Met caught out targetting Black drivers..?

Started by patman post, August 18, 2020, 05:46:20 PM

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Quote from: Thomas on August 24, 2020, 07:11:34 AM

ahh yes moderate momentum. Zealots always try and put a "moderate" face on their behaviour .

You can bleat all you want , but the ordinary voter see through all your lame excuses , and gave "moderate hard left labour" a right kicking.

The way you talk about people in your own feckin party is absolutely disgusting for not towing your zealot line and cobynista principles of the hard left.

You mere democratic socialists hounded out every single blairite mp or supporter you could from your party along with many jewish ones.

Aye a very tolerant group of moderates. :D
Thomas you are talking a pile of poop as ever.

But some of us have to work for a living. I am doing 60 hours in five days plus commuting time, so if you have an ounce of understanding you will appreciate that I have neither the time nor the energy nor the desire to carry on this tit for tat, and engage with your wilful misrepresentations. Am just too tired.

Go shove your head in a bucket or something
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


I don't like the sound of this Patman, the council estate crew are having a love in.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on August 24, 2020, 07:58:17 PMYou might get a drive by posting later done from undercover while his profile is being hidden.

:D :D :D

Quote1. BLM wants to 'dismantle capitalism'

This objective might come as a shock to many of those who have donated to the BLM cause. It might come as a particular surprise to Premier League footballers like Man City's Kevin De Bruyne, whose shirt at Monday's game against Burnley was emblazoned with the organisation's slogan. De Bruyne is City's top earner and is paid £350,000 a week. It is unlikely he would fare as well without capitalism.

The irony is that the people blindly supporting this 'crusade' are the ones who would be most affected should its demands ever be realized. Does Patman Post, the guy who claims to have a "property portfolio in one of the most expensive cities in the world, imagine that "Black Lives Matter" demands aren't going to apply to "Black Capitalists", only to White ones? Or that his Property Portfolio would survive a Marxism mob like the ones in Portland, without a fecking Police force? The only thing bigger than his ego is his stupidity


QuoteRevealed: What 'Black Lives Matter' really stands for
What then is that political work? Here are 11 things that BLM UK advocates that might make some supporters think twice about backing the organisation:

1. BLM wants to 'dismantle capitalism'

This objective might come as a shock to many of those who have donated to the BLM cause. It might come as a particular surprise to Premier League footballers like Man City's Kevin De Bruyne, whose shirt at Monday's game against Burnley was emblazoned with the organisation's slogan. De Bruyne is City's top earner and is paid £350,000 a week. It is unlikely he would fare as well without capitalism.

2. BLM says climate change is 'racist'

BLM's attempt to blockade Heathrow and London City airports in 2016 was greeted with widespread bemusement. Why was 'Black Lives Matter' trying to stop people going on holiday? The answer: 'Climate crisis is a racist crisis,' the group said on its Twitter feed. 'Black people are the first to die, not the first to fly, in this racist climate crisis,' it added.

3. BLM wants to abolish prisons

'Prisons and detention centres should be abolished,' BLM UK has said. It seems likely that Britain's 80,000 prisoners would approve, but do the thousands who have donated to BLM also back this policy? And what should happen to those convicted of violent crimes like murder if there are no prisons?

4. BLM wants to get rid of borders

Britain's borders are 'enforced by extreme violence,' according to BLM UK, which proposes that open borders might be the answer.

5. BLM says unemployment is 'violence'

Not having a job is miserable, but is it really 'violence'? Yes, according to BLM UK.

6. BLM condemns stop and search

Tragically, a quarter of those killed with a knife in Britain last year were black. This is the highest proportion since records began more than twenty years ago. Stop and search is far from perfect but it is a key strategy for police to ensure that more black teenagers don't have their lives cut short. Yet BLM describes an uptick in what it calls 'racist' stop and search as 'violence'.

7. BLM wants to get rid of the police

The group says it seeks to 'develop' and 'deliver...strategies for the abolition of police'

8. BLM says the government appointment of a Pakistani heritage woman is 'racist'

Munira Mirza is something of a great British success story. Mirza, a working-class northerner of Pakistani heritage, was the only pupil in her sixth form to win a place at Oxford. Mirza now heads up the No.10 policy unit. So how did BLM react when she was tasked by the PM with setting up a commission on racial inequality? 'This appointment is racist,' BLM UK said.

9. BLM condemned the suffragettes

Suffragettes ultimately secured the vote for women in Britain. A progressive step? BLM UK doesn't appear to be convinced: 'Despite what you might've learned at school, many suffragettes were also working to advance White power,' the organisation has tweeted.

10. BLM said Churchill is 'staunchly racist'

Without Churchill it seems all but certain that Britain would have lost the war to Nazi Germany. And yet while Churchill was clearly no saint, is it fair to describe him – as BLM does on its Facebook page – as 'staunchly racist'?

