If the US is evil, why hasn't the UK and the rest of the world united to destroy them?

Started by mrjoshua, December 30, 2019, 05:08:21 AM

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Can somebody please, PLEASE, answer me that? And I want the answers from someone who does not have a pro-US or anti-US agenda. I want an unbiased, non prejudiced, objective response to this.

What's wrong guys!? Seriously, what is wrong!? I thought you hated them? I thought you hated their country? I thought that they are the cause of all of the world's problems? I thought that they are an obstacle to world peace? I thought you hated their culture, history, tourists, politicians, people? I thought to you, they are nothing more than a bunch of fat, arrogant, ignorant, loud fools who mess up the place, anyplace, they go to?

These are things that I keep reading mainly from Europeans, Canadians and Australians... if that is so, where is the action against them then? Why aren't you boycotting them? Why aren't you fighting them? Why aren't you banning them from coming in? Why do your governments still have relations with them? Why does your country still trade with them? Why do your people still go to their country when I thought you hated their country?

Why is it that those who despise them the most are quick to vent off but when asked questions like this, they disappear or give BS answers? What the fudge? Seriously people, what is going on here?

Forget about Montana and Maine, this is the biggest question in my life; more important than when will I win the lottery!

So, Europeans, please, enlighten me... what is going on?


Quote from: mrjoshua post_id=12571 time=1578517109 user_id=105
Just the citizens of Europe who vote in their representatives.

With respect to the question, I don't think anyone could have voted to stop the Iraq War.
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: T00ts post_id=12516 time=1578502627 user_id=54
Has it not occurred to you that everything you advocate comes from only one place?

Ms. T00ts, as I have told Mr. Tom, the world hates them anyway! Nobody cares about them! Nobody cares if they all die! In fact, a lot of people want them to die! They believe that if they do or at the very least, they suffer a major economic and societal collapse in which they lose their power, that the ward would be a better place! A more peaceful one! A more happier one!

Ms. T00ts, have you not noticed that very few of you are defending them? This is the case in most sites as well! Nobody wants to defend them because they know they are guilty of a lot of things.

So Ms. T00ts and to the very few who are defending them here... stop being pathetic.


Quote from: Borchester post_id=12514 time=1578501414 user_id=62
What is Josie on about?

If the USA is evil, why hasn't the world, especially the noble Europeans stopped them?

You know, like what you did to the Axis powers!? That's what I want to see!


Quote from: Scott777 post_id=12564 time=1578514306 user_id=59
Is this question directed at Tony Blair and his mates (Alastair Campbell) and the government, or just citizens?

Just the citizens of Europe who vote in their representatives.


Quote from: mrjoshua post_id=12263 time=1578262608 user_id=105
By the way, dear Europeans, when I say stop  the war, I don't mean stop it using your useless protests but actually stopping the United States of America through military force.

Is this question directed at Tony Blair and his mates (Alastair Campbell) and the government, or just citizens?  Citizens don't tend to tell the military what to do, and Tony probably isn't reading this thread.
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: T00ts post_id=12516 time=1578502627 user_id=54
Has it not occurred to you that everything you advocate comes from only one place?


Good point. It advocates murdering 300 million people so is pure evil.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: mrjoshua post_id=12263 time=1578262608 user_id=105
By the way, dear Europeans, when I say stop  the war, I don't mean stop it using your useless protests but actually stopping the United States of America through military force.

According to Europeans and Canadians: the war resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, created social and economic problems for the Iraqi people, destabilized not only Iraq but the Middle East, created the atmosphere for terrorists to flourish, caused thousands of more deaths because of such, and created the mass migration that you Europeans alone have to deal with because your master refuses to.

And these made Europeans very angry, no?

Now, Europeans, with all that anger festering in your hearts! That desire to take back that which was stolen by the usurper! To bring back the glorious days of the empire and that where Europe ruled the ward... why didn't you do anything? Why didn't you stop them? Why didn't you sever ties with them? Sever trade? Enacted a blockade on the US? Threatened war on the US should they continue with the invasion? Sent troops to Iraq to protect the Iraqi people? Noble things that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives and teach the people that you hate that they simply cannot bully the world and there are good people that will stand up to the likes of them, to the likes of evil! Oh my God, that would have been the greatest thing in the history of greatest things ever!!! But that didn't happen... why?

Europeans... evil prevails when people and it don't have to be good people but just people in general, fail to act.

Has it not occurred to you that everything you advocate comes from only one place?


Quote from: mrjoshua post_id=12263 time=1578262608 user_id=105
By the way, dear Europeans, when I say stop  the war, I don't mean stop it using your useless protests but actually stopping the United States of America through military force.

