What is the point of Keir Starmer? After a year, we still don't know

Started by Thomas, April 04, 2021, 07:47:31 PM

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QuoteSir Keir Starmer was on Monday ordered to leave a pub in Bath by its landlord, after he accused the Labour leader of "failing this country" over his support for lockdown restrictions.

In a tense exchange while on a visit to the city, the Labour leader was confronted by landlord Rod Humphris, who said he was "truthfully incandescent" over the party's alleged failure to "ask the real questions".

After speaking in the street, Sir Keir attempted to enter Mr Humphris's pub, prompting the landlord to try to enter and ask him to leave.

He was held back by a man, believed to be one of Sir Keir's security personnel, who he accused of "assault", before shouting: "You are not allowed in my pub. That man is not allowed in my pub. Get out of my pub."

The row came after Mr Humphris asked Sir Keir if he knew what the average age of death was from Covid-19, before claiming it was 82 years and three months. He added that the average was normally 81 years.

He added: "Do you understand that we have f----- our economy, because old people are dying?"
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Good old on April 07, 2021, 02:29:15 PM

Outside of attacking the government over their handling of COVID, which would almost certainly prove toxic, there has been little that could be opposed in what has been an emergency situation.
Only when the government become fully exposed in the next three years, on the economical fallout, of not just COVID but the effects of Brexit, and all things going forward , will there be any concerted effort by Starmer &. Co to highlight the failings of the Tories, that will be the time for exposing their own policy alternatives.And three years is  plenty of time, public opinion can swing many percentage points in a matter of weeks , if things are not going to well for a government in power. It's not likely Labour can take the Tories out on their own, but there is every chance any Tory majority can be severely trampled on.

Sorry i dont agree with you good old.

Starmer has held a prominent position within the labour party for a number of years  , and has been the leader for over a year now. He was also as you know a prominent  westminster remainer attempting to thwart brexit  , and has been a failure in evey position he has held within and without politics.

You keep kicking the can down the road and telling us starmer will come into his own  , just be patient , but while your blind party loyalty is admirable in a sense , even the most rabid labour cult follwer is starting to grumble at his leadership.

Its all very much reminiscent of the tory party loyalists who stood by theresa may to the bitter end when everyon else could see what a dud she was.

No need to go back over time and again the open goals starmer has missed , nor mention his brexit baggage or monotone cowardly delivery and abstention which puts off joe public.

The recent visit to the homophobic church in london was nothing sort of complete  political suicide , and you have to wonder how starmer and his advisors had thought this was a good idea when labour made political capital out of theresa mays visit a number of years earlier.

So all in all the excuses are wearing thin now. There wont be jam tomorrow for starmer , he is a dud.

In the upcoming national elections and the local/by election in england , starmer has everything to lose and little to gain. Labour are under sever pressure in wales from what i read , and the repugnant anas sarwar , who as we all know loves stealing the breed out of the poors mooths :D , is highly unlikely to revive labours fortunes here.

In england though  , is where starmer will face his biggest test. If he does badly during the local elections , and loses hartlepool , which even wurzel managed to keep , then he is in big trouble if not toast.

Labour seem to have this big big problem of struggling to come up with decent leaders and new ideas , while always looking backward. Starmer is in the category , an out of touch out of date blairite looking to win elections in the 2020`s using politics 25 years out of date.

You are flogging a dead haorse and i think you know it.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Outside of attacking the government over their handling of COVID, which would almost certainly prove toxic, there has been little that could be opposed in what has been an emergency situation.
Only when the government become fully exposed in the next three years, on the economical fallout, of not just COVID but the effects of Brexit, and all things going forward , will there be any concerted effort by Starmer &. Co to highlight the failings of the Tories, that will be the time for exposing their own policy alternatives.And three years is  plenty of time, public opinion can swing many percentage points in a matter of weeks , if things are not going to well for a government in power. It's not likely Labour can take the Tories out on their own, but there is every chance any Tory majority can be severely trampled on.


