Union flag banned

Started by Streetwalker, January 14, 2020, 04:47:24 PM

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Quote from: Conchúr post_id=13666 time=1579465990 user_id=83
And yet when I try to discuss future matters you also complain.  So basically you get annoyed by people talking about old news, and also annoyed when new topics about Brexit are brought up.

So you said before , yet when i asked you to show me where i am stopping you debating brexit  , you ran away and the silence was deafening.

QuoteI'm starting to see why you seem perpetually angered.

I was that angered after our wee discussion on saturday that after you ran away , i was posting jokes in the joke thread. :lol:

Im starting to see why you seem perpetually pissed off because you cant get your own way over brexit.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


And yet when I try to discuss future matters you also complain.  So basically you get annoyed by people talking about old news, and also annoyed when new topics about Brexit are brought up.

I'm starting to see why you seem perpetually angered.


Quote from: Conchúr post_id=13619 time=1579437339 user_id=83
I think anyone could look at your last couple of posts here to see who is upset and who is trolling.


Apart from you everyone seems happy with brexit.

QuoteWhen cornered in, you resort to name calling and mockery — it's classic defensive behavior. And I don't mean that in a triumphalist way because, truly, it's not me cornering you but an entirely self-inflicted process of you cornering yourself. You seem simply unable to separate the man from the ball when debating, and as you start to delve into personal attacks and mockery, you lose focus from your argument. The end result is a bit of a mess, where you pluck arguments out of the sky and claim victory in disproving points that nobody ever made.

cornered where?

I was having a discussion with gerry on something he said which i disagreed with , you jumped in left foot forward to defend him , i then argued back ,you subtley then tried to turn the argument around to it being about "unionist perspective" when no one but you mentioned that , and as far as i could see you were merely arguing with yourself , then you went on to try and spin the discussion into me accusing you of saying something you didnt , when all i did was debate the point with gerry.

The end result isnt a bit of a mess , its all plodding along exactly how most of us saw the brexit argument would , while fantasists like yourself bleat incessantly about the 2016 referendum and aftermath while trying to muddy the waters as this latest thread shows over nothing but complete shite .

QuoteAll the while, I just sit here calmly responding to the substantive points.

so you keep inferring that somehow you are calm and i am not. Told you before dont mistake my posting style as someone  who isnt calm.Im perfectly chilled , apart from your dishonesty  theres nothing you write that is even remotely worth getting worked up over.

Why would i be? Im not the one upset over brexit , you are?!
It's sad because you strike me as an intelligent guy and as being perfectly capable of good discussion. But unfortunately you aren't great at keeping it together when your arguments are challenged in a thorough way.

Thank you doctor for the alleged description of my apparent character flaws. :lol:

You`ll know when im not keeping it together doggy , i dont rant or shout , i go icy calm and cold . :lol:

QuoteA bit like Arsenal really — capable of great football, but my word you really don't like having it put up you.

Wouldnt know ,doggy , i dont follow english football , im a sellic fan.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=13573 time=1579374489 user_id=58

I think anyone who can command a basic grasp of the english language can follow the debate on this thread between us and see who is taking the piss.

What i think conor is the fact you go to so much trouble to troll this forum shows in reality how very upset you are over brexit.

Two weeks the day conor.



I think anyone could look at your last couple of posts here to see who is upset and who is trolling.

When cornered in, you resort to name calling and mockery — it's classic defensive behavior.  And I don't mean that in a triumphalist way because, truly, it's not me cornering you but an entirely self-inflicted process of you cornering yourself.  You seem simply unable to separate the man from the ball when debating, and as you start to delve into personal attacks and mockery, you lose focus from your argument.  The end result is a bit of a mess, where you pluck arguments out of the sky and claim victory in disproving points that nobody ever made.  

All the while, I just sit here calmly responding to the substantive points.  It's sad because you strike me as an intelligent guy and as being perfectly capable of good discussion.  But unfortunately you aren't great at keeping it together when your arguments are challenged in a thorough way.

