But wait the EU is just a trade body

Started by Sheepy, September 18, 2020, 06:50:51 PM

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Quote from: GerryT on September 25, 2020, 11:06:03 AM

Again you spectacularly miss the point. The UK will continue to feel the pain for 40 to 50 years, I got that from Jacob Reess Mogg, his words. But don't believe him, there are studies on this.

The uk is going to thrive outside the eu in the near future , and anyone who tells me they can predict the next forty to fifty years is of course talking bollocks.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on September 25, 2020, 11:01:51 AM
The EU sets up a 750b recovery package with nearly half of that in the form of handouts and the other are very low interest loans, this money starts flowing in '21, that's not the EU ignoring and doing nothing.
The EU has also a new way for dealing with immigration/migration/refugees.

Like you say, time doesn't stand still and the EU, being a block of 27 countries, will continually adjust and move the EU in a direction that suits the block.

As countries look at the damage that's happening to the UK they will recognise the benefits of being in the EU, while remaining an independent country. You don't need to shoot yourself in the foot to prove your in control

The italians see it as merely their own money being handed back to them as a butter up to stop them leaving. Read the earlier article.

QuoteAs countries look at the damage that's happening to the UK

The damage to the uk in the last four years has been from uncertainty , largely caused by pro european remainers doing everything you can to stop democracy being enacted and the uk leaving. ( as well as covid)

Once we are finally out and about in 14 weeks , and things start settling down , the success story of the uk outside the eu will spur on many countries  to follow suit.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on September 25, 2020, 09:55:16 AMOriginally Gerry was predicting that the UK would sink beneath the waves ten minutes before any Brexiter even dreamed leaving the EU. Now it is 40 to 50 years....

Reading Gerry's posts is like reading about a Roman Triumph. The UK has just fought a successful action against the barbarians of the EU and is driving cheerfully through the streets where everyone is happily celebrating. And sitting in the back seat is a scabby slave whose job is moan continually that nothing will last and ultimately the empire will end up in the stercore.

Well it did, but it took 1,500 years.

Again you spectacularly miss the point. The UK will continue to feel the pain for 40 to 50 years, I got that from Jacob Reess Mogg, his words. But don't believe him, there are studies on this.


QuoteIn the three-and-a-half years since the UK voted to leave the European Union (EU) much has been written about how London's status as a global leader in financial services could be weakened. However, with a diverse economy, highly skilled workforce, wide tourist demand, world-class universities and cultural appeal, London will not only survive Brexit, but will continue to thrive.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 25, 2020, 09:37:50 AMThe trend across many european countries is clear , there is active and growing discontent about the eu ,while globalist dreamers like you bury their head inthe sand and  pretend nothing is happening and it will all be allright for the eu empire.
?  The EU sets up a 750b recovery package with nearly half of that in the form of handouts and the other are very low interest loans, this money starts flowing in '21, that's not the EU ignoring and doing nothing.
The EU has also a new way for dealing with immigration/migration/refugees.

Like you say, time doesn't stand still and the EU, being a block of 27 countries, will continually adjust and move the EU in a direction that suits the block.

As countries look at the damage that's happening to the UK they will recognise the benefits of being in the EU, while remaining an independent country. You don't need to shoot yourself in the foot to prove your in control


Quote from: GerryT on September 25, 2020, 10:55:03 AM

Even though recent polls do show Italy as the most likely EU country to leave, it still registers 43% in favour of remaining and 31% for leaving. When the UK hits had times in Jan that should put the matter to bed

Sure , and we have both posted numerous polls reflecting what we are saying , but as you may or may not know , the trend in the polls rather than indivudal polls are what is important , and as the articles say , the trend in Italy is growing massively towards leaving the eu.

The uk should be doing everything it can to encourage the italians to do so , and im sure they are behind the scenes. :D

Give you eu bootlickers something else to think about .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


UK must suffer knockout blow if EU is to thrive
Europe underestimates Britain's ability to adapt to a post-EU environment
In Brussels, Brexit is usually presented as a lose-lose game in which the inevitable pain will be spread unevenly. Terminal for the United Kingdom, serious but not life-threatening for the European Union, and potentially requiring a short stay in intensive care for Ireland.