Quote from: Barry on April 07, 2021, 11:37:31 AM
And he doesn't oppose anything. The biggest protest of his party is to abstain, so as much use as a wet lettuce.
If they had decent alternative policies to show, there might be some point. They don't, they seem lost.

True, but then he seems to be trying to represent half a dozen parties. On the one hand he has Steve who wants a fair day's pay and a whippet in every working man's pot on Sunday. Then there are the middle class metropolitan socialists who want East European skivvies for all. And then there are the Bengalis of Tower Hamlets who want to nationalise schul burning.

And to make matters worse, if Starmer ever did decide to pack it in, the next bloke to takeover his job would be poor Saddo Khan

I reckon that Boris is a pretty shrewd operator, but he does not really need to be in view of the state of the opposition  :) :)
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Sampanviking on April 07, 2021, 12:20:47 AM
I have listened to Starmer a few times since he became leader.
Conclusion - Boring Voice, No Charisma, no Presence, zero power of oratory and he doesn't seem to really stand for anything other than being a yes man to the establishment and his other paymasters.
And he doesn't oppose anything. The biggest protest of his party is to abstain, so as much use as a wet lettuce.
If they had decent alternative policies to show, there might be some point. They don't, they seem lost.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Thomas on April 07, 2021, 08:36:10 AM
I think in hartlepool labour may just squeak it , but i hope im wrong.

Could happen.

That poll was based on a sample of 500, which gives an error of plus or minus about 4%. Plus, the findings appeared in the London Evening Standard which always gets its political forecasts wrong.

So Sir Keir might be in with a chance
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Thomas on April 06, 2021, 09:24:35 AM


Had a laugh on twitter when some geordie said thats what annoys him most about labour politicians....they seen incredibly cheap to buy. ;D

Anyway , i remember forum member good old telling me starmers policy of sitting on the fence , do nothing  , and let the tories hang themsleves and labour will walk into power seems to be going well...

All i ever hear is people saying what are labours policies? What do starmers labour stand for?

Going well good old  , tacitcal nous of labour and starmer is astounding. :D ;D ;)

To be fair, that usually works. Sooner or later the party in power cocks up and the opposition, be it so arse numblingly dull, takes over.

But that does not seem to be happening. The Sunday Times, which really does not like Boris, ran an article on what it referred to as The Johnson Bouncability, which suggested that if the Blond Moppet fell into a barrel of horseshit,  he might not come out smelling of roses, but he would at least use it to gain the votes of the nations allotment holders.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: johnofgwent on April 07, 2021, 08:11:17 AM
Apparently a Survation poll says Boris has a single figure lead over him in Hartlepool, which seems to have settled back down down to a two horse race from 2019's 26% shift (mainly from Labour) to the Brexit Party, but the punters are not going back to the 2017 levels.

I might stay up to listen to the result. It will be good to see Little Owen cry another flood of tears...

I think in hartlepool labour may just squeak it , but i hope im wrong.

I would imagine with the prosepct of them losing a seat that they have held for 60 years , starmer might go into panic mode and throw everything including the kitchen sink at it , and squeak it in the end.

If not , as peterborough showed , there is always the postal vote to fall back on...
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: johnofgwent on April 06, 2021, 10:32:51 PM

Rumour has it the First Minister will lose his seat...

One can but hope.

Fingers crossed john. Miracles can and do happen  , as what happened to labour in scotland.

There is only so many times you can listen to labour squealing about the poor and nhs while doing feck all but mismanagement and corruption when in power before even the most placcid voter gets the hump with them.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Apparently a Survation poll says Boris has a single figure lead over him in Hartlepool, which seems to have settled back down down to a two horse race from 2019's 26% shift (mainly from Labour) to the Brexit Party, but the punters are not going back to the 2017 levels.

