilsation and plays by its and very different rules. It works well for them. China is an Authoritarian place, always has been and its society is also authoritarian by nature, always has been. You don't have to like it, just appreciate that is the just the way it is. China describes its politics as "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics" the fact is is that there are probably more Chinese characteristics than Socialism.
There is not the sense of Individualism or entitlement that exists in the West, instead there is a much higher acceptance of society and need to be integrated within it. Part of this is to expect, accept and respect Authority. Simple as that.
The idea though that nobody has rights or freedoms is utterly risable. They are there, structured differently, working differently, but there. The argument that they do not have ours, therefore they have none at all is simply a lie.
You can walk the backstreets of a Chinese City late at night without fear for your life, that's a pretty good freedom. You can do to city centers that have no homeless sleeping in front of the shops or kids vandalising parks and other public spaces. These are pretty good freedoms appreciated by many; especially women, especially the elderly.
The Chinese have been managing huge populations in large cities for a long time. The fact that their cities are nothing like the sprawling slum cities in India, Africa or South America is something that should not be ignored.
The big lie in the West is that they are going to come and take your rights and freedoms away. Its total BS, China has been around for thousands of years and for most of that time, as world power no:1, as it returning to now. If China had ever an interest in coming to take us, they would have reached us over a thousand years ago.

patman post

Quote from: cromwell on February 09, 2021, 01:49:09 PM
.... the only thing afaik is they haven't got round to poisoning those externally a la Putin.
The "Cultural Revolution" estimates of Chinese killed range from hundreds of thousands to 20 million, and the Tiananmen Sq. massacre of up to 10,000 people.

There's also a report of thousands of "prisoners of conscience" killed and their organs harvested for transplant procedures. Not a place where life is respected...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Well I'll start off by saying the predictable,I don't hate the chinese people.......Why would I?

Also I don't believe the west is whiter than white,however Samps if you think I will swallow that China as represented by its govt is misunderstood and aren't in the business of repressing dissent both internally and externally then you're having a laugh,the only thing afaik is they haven't got round to poisoning those externally a la Putin. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Universal Values and "I don't hate the Chinese people, I only hate the Communist Government"

A new evil empire is rising in the East, a vast powerful Communist state is rising up and trying to overturn the established world order, it disrespects Global Rules and Universal Values, it oppresses and abuses its own people at home and; through increase international assertiveness and aggression, seeks to do the same to all others abroad, which, if allowed to continue unfettered will eventually include the nations of the West.
We are therefore obligated to face this new existential crisis to "our way of life" and no opportunity or cost can be ignored to challenge and constrain it and coerce it to accept and abide by the Global rule of law and Globally accepted, Universal values.

This is pretty much the message now being put out 24/7 by Western Governments and its tame Corporate and State Owned Media.
The question is of course, How true is it?

My response is that it is a new great lie, a new project fear, designed purely to protect the Interests, Hegemony and the pockets of the elites in the west. It is complex, it is multifaceted and is represented by a decades of distortion and misinformation accruing in layer after layer to obscure the truth.

So why should anyone believe me? What the hell do I know?
Fair questions. The short answer is that the days when our leaders could peddle any story they liked about unfamiliar people in distant lands are long gone. I myself have experience of China and Chinese society and there are many thousands from around the world that live in China and have done for many years. A number are now on line video blogging (Citizen Journalists?) calling out and debunking what the Western Media pumps out and what they see and experience is in tune with my own experiences.

The fact that many of these people are being targeted and deligitimised by western media, tells a story by itself, that the West is afraid of a credible counter narrative and is seeking to deplatform it.
There are many untruths to unpick, untruths about Governance, untruths about situations and locations, untruths about intentions etc, etc. In order however, to really understand any of them, the biggest untruth of all needs to be unpicked; the untruth of Universal Values and its extension to "The Chinese Communist Government."
In a nutshell, there are no Universal values, there are only Western values that the west has; as the victors of WW2, been looking to force on everybody else, whether they wanted them or not. Now whether you believe that the Ideological Crusade is real or simply a useful Casus Belli to invade countries and steal their natural resources is not itself relevant. It is the mythology itself that matters not the Tactics/Strategy through which it is expressed.

So here is the basic truth. Our political systems and our values are based on our Judeo Christian History and Culture, with a large pinch of our pagan history and culture put into the pot. These are our values, they are Western Values and they reflect us and where we have come from.

China is different, it has a Confucian state, based on its own History and Culture, it has Confucian values which reflect them and where they have come from. This includes is current government. China may be ruled by a titular Communist party, but it operates a Chinese Government, firmly and deeply rooted in its people history and tradition, albeit in a modern and contemporary form.

IChina and the Chinese people have no more intention or desire to adopt alien Western values or systems, than we in the West have to adopt alien Eastern Values or systems.
The deliberate obscuring and misrepresentation of these basic facts, are the foundations of all that the new Project Fear/Cold War is all about.

Once again, why should you believe me?
Well listen to the words of insiders from both Western Media and Politics, who tell it like it is.
The lecture segment for Col Lawrence Wilkerson, the ex Chief of Staff for Colin Powell is particularly revealing

Finally a propaganda piece on the US from North Korean TV. Yes its laughable, but it pretty much how I regard most MSM output on China