Brexit Britain surges ahead in world economics race

Started by HallowedBrexit, December 28, 2021, 09:14:00 AM

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Quote from: HallowedBrexit on December 28, 2021, 09:14:00 AM

Breaking news from the daily express:

Britain's economy is already 3% larger than that of EU rival France Butt Kick

We are set to overtake Germany in 2025 Butt Kick
This shows we were right to leave the anemic EU Union Flag
We must become a high democracy high growth low socialist country Dancing Union Flag

This is why we must do our utmost to keep LABOUR Puke out of power.
Much as I would love that to be true, predictions aren't worth so much and I have heard many times before how we are soon to be eclipsing Germany.
I'm betting not.


Quote from: Borchester on January 01, 2022, 03:36:51 PM
Actually, the reality is that we want a strong Euro and a week pound so that we can sell Johnny foreigner lots of our stuff without buying too much his. But it is like looking at the girls knees in church. Harmless, but one of those things you don't do.
Gerry is reduced to scratching around in the dirt because the armageddon he frequently promised us hasnt materialised.

Hell of a nice guy oor gerry , but not the sharpest tool in the box.

Im thinking its not doing anyone any harm these glum remainers shrieking about brexit constantly . All good fun borkie. New year , same shit dfferent day.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Actually, the reality is that we want a strong Euro and a week pound so that we can sell Johnny foreigner lots of our stuff without buying too much his. But it is like looking at the girls knees in church. Harmless, but one of those things you don't do.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Javert on January 01, 2022, 02:15:12 PM
[highlight]I don't recall anyone on this forum saying that JIT would completely collapse[/highlight] or the world would end.  This is a myth made up by Brexit supporters to try to discredit those who point out that Brexit is not so far showing any signs of success generally. 

Unfortunately for you your recollection is flawed. Not only did Gerry state that the car industry would be F@@ked he is now saying it was always going to be fine. 
Project fear failed and now the remoaners are denying it 😂. 

Quote from: GerryT on September 13, 2020, 02:33:53 PM
Everyone thought, because they were told, the land of unicorns would be full of money for everyone. The fishermen would get the waters back and all the catch could be sold in the EU because they love our fish and will let it in tariff free. CAr manufacturers were told Merkel (she has nothing to do with brexit) rules the EU and the car industry will ensure there will be tariff free access to the eu and the JIT industry needn't worry as its so important to the EU. Farmers were told that all the subsidies the EU pays to the UK farmers were safe (actually I think there now gone) and that brexit will open up great opportunities for farmers to grow their business.

[highlight]The reality is under a no deal brexit all these industries are f**k*d.[/highlight] If they were told that pre brexit,as in the liar had told the truth for once, they all those industris might have voted differently
Quote from: GerryT on September 21, 2020, 07:23:40 PM
[highlight]As for the UK car inductry, how will JIT work, all those customs checks/delays/tariffs both ways. [/highlight]Doesn't really make sense long term unless your producing only for the UK market. You'll see big changes here with time.

The reality is under a no deal brexit all these industries are f**k*d. 

Sounds fairly final to me!!

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on January 01, 2022, 02:43:05 PM
I think Nige will have an eye on that one Tom.
A lot more than nigel farage i would think nick. This is in reality a big part of the problem remainers like javert and gerry face.

If labour do manage to stumble into power though luck rather than anything else, taking the uk back into the EU by stealt hwould in my view be a political descision of massive misjudgement unparralled in uk history.

As i said before , you can't argue with the delusions of project fears ground troops like javert and gerry.  They seem to think if they keep talking economics , and urrbishing brexit on economic terms , then that al that matter to change hearts and minds , when as we all know the deicision was made on mulitple fronts , of which economic reasons were merely a tiny fragment.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 01, 2022, 02:21:37 PM
Brexit had to be enacted javert . I think even you came to that conclusion eventually.

Your problem now is the fall out from your tactics over the last 5 years , no one is listening to a thing you say as it is being dismissed as more project fear.

It will be interesting tosee if you can manage to change the hearts and minds of the english voting public , and get labour into power to reverse brexit either by another referendum(unlikely knowing the labour parties lack of enthusiasm for democracy) or more likely taking the uk back in by stealth via the back door.

Either way will have serious repercussions to my mind. Very interesting times going forward.
I think Nige will have an eye on that one Tom. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Javert on January 01, 2022, 02:15:12 PM

None of this is anything close to what was promised, so for sure you can carry on arguing that Brexit is mandatory due to democratic process, but that doesn't mean that is has become a good idea - just because the majority supports something doesn't make it a good idea.
Brexit had to be enacted javert . I think even you came to that conclusion eventually.

Your problem now is the fall out from your tactics over the last 5 years , no one is listening to a thing you say as it is being dismissed as more project fear.

It will be interesting tosee if you can manage to change the hearts and minds of the english voting public , and get labour into power to reverse brexit either by another referendum(unlikely knowing the labour parties lack of enthusiasm for democracy) or more likely taking the uk back in by stealth via the back door.

Either way will have serious repercussions to my mind. Very interesting times going forward.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick on December 30, 2021, 06:30:13 PM
Gerry, you can play all the numbers games in the world. Before Brexit you were saying JIT would crash and burn and that the big automotive players would leave. None of which has come to pass. Now you're even saying JIT would never collapse due to Brexit, a 180 degree about turn.

The fact is that the U.K. is still the 5th biggest economy in the world and France has slipped to 7th. Now there is a Brexit bonus.