A bit like Arsenal really — capable of great football, but my word you really don't like having it put up you.


Quote from: Conchúr post_id=13571 time=1579372118 user_id=83
Oh wow, you've really got me there Thomas.   Though I must confess that this strange little post does look like the death rattle of a dying argument.  

It's sad in many ways. All our discussions invariably follow the same life cycle — I focus on debating the points you make while you spend more energy trying to attack me, discredit me and mock me.  The end result is that your arguments end up all over the place — with any sense of substantive argument sadly replaced by childish name-calling and mockery.

This post sums it all up really.


I think anyone who can command a basic grasp of the english language can follow the debate on this thread between us and see who is taking the piss.

What i think conor is the fact you go to so much trouble to troll this forum shows in reality how very upset you are over brexit.

Two weeks the day conor.


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=13563 time=1579370769 user_id=58
Hows this for a bit of unionist perspective conor?



Or how about this one for remainers like yersell.....



u ok hun?

Oh wow, you've really got me there Thomas.   Though I must confess that this strange little post does look like the death rattle of a dying argument.  

It's sad in many ways. All our discussions invariably follow the same life cycle — I focus on debating the points you make while you spend more energy trying to attack me, discredit me and mock me.  The end result is that your arguments end up all over the place — with any sense of substantive argument sadly replaced by childish name-calling and mockery.

This post sums it all up really.


Quote from: Conchúr post_id=13566 time=1579371047 user_id=83
You keep saying you understand the simple concept of perspective

i do. Its a very easy concept to understand.

Quoteyet you also keep saying that I am arguing that NI is being thrown under the bus

No thats what gerry said , and i corrected him over it , and then you jumped in to defend his use by pretending its was all really about understanding the hurt feelings and perspective of a small group of   unionist when it wasnt , hence our debate and me calling you out for talking shite.

Quote So with all due respect Thomas, you either don't understand it or you're just trolling at this stage.

i understand the wall of gammon in england has really upset you over brexit , and i think it funny as feck.

QuoteSo....one more time...where have I argued that I think NI is being thrown under the bus ?

see above.

QuoteYour entire post above is predicated on you claiming to understand a simple concept when you clearly don't. I'm sure you are enjoying every minute of it — who wouldn't feel a sense of satisfaction if they just kept making up imaginary arguments to disprove? At this point, I'm saying "black" and you're reading it as "banana".

See above.

Its all been intricately written down in elaborate detail so no need to keep repeating it over and over.

Doggy talking shite yet again , and when called out , runs away claiming we dont understand him or his argument.

Twos up on brexit conor. :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=13559 time=1579369483 user_id=58
I fully understand that anyone can see things from a different perspective without actually agreeing with them. However , this has nothing to do with what gerry said or what i picked him up over.

Glad thats sorted. Next?

I fully read and understand your posts. However , when i pick you up on certain points where you and yer fellow leprechaun are talking shite , you then go onto claiming im angry/uncomprehending/etc etc etc to litter the thread with deflections away from what you are being slaughtered over.

and my extremely feckin simple point a monkey could understand is you have got that , so how the feck is northern ireland being thrown under a bus?

FFS and you have that compromise. By your own words , you are happy and i quote" feel entirely vindicated"!

So how is northern ireland being thrown under a bus?

Excellent , so if you follow that line of thinking , yet again by your own words boris johnson and his uk government have come around to accepting your logic over the border. So how is northern ireland being thrown under a bus?

Irrelevant. Wether its a by product of the GFA or not , the 56% who voted remain in the 6 counties are getting remain. The end result is all that matters.

...and i dont know how many times i need to keep saying to you that because a small minority in northern ireland might feel the way to describe , it doesnt in any way equate to northern ireland being thrown under a bus which is why i picked gerry up on this point.

The unionists only make up part of the population , and they themselves then further divide in to many groups , of whom hardcore brexiters who want what you describe only make up a small part.

Northern ireland isnt being thrown under a bus , a massive compromise has been given to them , and the small minority that dont like it...tough , thats democracy.