11. BLM describes big charities as 'colonisers'

'Big charities are nothing more than colonisers repackaged for the 21st century,' according to BLM on its official UK Facebook page.

As a result of some of these policies, aims and statements coming to light, there is growing disquiet among supporters who have stumped up cash only to discover what BLM UK really stands for. BLM UK is also continuing to resist calls to be more transparent about its leadership because of concerns about a possible threat from far-right activists.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 24, 2020, 07:45:25 PM

Apparently, they are complaining about "gentrification" (By Whites) of a formerly "Black" neighbourhood (better watch out Patman Post)

You might get a drive by posting later done from undercover while his profile is being hidden.

QuoteApparently there have been 93 nights of rioting in Portland so far since spring - in other US cities like New York and Los Angeles, the homicide rate has shot up (Chicago's has doubled) and people are leaving the cities because of the rising tide of looting and violence

Yep. Dont follow yank politics much , but saw trump making political capital out of democrat areas like portland and all the rioting they are unwilling or unable to control. He said let us in and we will have it under control within the hour. ;D

Yet the liberal media seem strangely silent about it.

int that strange mate.?

Who could have guessed  , but to be fair to a degree from what i am reading most media outlets are running a mile from black live matters now their true colours are coming to the fore.

It was all huggy feelgood at first , right up certain victim bandwgon jumpers street , but now , everyone seems to be running like feck  from them except the usual suspects.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Listen to the (Black) guy in this video asking why BLM protestors were marching through a residential street in Portland (and its been happening in Seattle I think too) shouting for the (White) residents to get out. He even shows footage of these "protestors" harranging people in their homes with megaphones

Apparently, they are complaining about "gentrification" (By Whites) of a formerly "Black" neighbourhood (better watch out Patman Post)

Apparently there have been 93 nights of rioting in Portland so far since spring - in other US cities like New York and Los Angeles, the homicide rate has shot up (Chicago's has doubled) and people are leaving the cities because of the rising tide of looting and violence

Yet the liberal media seem strangely silent about it. Is this what "Black Lives Matter" wants? Rising murder rates and people being threatened in their own homes? This is while we still have police forces - what do you image will happen if there were no police force?

This is fecking crazy


Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 24, 2020, 06:11:24 PM
we need the black community to engage with the criticisms levelled at THEIR communities, even if they don't like those criticisms,

Precisely. Going back to the original Brixton riot the police should have never backed down because of the black criminals objecting to the police doing their job.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Thomas on August 24, 2020, 03:36:46 PManother good article here deppity , and this bit caught my eye , which is exactly along the lines of what you have been saying.....

And again, from your article...

QuoteBut setting aside feelings for a second, what do the facts tell us about police malfeasance in America?

For one thing, it does not disproportionately affect the black community despite the widespread public perception that it does. BLM's claim of racial disparity in police homicide is simply not one based in reality. A study conducted after Ferguson by Harvard academics found "no racial differences in either the raw data or when contextual factors are taken into account".

Whilst black Americans citizens are certainly disproportionately affected by violence, overwhelmingly from members of their own community, there is no data to prove they are greatest victims of interracial violence. The data categorically proves the opposite is in fact true.

Last year, 39 unarmed whites were killed by American police as opposed to nine blacks. While whites are in a demographic majority, they are less likely as a group to be involved in violent criminality, namely homicides, the likes of which results in contact with armed police officers


QuoteWhile the grievances of white working-class men, statistically the most disadvantaged group in society, are glossed over, many will be tempted by the blandishments of the far-right groups, for which BLM are acting as unwitting recruiting sergeants.

Whilst the killing of George Floyd was reprehensible, last year, 39 unarmed whites were killed by American police as opposed to nine blacks

Did the US rise up and riot over a single one of those white deaths? Did the UK wring its hands in sympathy and shrug as twenty or so coppers were injured in the 'protests'? The answer of course, is NO.

As I said earlier - we need a proper dialogue, not to allow fecking zealots like this control the debate and create false impressions. We need the facts made clear, and we need the black community to engage with the criticisms levelled at THEIR communities, even if they don't like those criticisms, just as White people have to face criticisms we might not like every day. Black Lives Matter slogans and constantly claiming victim status is not helping, and it is turning people who might otherwise be sympathetic against them


QuoteOf course what do us "stupid" council estate bhoys know.?
Not a lot, but some of us are fast learners and some ain't.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Still at work, but I'll reply later Mate !


QuoteWhilst black Americans citizens are certainly disproportionately affected by violence, overwhelmingly from members of their own community, there is no data to prove they are greatest victims of interracial violence. The data categorically proves the opposite is in fact true.

Last year, 39 unarmed whites were killed by American police as opposed to nine blacks. While whites are in a demographic majority, they are less likely as a group to be involved in violent criminality, namely homicides, the likes of which results in contact with armed police officers.