According to Europeans and Canadians: the war resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, created social and economic problems for the Iraqi people, destabilized not only Iraq but the Middle East, created the atmosphere for terrorists to flourish, caused thousands of more deaths because of such, and created the mass migration that you Europeans alone have to deal with because your master refuses to.

And these made Europeans very angry, no?

Now, Europeans, with all that anger festering in your hearts! That desire to take back that which was stolen by the usurper! To bring back the glorious days of the empire and that where Europe ruled the ward... why didn't you do anything? Why didn't you stop them? Why didn't you sever ties with them? Sever trade? Enacted a blockade on the US? Threatened war on the US should they continue with the invasion? Sent troops to Iraq to protect the Iraqi people? Noble things that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives and teach the people that you hate that they simply cannot bully the world and there are good people that will stand up to the likes of them, to the likes of evil! Oh my God, that would have been the greatest thing in the history of greatest things ever!!! But that didn't happen... why?

Europeans... evil prevails when people and it don't have to be good people but just people in general, fail to act.

What is Josie on about?
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Thomas post_id=12481 time=1578469499 user_id=58
No they didnt , and no one is angry apart from you.

I am not angry Mr. Tom.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=12481 time=1578469499 user_id=58
You are the victim of your own anger and dark thoughts.

Victim of my own anger - I feel no anger.

Victim of my own dark thoughts? In order to get what I want, evil things need to be done.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=12481 time=1578469499 user_id=58
Meanwhile we europeans are happy and content.

No you aren't. You for example - weren't you upset about Scotland still being part of the UK?

Quote from: Thomas post_id=12481 time=1578469499 user_id=58
...and friends with america.....

Umm... Tom, are you sure you are European?

Here, this is from a British person - seriously Tom, for all I know you could be pretending to be a European:

https://historum.com/threads/why-are-americans-so-stuck-with-both-europeans-hating-them-and-anti-americanism.62241/">Why are Americans so stuck with both Europeans hating them and Anti-Americanism?

Believe me your highlighted quote is not nearly so clear cut as you suggest. I've met plenty of Europeans who hate both the US Govt and Americans, or they at least snear at Americans. Lets not pretend this doesnt exist. One of the few thigs left you can do(in the UK at least) is be anti American in polite company. This need not be limited to politics, but also to culture, IQ, Trailer Trash, US religion and many other aspects of American life.

- jackydee

Yeah Tom, let's not pretend this does not exist, Tom. Let's not pretend you Europeans are happy, Tom, because if you were... you would not have to resort to what miss jackydee said.

Oh and by the way, Tom, there's more where that came from.


Quote from: Thomas post_id=12482 time=1578469597 user_id=58
I still support the ending of the uk and scottish independence though

If you do that, then you will need a lot of money to visit your family over in engurland.


Quote from: Thomas post_id=12483 time=1578469889 user_id=58
Im not british , im scottish mr jo

You are British! Scotland is a part of the UK and will be forever.

Tell me I am wrong but isn't the blue yours:


Quote from: Thomas post_id=12483 time=1578469889 user_id=58
Well thats a bit silly , the british are imperialists , how can you have a policy of standing up to yourself?

According to British people, not anymore; they have given their colonies their freedom and they hope that the US will do the same for the UK and the world.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=12483 time=1578469889 user_id=58
I mean they have just been threatened with sanctions from the united nations over their imperialism in the chagos islands.

We are not here to talk about their imperialism. If you want, make a thread about it, just don't expect me to be on it.


Quote from: Barry post_id=12399 time=1578408925 user_id=51


Woo woo!! Look at me! I'm a train!


Quote from: mrjoshua post_id=12479 time=1578464656 user_id=105
Oh la la Tom! I have been reading some really angry responses about that Iranian general from British folks.

Some even are calling for the world to stand up against the imperialists!

Im not british , im scottish mr jo , and to be fair you will hear more angry responses from "british " folks about the european union , labour or scottish independence then you will iranian generals.

Some even are calling for the world to stand up against the imperialists!

Well thats a bit silly , the british are imperialists , how can you have a policy of standing up to yourself?

I mean they have just been threatened with sanctions from the united nations over their imperialism in the chagos islands.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: mrjoshua post_id=12478 time=1578460391 user_id=105
I didn't. I've noticed that most of the ones who sympathize and defend them have family over in yankeeland.

I have family and friends in many countries including engerlund.

I still support the ending of the uk and scottish independence though , so im not sure your  golden rule of support is sound.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!