I dont like many things that happen in democracy , but i accept it when my view gets outvoted by the majority. I dont run around screamin that scotland is being thrown under a bus , when we arent even getting anything like the wonderfull compromise and deal northern ireland is getting.

I fully understand this , and im calling you out as talking shite.

Not only is it a deflection and yet more wriggling on your part , but quite obviously the "perspective of a small minority "doesnt equate to that of the "perspective" of the majority.

...and the majority in northern ireland , including you and yer pal gerry in the republic , are getting by your own words what you wanted. So what are you talking about?

Re read the thread.

Twos up on brexit by the way. :lol:

No they dont. Some may very well do , a tiny minority though dont dictate to the majority. The majority are getting what they wanted , hence why northern ireland isnt getting thrown under a bus.

No thats some unionists perspective.

...and if that is what gerry had meant to say in the first place , he would have said unionists instead of the whole of northern ireland are getting chucked under a bus wouldnt he?

Great news.

So i have shown gerry is talking shite , i have shown your defence of your fellow leprechaun is not only you talking shite , but riddled with massive inconsistencies into the bargain.

So whats the problem?

If the wa does not chuck N.I under a bus , what are you bleating about? :roll:

your cumbling conor , slowly but surely.

 :lol: now you are reversin the argument i see? Talk to yourself mate no me.

I fully understand and see things from other perspectives all the time. However i dont start bleating the uk is getting thrown under a bus  , wildly exaggerating  , simply because i can see things from the perspective of remainers.

You are simply as is your wont , setting up a strawman.

This was never about anyones perspective in the original discussion between gerry and myself.

You brought it into the debate to wriggle about with no one else.The majority of northern ireland isnt getting thrown under a bus simply because of the imaginary" perspective" of a small select group of hardcore unionists.

You feel vindicated with thte result , gerry says he was happy , and the majority in northern ireland are getting what they want. I would say its all going spiffing wouldnt you conor?

 :roll: back attacking the man again conor as your pathetic argument crumbles away before your eyes.

Twos up on brexit conor. Im feckin loving every minute of it.

You keep saying you understand the simple concept of perspective yet you also keep saying that I am arguing that NI is being thrown under the bus.   So with all due respect Thomas, you either don't understand it or you're just trolling at this stage.  

So....one more time...where have I argued that I think NI is being thrown under the bus ? I said Unionists would see it that way — not me.  You have said you understand this — so why do you keep asking me why I think NI is being under the bus by the WA when it's clearly, unequivocally and simply NOT what I am saying?

Your entire post above is predicated on you claiming to understand a simple concept when you clearly don't.  I'm sure you are enjoying every minute of it —  who wouldn't feel a sense of satisfaction if they just kept making up imaginary arguments to disprove? At this point, I'm saying "black" and you're reading it as "banana".


I think conor , yours and gerrys snivelling posts are the product of frustrated middle class entitlement , you just cannae believe you arent getting your own way.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Hows this for a bit of unionist perspective conor?



Or how about this one for remainers like yersell.....



u ok hun?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Conchúr post_id=13556 time=1579366765 user_id=83
If you can't understand that seeing things from a different perspective does not equate to agreeing with them, then there really isn't much more I can do for you here.

I fully understand that anyone can see things from a different perspective without actually agreeing with them. However , this has nothing to do with what gerry said or what i picked him up over.


Glad thats sorted. Next?

QuoteThis is a massive oversimplification of my point — which doesn't surprise me as you never actually seem to read / understand my posts.

I fully read and understand your posts. However , when i pick you up on certain points where you and yer fellow leprechaun are talking shite , you then go onto claiming im angry/uncomprehending/etc etc etc to litter the thread with deflections away from what you are being slaughtered over.

Quote My central argument was consistently that if Leavers wanted a Brexit Deal they would have to accept a special provision for Northern Ireland .

and my extremely feckin simple point a monkey could understand is you have got that , so how the feck is northern ireland being thrown under a bus?
 I certainly made much of the fact that NI voted Remain, but my argument never centered around simply respecting the NI vote, it centered on the fact that there would have to be compromise on NI to get a deal.