I might stay up to listen to the result. It will be good to see Little Owen cry another flood of tears...
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


I have listened to Starmer a few times since he became leader.
Conclusion - Boring Voice, No Charisma, no Presence, zero power of oratory and he doesn't seem to really stand for anything other than being a yes man to the establishment and his other paymasters.


Quote from: Thomas on April 05, 2021, 09:22:13 AM
Not really john , the longer sir keir stays in power , the happier im becoming.

Whatever it is you think the times of israel etc are doing , im pretty chuffed at the state they have labour in.

Well, mainly, they seem to think the point of Kier Starmer is that Labour once again have a leader that is a Friend of Israel.

I see your point mind, Starmer, like his predecessor, is a gift to the Tories. Not as great a gift, but from the polls, still a gift.

Of course, in my neck of the woods, all eyes are on seeing if the opinion polls for May are anything like the truth.

Rumour has it the First Minister will lose his seat...

One can but hope.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Thomas on April 06, 2021, 09:24:35 AM

Had a laugh on twitter when some geordie said thats what annoys him most about labour politicians....they seen incredibly cheap to buy. ;D


I quite liked David Blunkett and if he had set his girlfriend up in a flat somewhere and put it on expenses, I doubt that many of us would have gotten overly excited. But when tried to buy his way into her affections with a government travel warrant, it was hard not to see him as one cheap sod.
Algerie Francais !



QuoteLabour Hartlepool by-election candidate said Saudi Arabia was 'modern and progressive' after going on £8,700 trip paid for by regime

Paul Williams also said murder of Jamal Khashoggi 'doesn't change the fact that I met progressive people' on state-arranged trip


Had a laugh on twitter when some geordie said thats what annoys him most about labour politicians....they seen incredibly cheap to buy. ;D

Anyway , i remember forum member good old telling me starmers policy of sitting on the fence , do nothing  , and let the tories hang themsleves and labour will walk into power seems to be going well...

Labour is on course to lose a Red Wall seat in a byelection. One of the factors will be uncertainty about what it stands for given the decision to move away from popular policies, considered "too left wing" by the leadership. Another will be the legacy of the People's Vote policy

All i ever hear is people saying what are labours policies? What do starmers labour stand for?

Going well good old  , tacitcal nous of labour and starmer is astounding. :D ;D ;)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: DeppityDawg on April 06, 2021, 08:54:25 AM
Looks like labour is on the verge of losing Hartlepool on Thursday

It's been a labour seat for 60 years.

Hope so deppity , been reading a bit about it , and no wonder.
Conservatives on course for decisive victory over Labour in Hartlepool by-election

Boris Johnson is on course for a decisive victory over Labour in the Hartlepool by-election, according to a new poll that raises more questions about Sir Keir Starmer's electoral strategy.

The first poll in what had been an impregnable Labour stronghold, which elects a new MP a month from today, suggests that the Conservatives have already opened up a seven-point lead over the opposition and are set to win with nearly half of the vote.


This isnt just about starmer  , its part of the deeply ingrained problems labour have as a party as a whole , and the roots of the problem lies back decades ago.

Its the same in scotland , we have the repugnant Anas Sarwar , a multi millionaire who sends his kids to private school and the family business wont pay the living wage to workers preaching about socialism and how the tories are stealing the bread for the mouths of the poor while labour try and fail to ignore the elephant in the room that is scot indy.

Its laughable politics , and while sturgeon is getting a kicking at the minute for her "globalist rather than nationalist " politics, all i hear every day is while people think sturgeon is out of order , when they look at the opposition like sarwar and ross and the invisible wullie rennie of the liberals , they burst out laughing and run to the ballot box to vote snp.

I suspect sturgeon and johnson in England are both blessed with the same thing in politics.......lamentable opposition and incredible luck.

Im hoping salmond and galloway get elected to holyrood to liven things up a bit.

As for england....by feck i dont think i have ever seen a more pathetic crop of uninspiring low watt lightbulbs passing themselves off as politicians.

When johnson is prime mininster , and elected merely due to being fun , you know the bar is low.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!