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Migrant wars

Started by cromwell, November 10, 2021, 10:47:02 AM

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Quote from: cromwell on November 10, 2021, 07:29:53 PM
Glide over nothing,being saying for years on this and previous versions of the forum that the whole Iraq adventure was a mistake as was pushing the Arab spring and repeating the mistakes made by the ussr in Afghanistan.

An experienced long serving dictator and his thugs crush the opposition and rig the election which would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic that you swallow or conveniently ignore it.
So with that it mind and you knowing full well the folly of our involvement and presumably the negative consequences of it for those unfortunate enough to live there, why do you when confronted with thousands of the aforementioned on the borders of Europe, then start squawking about Vladimir Putin??!!


Quote from: Sampanviking on November 10, 2021, 07:13:35 PM
Plenty of Refugees go to Russia did you know that?

I notice you glide over most of my original post. Nothing to say about why so many Kurds and Afghans are camped out on the EU border?
Anything you want to say about our involvement in those countries over the last twenty years that may have something to do with it Yes? No?

What makes you so sure that Livoshenko did not win. An experienced, proven long serving National Leader faces off to a bit of media fluff, mainly supported by the West and you are surprised he wins ..... really??
Glide over nothing,being saying for years on this and previous versions of the forum that the whole Iraq adventure was a mistake as was pushing the Arab spring and repeating the mistakes made by the ussr in Afghanistan.

An experienced long serving dictator and his thugs crush the opposition and rig the election which would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic that you swallow or conveniently ignore it. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on November 10, 2021, 06:54:29 PM
How many refugees seek a new life in Russia ?

Well comrade the only laughable comment is Livoshenko winning an election,that you believe that is no surprise.
Plenty of Refugees go to Russia did you know that?

I notice you glide over most of my original post. Nothing to say about why so many Kurds and Afghans are camped out on the EU border?
Anything you want to say about our involvement in those countries over the last twenty years that may have something to do with it Yes? No?

What makes you so sure that Livoshenko did not win. An experienced, proven long serving National Leader faces off to a bit of media fluff, mainly supported by the West and you are surprised he wins ..... really??


Quote from: Sampanviking on November 10, 2021, 06:47:12 PM
What makes you think it isnt? What criteria are you thinking of that makes you think that?
How many refugees seek a new life in Russia ?

Quote from: Sampanviking on November 10, 2021, 06:25:35 PM
All it needs are the words "The Sun says" at the beginning and I think we would fully understand where the OP is coming from :D

I am sure Mr Putin has many talents but being able to mystically conjure thousands of migrants out of thin air is unlikely to be one of them.
Mind you Belarus has no reason to be kind to the West, with Livosheko having only recently had the temerity to win an election that the West wanted him to lose and then face down a US sponsored Regine Change Colour Revolution and then be sanctioned on account of it.
I have no doubt that with that debt to repay, he has no qualms about letting migrants through his border with EU/NATO.

But who exactly are these migrants? Well the BBC told us plain yesterday that they are mainly Iraqi Kurds and Afghanis. Two countries that has spend most of the last twenty years under Western Military occupation. Whatever Crisis has driven these people from their homes is one that made directly in Washington, London and other Western Capitols and absolutely nothing to do with Russia and Mr Putin.

In fact where not the Kurds our glorious allies in the fight against ISIS? The fact that they feel the need to migrate and the way they are treated by the EU border guards shows little gratitude for their efforts and support. Even worse in Afghanistan where twenty years of NATO occupation and uber corrupt puppets have paved the way for mass starvation. This happening under the weight of sanctions and the plundering by Washington of Afghan State Funds makes this tantamout to Genocide, a real Genocide and one in which all participating NATO nations are implicated.

Once again we see Kindergarten level politics and media in the West trying distract from and compartmentalise the story so no joined up version is put before the general public. Blaming once again our own misdeeds on Putin is laughable.

Well comrade the only laughable comment is Livoshenko winning an election,that you believe that is no surprise. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on November 10, 2021, 06:40:24 PM
Right so no answer why Russia isn't a choice to relocate.

We we're also told that if we voted brexit we'd all see the sky fall in.

What has either to do with what I originally said.

Thatll be nowt.
What makes you think it isnt? What criteria are you thinking of that makes you think that?


Quote from: Thomas on November 10, 2021, 06:08:59 PM
remember before the world cup , we were being told russia was a crumbling desert full of 1950`s tower blocks and dilapidated ladas?

Then we saw places like sochi .

I tell you cromwell , you really are a superstituous manc villager arent you.

im watching you cromwell.

Right so no answer why Russia isn't a choice to relocate.

We we're also told that if we voted brexit we'd all see the sky fall in.

What has either to do with what I originally said.

Thatll be nowt. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Here you go Thomas - will this help?

I doubt Putin's bombers are there for the EU.

Edit - Now the latest is that at least half of the poor folk at the Polish border think they are heading for the UK.


Quote from: cromwell on November 10, 2021, 10:47:02 AM
Belarus prompted by Putin using people as a stick to beat the rest of Europe,won't be the first to do so and probably not the last.

Artificial crisis or one that is real this will get worse and not just on Poland and the Baltic states borders.