FFS and you have that compromise. By your own words , you are happy and i quote" feel entirely vindicated"!

So how is northern ireland being thrown under a bus?

QuoteEven Boris and his Brexit Cabinet finally accepted the logic,

Excellent , so if you follow that line of thinking , yet again by your own words boris johnson and his uk government have come around to accepting your logic over the border. So how is northern ireland being thrown under a bus?

QuoteThe Remain vote isn't being 'respected' as such Thomas — the GFA yes but not the Remain vote. The fact that respecting the GFA has had the effect of ensuring that NI remains tethered to the EU sphere in some (but of course, not all) areas is more just an offshoot of that rather than it being the British government wanting to respect the Remain vote in NI.

Irrelevant. Wether its a by product of the GFA or not , the 56% who voted remain in the 6 counties are getting remain. The end result is all that matters.

QuoteI don't know how many times I have to keep saying though — if you are a Unionist then you would absolutely perceive that Northern Ireland is being thrown under the bus because 'cutting it off' from the rest of the UK regulatory sphere means it remains aligned to the EU and the Irish Republic.

...and i dont know how many times i need to keep saying to you that because a small minority in northern ireland" might "feel the way you describe , it doesnt in any way equate to northern ireland being thrown under a bus which is why i picked gerry up on this point.

The unionists only make up part of the population , and they themselves then further divide in to many groups , of whom hardcore brexiters who want what you describe only make up a small part.

Northern ireland isnt being thrown under a bus , a massive compromise has been given to them , and the small minority that dont like it...tough , thats democracy.

I dont like many things that happen in democracy , but i accept it when my view gets outvoted by the majority. I dont run around screamin that scotland is being thrown under a bus , when we arent even getting anything like the wonderfull compromise and deal northern ireland is getting.

QuoteIt's a perspective-based point Thomas. I don't agree with it but it's a perspective nonetheless. It just bewilders me how you are not understanding this.

I fully understand this , and im calling you out as talking shite.

Not only is it a deflection and yet more wriggling on your part , but quite obviously the "perspective of a small minority "doesnt equate to that of the "perspective" of the majority.

...and the majority in northern ireland , including you and yer pal gerry in the republic , are getting by your own words what you wanted. So what are you talking about?

QuoteLord, give me strength. Honestly I'm getting to the point where I think you are trolling me, because I don't think you can actually be this obtuse. When have I made this argument? What are you on about ?

Re read the thread.

Twos up on brexit by the way. :lol:

QuoteI'm telling you that Unionists feel chucked under the bus when the British government adopts a measure that appears to loosen NI's place within the UK.

No they dont. Some small few may very well do , a tiny minority though dont dictate to the majority. The majority are getting what they wanted , hence why northern ireland isnt getting thrown under a bus.

QuoteThat's the Unionist perspective

No thats some unionists perspective.

...and if that is what gerry had meant to say in the first place , he would have said unionists instead of the whole of northern ireland are getting chucked under a bus wouldnt he?

QuoteI have literally spelled out to you in previous posts that, from my own perspective, the Withdrawal Agreement does not chuck NI under the bus.

Great news.

So i have shown gerry is talking shite , i have shown your defence of your fellow leprechaun is not only you talking shite , but riddled with massive inconsistencies into the bargain.

So whats the problem?

If the wa does not chuck N.I under a bus , what are you bleating about? :roll:
It's a simple point but yet you seem to be obsessed with taking this wildly exaggerated interpretation of it — that somehow I'm arguing that the Withdrawal Agreement should be amended or Brexit stopped to keep Unionists happy.

your cumbling conor , slowly but surely.

QuoteYou are arguing against a point that nobody is actually making — and this creation of phantom arguments has become a rather irritating characteristic of your posts.

 :lol: now you are reversin the argument i see? Talk to yourself mate no me.

QuoteAll of this is pretty much recycled from the early part of your post and has been covered.

Once again, you need to learn to understand the disctinction between seeing things from a different person's perspective versus agreeing with someone's perspective.

