United States Presidential election - 2020

Started by Barry, June 09, 2020, 09:35:19 PM

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Quote from: Nalaar on November 06, 2020, 02:44:33 PM
It's now being reported that Biden has taken the lead in Pennsylvania, as trumps chances slip further.

its over nalaar. They are merely tidying up loose ends .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Javert on November 06, 2020, 02:36:50 PM

If you were listening to political commentary podcasts over the last few months, it seemed to me that every proper expert who knew what they were talking about was saying that Trump would probably "win" on election day, but a few days later Biden would be the final winner due to the enormous number of mail in votes that were expected this time around.

sorry javert , but you must have been listening to different political commentary to me.

Now im no expert on yank politics , and have not normally taken an interest , but the commentary has been that a blue wave was going to trounce trump and the republicans in yank land.......and it never happened.

No one as far as im aware was saying trump would win......ite been more like disbelief the amount of vote he got , which surpassed his previous vote last time around , and he increased his vote among every group and gender in yank land with the exception of white american men.

So im not sure where your spin about keeping people in suspense is coming from. The blatant bias for biden in the media has been unbelievable , and they certainly didnt expect trump to do anywhere near as well as he has.

For the record im no a republican or democrat supporter , and cant stand either biden or trump.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


It's now being reported that Biden has taken the lead in Pennsylvania, as trumps chances slip further.
Don't believe everything you think.


Quote from: T00ts on November 06, 2020, 02:31:00 PM
No tangible evidence as far as I have heard, but lots of hearsay and speculation. No doubt the courts will have to decide unless Trump uncharacteristically backs down.

i doubt very much there will be any evidence , and as ever the claims are following the same pattern we have seen over here.

The scottish polis for example spent two years apparently investigating the alleged postal vote fraud in the scot indy ref , yet somehow only managed to interview three people in the whole time. Ruth Davidson was one of them .

Remember what that nice russian man  Stalin 100 years ago allegedly said "its not those who vote that count , but those that count the vote." He knew a thing or to about maintaining power.

Trump has lost , and will be dismissed as a really sore loser over all this.

....but the repercussions for american society arent going to go away .

This wont end with nice mr Biden becoming president and america singing kum by yah and holding hands.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: HDQQ on November 05, 2020, 10:32:01 PM
The pundits are saying that Biden is likely to win because most of the votes still to be counted are mail-ins and a lot more Democrats used that method than did Republicans. But in the bar is still quite high for him to win in Pennsylvania, for example, with 7% still to count, with Trump on 50.1% and Biden on 48.7%.

One of the interesting things about this US election is to show up how deperate rolling 24 hours news is to feed the self feeding beast. 

If you were listening to political commentary podcasts over the last few months, it seemed to me that every proper expert who knew what they were talking about was saying that Trump would probably "win" on election day, but a few days later Biden would be the final winner due to the enormous number of mail in votes that were expected this time around.

Imagine my surprise when on Wednesday morning the media are going potty suggesting that Trump is going to win - one might almost imagine that they have an interest in creating a fake sense of suspense.  "Come back in 3 days folks as we actually won't have any clue who the winner is till then" doesn't sell many commercials.


Quote from: T00ts on November 06, 2020, 02:31:00 PM
No tangible evidence as far as I have heard, but lots of hearsay and speculation. No doubt the courts will have to decide unless Trump uncharacteristically backs down.

One of his cronies was interviewed this morning.  They have found the damming evidence - one pensioner who voted in the wrong state where she was no longer living.  Also, it was detected and her vote was cancelled.


Quote from: johnofgwent on November 05, 2020, 10:46:09 PM
In the aftermath dad helped weaponise the Vulcans with new software and the very first thing we did was send one right under the Americans radar, at zero feet, right across North America, pulling up only in the last two hundred feet of a dummy bombing run on Norfolk, Virginia. And then only to show NORAD what ass holes they were.

The long way round then - must have needed a lot of air to air refuelling.


Quote from: Nalaar on November 06, 2020, 02:29:06 PM
What evidence has Trump produced to support his claim of fraud?

No tangible evidence as far as I have heard, but lots of hearsay and speculation. No doubt the courts will have to decide unless Trump uncharacteristically backs down.


Quote from: Borchester on November 06, 2020, 02:24:08 PMFor the last couple of days the BBC has been leading with articles that Trump has no evidence of electoral fraud. How the Biden Broadcasting Company knows that I do not know, but it does not encourage me to pay for a TV licence.

What evidence has Trump produced to support his claim of fraud?
Don't believe everything you think.


Quote from: HDQQ on November 06, 2020, 12:53:25 PM
If Trump has any success with his lawsuits over claims of voter fraud when he has no evidence, that would set a precedent around the world for every election result to be disputed by bad leaders.

For the last couple of days the BBC has been leading with articles that Trump has no evidence of electoral fraud. How the Biden Broadcasting Company knows that I do not know, but it does not encourage me to pay for a TV licence.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: T00ts on November 06, 2020, 02:05:47 PM
I must say that I have been pretty scathing of both Presidential candidates but their performances since poling ended have been staggeringly different. Biden, who obviously feels that the vote will go his way has shown an understanding of the position of President with his calm calls for patience. Trump on the other hand seems to lose stature each time he opens his mouth. I just wonder how many Trump voters are seeing a different side to their man.

Trump is a sore loser. (Not implying he has lost.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


I must say that I have been pretty scathing of both Presidential candidates but their performances since poling ended have been staggeringly different. Biden, who obviously feels that the vote will go his way has shown an understanding of the position of President with his calm calls for patience. Trump on the other hand seems to lose stature each time he opens his mouth. I just wonder how many Trump voters are seeing a different side to their man.


If Trump has any success with his lawsuits over claims of voter fraud when he has no evidence, that would set a precedent around the world for every election result to be disputed by bad leaders.

Maybe there could even be a legal challenge here to the EU referendum result of 2016. Before you all start shouting, I'm not suggesting this should happen, there's no reason to believe the referendum result was statistically fraudulent, we're stuck with Brexit now and we're going to pay the price. The people might have been conned by the Brexiters during the campaign but that's a closed case now. But if a precedent is set that a loser successfully challenges a democratic decision without any evidence, that could become the new normal.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Biden takes the lead in Georgia with only a fraction of a percent of votes left to be counted.
Don't believe everything you think.


Quote from: johnofgwent on November 05, 2020, 10:46:09 PM

The Yanks are not our friends.

They might be slightly less unfriendly than the Soviets under Kruschev, the Chinese under Mao, or the French under just about any Emperor since forever, but they are in no way shape or form our allies.....

I like the yanks john. You might remember me telling you i have an aunt and cousins in florida , and i think the american people are very similar to us , certainly the scottish.

I do though agree with you on the american elite and their governments.

This media pish about the special relationship is exactly that.......total pish. The americans use the uk for its own interests( hence my comments about biden and brexit) and the london elite suck up to them to try and maintain some leverage and illusion of power across the world in return.

Aside from that though , whats interesting me yet again is the concerns in yank land at present over postal voting. I know its something we have discussed here time and again over the last ten years or so in so called uk democracy.

We have had concerns for example numerous times in scotland , with ruth davidson for example insinuating no had won the postal vote before it was even counted in 2014.

We have had concerns about labour activists in glasgow filling out postal votes for the elderly in times gone by , and the most recent one in england i heard about was the peterborough by election  when it was possible the brexit party might take the seat from labour.

I think postal voting seriously needs looked at. There seems to be too many concerns across quite a few of our countries now for this to be dismissed as mere conspiracy theory by a few heidcases. Funny enough it always seems to involve labour and their mother party the democrats in yank land.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!