Is the west equipped to handle this? I suspect not.
All it needs are the words "The Sun says" at the beginning and I think we would fully understand where the OP is coming from :D

I am sure Mr Putin has many talents but being able to mystically conjure thousands of migrants out of thin air is unlikely to be one of them.
Mind you Belarus has no reason to be kind to the West, with Livosheko having only recently had the temerity to win an election that the West wanted him to lose and then face down a US sponsored Regine Change Colour Revolution and then be sanctioned on account of it.
I have no doubt that with that debt to repay, he has no qualms about letting migrants through his border with EU/NATO.

But who exactly are these migrants? Well the BBC told us plain yesterday that they are mainly Iraqi Kurds and Afghanis. Two countries that has spend most of the last twenty years under Western Military occupation. Whatever Crisis has driven these people from their homes is one that made directly in Washington, London and other Western Capitols and absolutely nothing to do with Russia and Mr Putin.

In fact where not the Kurds our glorious allies in the fight against ISIS? The fact that they feel the need to migrate and the way they are treated by the EU border guards shows little gratitude for their efforts and support. Even worse in Afghanistan where twenty years of NATO occupation and uber corrupt puppets have paved the way for mass starvation. This happening under the weight of sanctions and the plundering by Washington of Afghan State Funds makes this tantamout to Genocide, a real Genocide and one in which all participating NATO nations are implicated.

Once again we see Kindergarten level politics and media in the West trying distract from and compartmentalise the story so no joined up version is put before the general public. Blaming once again our own misdeeds on Putin is laughable.


hey cromwell , remember this wan?


Vladimir Putin accused of sending gas prices soaring so UK supermarket shelves are left BARE

is that pappies supermarket?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on November 10, 2021, 06:03:12 PM
Yes but I am not a superstitious villager in Cornwall or anywhere else :D

Whilst western democracies have their failings I have no problem deciding which is the better place to live and why.

Lets face it is Putin Russia a chosen destination for a new life?
remember before the world cup , we were being told russia was a crumbling desert full of 1950`s tower blocks and dilapidated ladas?

Then we saw places like sochi .

I tell you cromwell , you really are a superstituous manc villager arent you.

im watching you cromwell.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on November 10, 2021, 05:37:17 PM
on a genuine serious note cromwell , surely you can see what im saying about how the "putin Bogeyman" to frighten superstituous villagers has become a bit of an overused parody?

Its the same as remoaners like javert etc blaming the worlds ills on brexit.

First it was scot indy , then brexit , then trump , now migrants and everything else in between all the fault of vlad.

I can't keep a straight face when talking about vladimir putin when i think of patbox insinuating i was a russian bot.

We talk about anti vaxxers and everything else , we laugh at pappyspmurf and his latest antics , but im sorry cromwell ,the putin hysteria really is in a league of its own.

Maybe andy burnham was a russin bot installed by putin to take down mancland?:D

What next? deppity dawg being deprived stotty cake and newky brown by vlad ?

coronation street running out of vimto on kremlin orders!
Yes but I am not a superstitious villager in Cornwall or anywhere else :D

Whilst western democracies have their failings I have no problem deciding which is the better place to live and why.

Lets face it is Putin Russia a chosen destination for a new life? and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: T00ts on November 10, 2021, 05:50:06 PM
I hadn't heard that Putin was everyone's bestie. I must have missed that fairy story.
surely you knew that toots? Didnt he brainwash you into voting brexit according to patbox and many others?

Didnt he rig the 2019 general election in your favour?


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on November 10, 2021, 05:37:17 PM
on a genuine serious note cromwell , surely you can see what im saying about how the "putin Bogeyman" to frighten superstituous villagers has become a bit of an overused parody?

Its the same as remoaners like javert etc blaming the worlds ills on brexit.

First it was scot indy , then brexit , then trump , now migrants and everything else in between all the fault of vlad.

I can't keep a straight face when talking about vladimir putin when i think of patbox insinuating i was a russian bot.

We talk about anti vaxxers and everything else , we laugh at pappyspmurf and his latest antics , but im sorry cromwell ,the putin hysteria really is in a league of its own.

Maybe andy burnham was a russin bot installed by putin to take down mancland?:D

What next? deppity dawg being deprived stotty cake and newky brown by vlad ?

coronation street running out of vimto on kremlin orders!
I hadn't heard that Putin was everyone's bestie. I must have missed that fairy story.


Quote from: cromwell on November 10, 2021, 04:26:39 PM
No your big black letters,she just replied to your words and agreed. :P
on a genuine serious note cromwell , surely you can see what im saying about how the "putin Bogeyman" to frighten superstituous villagers has become a bit of an overused parody?

Its the same as remoaners like javert etc blaming the worlds ills on brexit.

First it was scot indy , then brexit , then trump , now migrants and everything else in between all the fault of vlad.

I can't keep a straight face when talking about vladimir putin when i think of patbox insinuating i was a russian bot.

We talk about anti vaxxers and everything else , we laugh at pappyspmurf and his latest antics , but im sorry cromwell ,the putin hysteria really is in a league of its own.

Maybe andy burnham was a russin bot installed by putin to take down mancland?:D

What next? deppity dawg being deprived stotty cake and newky brown by vlad ?

coronation street running out of vimto on kremlin orders!
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on November 10, 2021, 05:18:36 PM
True. And since Pappy could moan for Cornwall and has probably been banned from all the local shops for being such a depressing sod (which is why he has to go to France for dinner), it is unlikely Sir Moanalot knows if there is anything on the supermarket shelves or not.

Nick wins by default.


I was going to add a smiley. But since Pappy has told Tommy he hates happy people, I won't.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!