I fully understand and see things from other perspectives all the time. However i dont start bleating the uk is getting thrown under a bus  , wildly exaggerating  , simply because i can see things from the perspective of remainers.

QuoteYou also need to learn that seeing things from a different person's perspective doesn't always mean that you believe that this person's views should be put into action.

You are simply as is your wont , setting up a strawman.

This was never about anyones perspective in the original discussion between gerry and myself.

You brought it into the debate to wriggle about with no one else.The majority of northern ireland isnt getting thrown under a bus simply because of the imaginary" perspective" of a small select group of hardcore unionists.

You feel vindicated with thte result , gerry says he was happy , and the majority in northern ireland are getting what they want. I would say its all going spiffing wouldnt you conor?

QuoteBecause you can't seemingly understand these basic distinctions . . . you are ending up making rambling arguments against things I'm not claiming and have never claimed.

 :roll: back attacking the man again conor as your pathetic argument crumbles away before your eyes.

Twos up on brexit conor. Im feckin loving every minute of it.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=13409 time=1579246389 user_id=58

Im making perfect sense , and anyone with the ability to read english and follow posts can see that.

Gerry made a comment about northern ireland being flung under a bus , and in light of all you and he have said , i picked him up over it. You are deflecting  ,you are reinterpreting what gerry said to suit your pathetic deflection.

Gerry didnt say unionists were being flung under a bus , you made that up later on in the debate  , no one else. He said northern ireland was.

Stop deflecting and making things up conor.  

If you can't understand that seeing things from a different perspective does not equate to agreeing with them, then there really isn't much more I can do for you here.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=13409 time=1579246389 user_id=58
1.The general outline of your argument last year on our old forum when it looked like the DUP were cosying up to the conservatives , was that the DUP didnt speak for northern ireland , they were brexiters in the minority whereas northern ireland was 56% cross community remain , the GFA must be respected which the DUP have always hated , and that arlene and her party simply wanted to put up walls between the 6 counties and the rest of ireland by using brexit to do this.


Quote from: Thomas post_id=13409 time=1579246389 user_id=58
2. We arent talking about soothing unionist fears and settling them into a united ireland. We are talking about brexit . You and gerrys clear argument over the last year has been that we musnt listen to arlene foster and her party , and that the majority will of the northern irish people and the GFA must be respected.

This is a massive oversimplification of my point — which doesn't surprise me as you never actually seem to read / understand my posts.  My central argument was consistently that if Leavers wanted a Brexit Deal they would have to accept a special provision for Northern Ireland . I certainly made much of the fact that NI voted Remain, but my argument never centered around simply respecting the NI vote, it centered on the fact that there would have to be compromise on NI to get a deal.  This was based on logic (i.e. the only logical way that the UK could reconcile its commitments on the border with the Brexit it wanted achieve) rather than an ideological pro-Remain one.

Even Boris and his Brexit Cabinet finally accepted the logic, and they certainly aren't pro Remain.

Quote from: Thomas post_id=13409 time=1579246389 user_id=58
3.Brexit will damage the union.Everyone accepts that. Thats the whole argument being made by me and many others , that the english majority (and welsh) voted leave , and the rest of us are being told to shut up and accept it. This however is nothing to do with my point that northern ireland isnt being thrown under a bus , because by yours and gerrys own admission , northern ireland is having its remain vote and the GFA respected.##

The Remain vote isn't being 'respected' as such Thomas — the GFA yes but not the Remain vote.  The fact that respecting the GFA has had the effect of ensuring that NI remains tethered to the EU sphere in some (but of course, not all) areas is more just an offshoot of that rather than it being the British government wanting to respect the Remain vote in NI.

I don't know how many times I have to keep saying though — if you are a Unionist then you would absolutely perceive that Northern Ireland is being thrown under the bus because 'cutting it off' from the rest of the UK regulatory sphere means it remains aligned to the EU and the Irish Republic.  

It's a perspective-based point Thomas. I don't agree with it but it's a perspective nonetheless.  It just bewilders me how you are not understanding this.  