The reality is that the excruciatingly grinding nature of Brexit since 2016 has resulted in a European mindset focused on the implosion of British political norms and the collapse of British influence in Brussels. Feelings reinforced by the almost surreal nature of the current UK election campaign. In comparison, the EU has come to represent a legalistic behemoth – slow-moving but relatively united – a creature destined for steady but unspectacular growth in the decades ahead.

But behind this veneer a more honest appraisal of the impact of Brexit on the EU is beginning to emerge. And deep down, Europe knows her vulnerabilities have never been greater.

Put simply, Europe continues to underestimate British abilities to adapt, and possibly even thrive, in a post-EU environment. Brexit may well be an obscene act of economic self-harm, but that does not preclude the probability that Britain will remain a powerful economic and political actor on the world stage. In so doing, Britain will be a most serious competitor for Europe irrespective of what kind of Brexit actually occurs.

Pro european remainers like gerry are choking for the uk to suffer and fail , beacuse as this irish article says  , the whole eu project depends on it .

Johnson must rip up the WA and walk now.
That is why, for Europe to thrive, Brexit Britain must fail (and fail badly).


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 25, 2020, 09:30:42 AM

What i always love about listening to people like you gerry , is that you are what i call a "status quoer" who is adamantly confident the world will never change , except to grow in the direction you want it to.

...and one of the things we know from human history is the world always changes , nothing lasts forever and nothing stays  the same.

You are confidently predicting  the uk will be in the shit for the next 40 to 50 years by being outside your beloved eu , which assumes massively the eu will survive that long.

Yet merely four and a half years ago , i bet you couldn't even contemplate the uk leaving the eu , which is why your arrogance has taken such a shock to its system when the people of the uk voted for freedom from the brussells empire.
Would that be the same 5-star that's plummeting in polls, you can't really take what they say seriously when their aim is to get out of govt so they can be anti establishment.

Even though recent polls do show Italy as the most likely EU country to leave, it still registers 43% in favour of remaining and 31% for leaving. When the UK hits had times in Jan that should put the matter to bed


QuoteExperts believe that the effects of Brexit will be varied in nature. What has happened now is a mere announcement of the intention of Britain to leave the European Union. However, the effects are not really seen. There are contradictory views about the possible outcomes. Some believe that the outcome will be catastrophic for Great Britain. However, many are not as skeptical

QuoteWhy London was the Financial Capital: London has always been the undisputed financial capital of the European nations. It ranks number 1 in the list of financial centers in the world. The competition is not even close. Frankfurt, the closest competitor, is one-tenth the size of London. It ranks number 23 on that list. The city of Paris is bigger in size and infrastructure, but the socialist attitude of the government makes it number 29 on that list.

The scale of financial activity in London can be gauged from the fact that even though Britain is only the fifth largest economy in the world, London is still ahead of its competition (even New York!) and continues to hold the title of being the financial capital of the world.
Why London May Not Lose Much: London already has an ecosystem that a financial city requires. It has access to some of the world's best financial talent. The center has mushroomed for many decades. It is unlikely that the gains of several years will be undone overnight by a political move. The result of this exercise would be the London would lose about 15% to 20% of their jobs to these other cities due to regulatory issues. If regulations are not a concern, the job loss could be even less. The outcome is entirely dependent upon the nature of the agreement between EU and Britain and the degree of access granted to British companies to the EU market. London may slip to number 2 or number 3 on the list of world's financial hubs. However, it will still be the largest financial hub in and around the European continent.

So to sum up while london may lose top spot as the worlds no 1 financial hub because of brexit , it will still remain as one of the worlds biggest financial hubs and the uk public will be more than happy with this as a price to pay to get out of the eu empire.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on September 25, 2020, 10:22:40 AM

Yes, exactly. The move from London is 100% down to Brexit.

You keep trying to bum up any negative aspect of brexit with talk of assets and companies moving away from the uk , but you remain silent in your one sided propaganda against brexit  , for example of the 1400 eu based comapnies asking permission to operate inside the uk after hard brexit at the end of the year.

You are like the boy who cried wolf gerry , everyone is laughing at your non stop doom and gloom propaganda , and those of us who do give you the time of day on here are merely laughing at the rubbish you spout.