The evidence that the disproportionate number of black killings is purely due to racism is therefore decidedly lacking and is indeed completely glossed over in BLM's one-sided discourse. Moreover, BLM's deafening silence on the 18 deaths which occurred over a single weekend in Chicago amid protests which devolved precipitously into anarchistic rioting suggests that, to this dubious organisation, some black lives do not matter, particularly if they do not suit a political agenda.

another good article here deppity , and this bit caught my eye , which is exactly along the lines of what you have been saying.....

QuoteMy feeling is that the movement has the potential to set back race relations in the UK and elsewhere by several decades through its divisive rhetoric.

Of course what do us "stupid" council estate bhoys know.?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Spot on Thomas - and this from their own website - Who were the people giving Marxist raised fist salutes at a "protest" in Brixton the other week? It wasn't Trumpton fecking fire brigade

QuoteWe call for a national defunding of police. We demand investment in our communities and the resources to ensure Black people not only survive, but thrive. If you're with us, add your name to the petition right now and help us spread the word.


Why Black Lives Matter are so dangerous

We're harming young people by pretending everything in Britain is racist

QuoteThis caught my attention and I asked myself 'Who are BLM?'. Within seconds I was on the internet and reading their website. I was shocked. It was so radically far left that even Jeremy Corbyn would struggle to support all the aims and objectives: defund the police, overthrow capitalism and disrupt the nuclear family. It was a neo-Marxist, anarchist, political agenda. They were not hiding their aims, they were not shy about their Marxist beliefs, they put it all on their website for the world to read.

The infamous 'largely peaceful protests' in London that led to 27 police officers being injured gave me a glimpse of things to come. I decided to write a blog on BLM to explain who they are, what they want, and why marching under their banner would only offer support to a movement that wants to destroy everything we have built through as a community. This, to repeat, is their openly proclaimed goal.

QuoteWithin a few days of my story hitting the web, the cracks began to appear in BLM UK, as they casually attacked Jews. Sir Keir Starmer got off his knee to explain that he did not support the BLM political agenda of defunding the police. The BBC issued a statement informing staff not to wear BLM badges on air as the movement had been hijacked – by its founders! The Premier League rushed out a statement explaining that it did not support the aims of BLM, was only trying to highlight racism and had completely forgot about their own antiracist campaign 'Kick It Out'. The FA also confirmed it would be backtracking. Many current and former footballers should be praised for standing up and speaking for themselves.

The cracks are now there and will widen as more companies slowly, extremely quietly, start to back away from BLM, as more of the general public begin to wake up and speak up. Courting a popular cause may have short term financial benefits, but when it implodes and you are associated with antisemitism, fascism, lunacy and the anger of the British people, then you need to look at your organisation's senior management and re-evaluate your mission statement. Bandwagons are dangerous when you hit rocky ground.

Aye just another tolerant , peacefull left wing mob out to create a woke nirvana so pure dissent will never be allowed.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


The BLM movement could not be more wrong

Its key claims don't stand up to scrutiny and its proposals would be a disaster for black and white people alike.

BLM is cynically sneaking in a revolutionary programme off the back of the George Floyd tragedy. And this is a programme that if implemented would be to the detriment of black people. Defunding or disbanding the police is in the interest of criminals and those who can afford private security, but it is certainly not in the interest of poor black neighbourhoods. And it is hard to think of a more destructive policy that is harmful to any race than destroying the family structure, which is the most successful route we know of to provide people with stability and purpose in their lives.

The notion of 'white privilege' pushed by BLM is, in itself, flatly racist. It crudely claims a vast group of people has a collective privilege, irrespective of the innocence or guilt of individuals within that group. Hyper-racialisation of this kind should find no support from those of us who advocate centre-left economic policies – it weakens our sense of togetherness, and it also undermines a real analysis of the causes of inequality.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!




Another "moderate" trying to spin an angry mobs aims as mainstream and acceptable.

QuoteBlack Lives Matter Activist: Abolishing The Police '100%' Means Just That

Noor has been on the streets of Minneapolis every day since Floyd was killed. All four police officers involved in Floyd's death have been charged, and now protesters have their eye on a larger goal — defunding, and eventually abolishing, the police.

When activists say they want to abolish the police, they "100%" mean they want no more police, Noor says.

even limp wristed starmer called their demands a nonsese....

UK Labour leader calls Black Lives Matter demands to defund the police 'nonsense'

QuoteThe leader of the United Kingdom's opposition party has criticized the Black Lives Matter movement for their calls to defund the police in a BBC interview today.

It's "nonsense," said the Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer. "Nobody should be saying anything about defunding the police. I would have no truck with that."

and then the angry left wing anarchist mob started calling starmer  "a cop in a suit"

QuoteBLM's official Twitter account hit back on Monday evening, saying that Sir Keir could not "tell us what our demands should be".

A spokesperson said: "As a public prosecutor, Sir Keir Starmer was a cop in an expensive suit.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!