Quote from: Thomas post_id=13409 time=1579246389 user_id=58

If you are arguing we all must consider the feelings of every single minority across the world on every issue , then if we dont that means all countries every day over some issue or other are being thrown under a bus because a minority somewhere are having their feelings hurt. Thats not how democracy works in the real world.

Lord, give me strength.  Honestly I'm getting to the point where I think you are trolling me, because I don't think you can actually be this obtuse.  When have I made this argument? What are you on about ?

I'm telling you that Unionists feel chucked under the bus when the British government adopts a measure that appears to loosen NI's place within the UK. That's the Unionist perspective.  I have literally spelled out to you in previous posts that, from my own perspective, the Withdrawal Agreement does not chuck NI under the bus. It's a simple point but yet you seem to be obsessed with taking this wildly exaggerated interpretation of it — that somehow I'm arguing that the Withdrawal Agreement should be amended or Brexit stopped to keep Unionists happy.  

You are arguing against a point that nobody is actually making — and this creation of phantom arguments has become a rather irritating characteristic of your posts.


Quote from: Thomas post_id=13409 time=1579246389 user_id=58

No you havent. Im not going to keep going over the same ridiculous point you are making where you tell us arlene musnt get her way and dont listen to her one minute , to the next you claim you always listen to unionists in northern ireland.

Further , i point out again northern ireland and all communities within are getting a massive compromise over brexit , hence why they arent being thrown under a bus so what the feck are you talking about?

The majority in northern ireland voted to remain , so what are you talking about? You were listened to in the 6 counties?  The majority in england and wales voted leave , and i have made the point time and again despite your desperate concern for this "union" from over in a foreign country , large parts of the uk dont really give a feck about it.

It doesnt matter , they are getting the best of both worlds by yours and gerrys own admission so countertuitive or not , they arent being thrown under a bus as you claim. Thats my point.

...and im really really struggling to understand why you arent grasping the fact that wasnt the point gerry was making  , that wasnt the point i picked him up over , and no one has said this bar you were you inserted this weak perspective into the conversation at a later stage as you wriggled on that hook i have you impaled on.

aye you are.You are saying we have to see it from their perspective in this quote...

You are taking the piss conor.Stop talking shite.

so what are you gibbering about then? They have been considered , they are in a minority , majority view wins , and northern ireland isnt being thrown under a bus , the simple point i was making.

England by your logic is obviously being thrown under a bus too as no one is considering the "perspective" of english remainers , despite the fact they have been routed in 4 Elections and a referendum over 5 years. :lol:

They did listen , and from their "perspective" , they did think logically , so why arent you considering how they feel? They disagreed with you , you lost , thats democracy.Losers dont get to call the shots.

see above.

maybe you are losing track as i said because a liar has to work extremely hard at the web of deceit he spins . I dont lie conor , i tell the truth.

All of this is pretty much recycled from the early part of your post and has been covered.

Once again, you need to learn to understand the disctinction between seeing things from a different person's perspective versus agreeing with someone's perspective.  You also need to learn that seeing things from a different person's perspective doesn't always mean that you believe that this person's views should be put into action.  

Because you can't seemingly understand these basic distinctions . . . you are ending up making rambling arguments against things I'm not claiming and have never claimed.


QuoteForget staying close to EU after Brexit, chancellor tells business

Sajid Javid sets out his vision for UK economy in interview with the FT

   Sajid Javid, the UK chancellor, has delivered a tough message to business leaders to end their campaign for Britain to stay in lock-step with Brussels rules after Brexit, telling them they have already had three years to prepare for a new trading relationship.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Mr Javid quashed any prospect of the Treasury lending its support to big manufacturing sectors — which include cars, aerospace, pharmaceuticals, and food and drink — that favour alignment with EU regulations.