Quote"Although much attention has been given to the number of UK firms moving staff and operations into Europe, there is also likely to be movement in the opposite direction. The results of the FOI may have been anticipated by those in the industry, many of whom have recognised for some time that London remains Europe's only truly global financial centre, and firms on the continent with global aspirations will need to continue to do business here."
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteSince the vote to leave the EU, Britain has leapfrogged the United States to become the largest centre for trading interest rate swaps, despite calls by ex-French President Francois Hollande to end London's dominance in clearing euro-denominated derivatives.

The city's standing ensures the United Kingdom keeps one of its last big chips at the top table of world politics just as it splits from the EU.

It also means EU companies will still come to London to raise finance outside the bloc after Brexit, a fact not lost on Wall Street heavyweights such as Goldman Sachs GS.N and JP Morgan JPM.N.

Just a mile away from 22 Bishopsgate, Goldman opened its new 1 million square foot European headquarters - complete with mothers' rooms and wildflowers on the roof - in July, three years on from the 2016 referendum.

Largely abandoned by the British government during Brexit talks, ten senior industry officials told Reuters London's financial services sector has grown since 2016 because there is no realistic competitor in its time zone.

And high-rolling bankers are too attached to its Anglo-Saxon, work-hard, play-hard culture.

Reuters contacted JP Morgan and Goldman, and rivals Citi C.N, Bank of America BAC.N, UBS UBSG.S, Morgan Stanley MS.N, Credit Suisse CSGN.S and Deutsche Bank DBKGn.DE, to seek details on how a 'no deal Brexit' might accelerate the transfer of resources and activities from London.

All banks said they were prepared for a no-deal Brexit, and had been since the first quarter.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


FFS not jp morgan again? :D

Can you no change the record gerry?

Back in 2017 , because we had dared to vote to leave you beloved eu , you remainers were screaming..
JP Morgan to move hundreds of jobs out of UK due to Brexit


...and you though that will shut them up and frighten them off brexit.

What happened?
Boris Johnson wins huge majority on promise to 'get Brexit done'


and now , becasue we are four weeks from tearing up the WA and all its nasty defects  , and 14 weeks from hard brexit , Gerry palys the broken record again...


but the reality outside gerrys remainer world?

QuoteThe cataclysmic warnings during the 2016 referendum that London would lose its financial throne if it voted to leave the European Union (EU) have, so far, been proven wrong. London is still the world's banker, only bigger by some measures.
"London is extraordinarily resilient and its future as a finance centre is secure because what we have here is unique," Lipton told Reuters on the 61st floor of 22 Bishopsgate, set to become western Europe's second tallest skyscraper when it opens next year.

In the year to June, London has attracted more cross border commercial real estate investment than any other city. It has overtaken New York as destination for fintech investment and it has increased its dominance of the world's $6.6 trillion daily foreign exchange market.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick on September 25, 2020, 07:41:26 AMSo you acknowledge it says it's just down to Brexit?

Yes, exactly. The move from London is 100% down to Brexit.

What is it your not getting, JP are doing 2 things, expanding their business in EU and moving another sector of business they do in the UK into the EU because in January they CAN'T do that business in London anymore.

It's why over 850b euro worth of business is now moving out of London. Thanks to Barclays for moving 200b euro worth of business to Dublin.
Banks using Britain as a gateway to the European Union must fully execute their plans for serving EU customers before a Brexit transition period ends in December, the EU's banking watchdog said in July.


Shortly after take-off on an outbound evening Air Lingus flight from Dublin
to Boston, the lead flight attendant nervously made the following painful
announcement in her lovely Irish brogue:
"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm so very sorry, but it appears that there has
been a terrible mix-up by our catering service. I don't know how this has
happened, but we have 103 passengers on board, and unfortunately, we
received only 40 dinner meals. I truly apologize for this mistake and

When the muttering of the passengers had died down, she continued,
"Anyone who is kind enough to give up their meal so that someone else
can eat, will receive free, unlimited drinks for the duration of our 5 hour flight."

Her next announcement came about 2 hours later: "If anyone is hungry,
we still have 40 dinners available.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on September 25, 2020, 09:55:16 AM

Originally Gerry was predicting that the UK would sink beneath the waves ten minutes before any Brexiter even dreamed leaving the EU. Now it is 40 to 50 years....

i know borkie. Now it looks like italy will leave the eu empire as well.


Wint that be funny as feck , as soon as the anglo remainers led by gerry javert and beely get some sort of miniscule support , the eu empire falls apart? Talk about being feckin shattered? :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!