I don't recall anyone on this forum saying that JIT would completely collapse or the world would end.  This is a myth made up by Brexit supporters to try to discredit those who point out that Brexit is not so far showing any signs of success generally.  

JIT generally involves having zero or very low inventory.  If you look across the economy, including in the industry I work in, companies are having to keep much higher inventory and also pay much higher (sometimes 1000% higher) transport prices - in the end this will be passed on to their customers and eventually consumers, as we are seeing with currently 5% inflation.  This is partly due to the pandemic and partly due to Brexit.

Therefore JIT has collapsed if you define JIT as having an predictable supply chain, enabling you to carry zero or negligable inventory, so actually GerryT was correct.

Bottom  line is that the average person in the UK is poorer than they were before the Brexit vote, and I've yet to see any sign that this will change anytime soon - publishing articles comparing UK GDP to one particular other country at a snapshot in time is good for making gullible people feel better - if you can't afford food anymore you can nourish yourself with your dislike of French people.

I also haven't seen any sign of the amazing advantageous trade deals promised, and I haven't seen any sign that the NHS is better funded when I actually try to use the services.  For sure, the government has claimed to have done a bunch of trade deails, but when you look at the specifics of them, you find out for example that they signed a trade deal with Australia that is worth next to nothing for the UK but will be advantageous to Australia. 

None of this is anything close to what was promised, so for sure you can carry on arguing that Brexit is mandatory due to democratic process, but that doesn't mean that is has become a good idea - just because the majority supports something doesn't make it a good idea.


Quote from: GerryT on December 31, 2021, 02:18:04 PM
pre the vote the Euro was worth 70p, soon after it tanked to 92p and it has recovered to 84p. It's still way off it's average pre the vote rate. So yes it has still fallen, 70p to 84p, that's a 14p swing or a 20% devaluation. caused by Brexit.
The pound has been in steep decline for a long time,

Pre the vote, GBP was artificially manipulated to €1.41 (2015) by the futures markets.  They bought billions of Euros and then forced down prices after the Brexit vote, dumping the Euros back at a reduced rate of €1.06 to the Pound. 

I suppose you're going to deny that the markets are manipulated? You also fail to mention the Euro was worth 95p in 2009!
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


im surprised gerry that yet again while you are on here wafffling on about the pound you havent mentioned that irish just became a full official language of the EU from midnight last night.


Come on gerry , you need to try and keep up with whats happening in ireland mate. Its a milestone that has been warmly welcomed.

The Irish language will became a full, official language of the European Union from midnight on the 1st January, 2022.
January 1st sees it achieve full status with all documents published by the EU being translated as Gaeilge. This marks the end of a derogation period, which has been in place since 2007. This limited the amount of material published through Irish by the EU institutions.
Since 2015 the scope of this derogation has been gradually reducing, as the capacity for the translation of Irish within the EU has increased. Minister for European Affairs Thomas Byrne says it is a fitting time for this to happen.
"I am immensely proud that this derogation is ending and Irish is now a full, official EU language. This reflects the tireless work that has gone into building up the capability of the EU institutions to operate through Irish."And it is fitting that it is happening this year, a year when we will also mark the historic 50 year anniversary since Ireland signed the Treaty of Accession to the European Communities".
The volume of Irish language translations has risen almost six-fold since 2016 – from 8,000 to almost 46,000 by October 2021. While around 200 Irish language staff are now working within the EU.
Minister Byrne says: "This remarkable increase would not have been possible but for recruitment of impressive numbers of Irish-speaking staff to the EU institutions, due in no small part to the efforts of the Departments of Foreign Affairs and Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.
"The ending of derogation will make the services of the EU more accessible for Irish speakers at home and abroad. As a proud Gaeilgeoir myself, I regularly contribute to council meetings as Gaeilge and I would encourage everyone to make use of their cúpla focal, in every aspect of their life."I would also invite those with Irish language proficiency to consider a career within the EU institutions."
The EU has 24 official languages.
Irish has been a treaty language since 1973, when Ireland became a member state, meaning only EU treaties were translated into Irish

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Barry on December 30, 2021, 11:54:53 AM
Not sure there is a disastrous devaluation of the £ Gerry.
For quite some time the Euro was worth around 90 pence, but is now down at 84p. The devaluation of the £, if it existed, has to be exceeded by the devaluation of your Euro.

pre the vote the Euro was worth 70p, soon after it tanked to 92p and it has recovered to 84p. It's still way off it's average pre the vote rate. So yes it has still fallen, 70p to 84p, that's a 14p swing or a 20% devaluation. caused by Brexit.
The pound has been in steep decline for a long time,


Quote from: Sampanviking on December 31, 2021, 12:20:15 AM
I would have assumed that too, but I am quoting from the Article - to whit..,
Ok, interesting. 😂 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on December 30, 2021, 11:24:57 PM
Think you mean US.
I would have assumed that too, but I am quoting from the Article - to whit..,

QuoteLast year, the CEBR predicted China's economy would overtake the UK in 2028 but is now revising that expected date to 2030.


Quote from: Sampanviking on December 30, 2021, 10:57:36 PM
Wow according to the Op's Express article, China is not now expected to overtake the UK's economy until 2030!!
Talk about a surprise.....
Think you mean US. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Wow according to the Op's Express article, China is not now expected to overtake the UK's economy until 2030!!
Talk about a surprise.....