"There will not be alignment, we will not be a ruletaker, we will not be in the single market and we will not be in the customs union — and we will do this by the end of the year," Mr Javid said, urging companies to "adjust" to the new reality.


https://www.ft.com/content/18ddc610-3940-11ea-a6d3-9a26f8c3cba4">https://www.ft.com/content/18ddc610-394 ... 26f8c3cba4">https://www.ft.com/content/18ddc610-3940-11ea-a6d3-9a26f8c3cba4

Paddy and mick wont be pleased reading this from wee sajid. :roll:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Gerry and conor have been telling us how the uk is apparently throwing northern ireland under a bus over brexit , and how we have to all stop and think of the poor wee DUP and other hardcore unionists like ian og paisley.

The same ian og paisley who was telling hardcore unionists not that long ago to go  out and get an irish passport , as economics win over hardcore unionist principles.

Its just a travel document with a harp on it ian og tells us all  , as gerry and conor wail the unionist community are being thrown under a bus , the same unionist community conor told me once upon a time used to spit at him and call him a taig , while gerry flits from making pro republican comments one minute on our old forum to being arlene fosters guardian angel the next.

Any position will do , as long as it stop englands brexit? :lol:  :roll:

Just what is those twos agenda?

Are they yet more "foreign " sock puppets invented by the same individual who has been setting countless sock puppets up on this and our old forum for the past year or two because his beloved blairite political world has come crashing down around him? :lol:

Of course i cant prove it , and they will carry on denying it , but the only agenda i can see in each and every one of their "irish " posts is stop englands brexit and muddy the waters at any cost.

It has top be a toss up between gerry conor and quackers as to who is the greatest recruiting officer for brexit with the absolute shite they post. :brd:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteA united Ireland would be good for everyone

matthew parris

Faster than many realise, the time is coming to think dispassionately about the unification of Ireland. When the expected border with the rest of the UK is established in the Irish Sea the case for reuniting north and south will get its biggest boost since partition in 1921.

I suggest this may not be a bad thing. Before describing unification on the whole island of Ireland in the language of the "break-up" of the UK we should remember that there will be a corresponding coming-together. We should think about the gains. The idea makes so much sense.

"It is hereby declared" (says what has come to be known as the Good Friday agreement between the British and Irish governments) "that Northern Ireland . . . shall not cease to be [part of the UK] without the consent of a majority of the people of Northern Ireland voting in a poll."

The agreement goes on to require the UK government to hold such a poll if "at any time it appears likely to [the secretary of state] that a majority of those voting would express a wish that Northern Ireland should cease to be part of the United Kingdom and form part of a united Ireland".

https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/a-united-ireland-would-be-good-for-everyone-0hrcbz3nj?shareToken=834f1b0bc356290b61e803bb8e1a3734">https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/a-un ... bb8e1a3734">https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/a-united-ireland-would-be-good-for-everyone-0hrcbz3nj?shareToken=834f1b0bc356290b61e803bb8e1a3734

Of course , we mustnt forget how a united ireland will be bad news for our two so called irishmen in the republic . :roll:  :lol:

The killer paragraph for gerry and conors  "faux" irishness and not yet position on unification...

QuoteBut how about the Republic? Though the Irish constitution formally commits the country to unification it has become commonplace in Britain to respond with a knowing wink, and the observation that pigs will fly, and the last thing Dublin actually wants is the ruckus and expense of taking on the burden that is the north. I used to believe this myself. I no longer do. Just think about it: wouldn't you, if you were an Irish taoiseach, dream of being the statesman who made the dream of a united Ireland come true? What laurels. What a legacy. You'd be a second de Valera, your victory less dubious than his.

QuoteAnd there's evidence the mood is changing in the Republic. Four years ago a poll there found that a third of voters favoured unification. Last summer two thirds did. Historically the cause had been associated with anger rather than positivity but (said the Irish writer Finn McRedmond in a magazine article last year) "the argument is no longer tied to the Troubles, and an accompanying anti-English sentiment", but to "economic logic". Moderate opinion in the south, worried about Brexit-related turbulence, sees the constructive case for unity.

Just what is gerry and conors agenda on this forum , except to try and stop england s brexit and muddy the waters in the process no matter how contradictory it makes them look.?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!