How Would YOU Have Handled C19?

Started by Dynamis, September 19, 2020, 08:47:20 PM

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An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


labour run wales nhs has the second worst waiting times for accident and emergency in the entire uk , behind both the tory english nhs and the snp scottish nhs...

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis on September 20, 2020, 01:38:57 PM

They need something to do when not chasing down the bro's and sis' to donate some spare change at Euston I guess.

The british left are not letting a good crises go to waste.

QuoteThe corruption at the Senedd is well covered on here, Plaid according to JoG are just as bad.

Hang on there Dyno. Labour have been in charge of devolved wales since the welsh parliament openend in 1999 , and where is the left wing utopis SRB types and others tell us labour will bring?

QuoteIt's multi factors, but Tory incompetence isn't a trivial factor, and Boris definitely failed to deliver.

Exactly its mulit factor , same as every other country on  earth. The french are moaning about their government over incompetence to covid as the english are with theirs.

Who would do a better job  dealing with covid in england to johnson and why?

QuoteSure, but one is so much worse than the rest.

I blame the westminster party..

Well we know the labour run welsh nhs was the worst of the entire 4 uk nations prior to covid , so there pathetic figures in dealing with it is no surprise.

QuoteThe number of non-clinical cancellations in Wales over the last two years is 75,000 – almost FIVE TIMES as many as Scotland despite a far smaller population. Per capita it's more than EIGHT TIMES worse.

Scottish Labour – assisted as always by a relentless stream of doom-and-gloom stories in the Scottish media – love to draw attention to every tiny hiccup in Scotland's public services, implying that if only we'd hand things over to them rather than the vile SNP they'd magically get better.

The evidence of Labour's competence levels in the one UK nation where it IS in control suggests that the reality isn't just the opposite of that, but the opposite on a truly gargantuan scale.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Borchester on September 20, 2020, 01:29:25 PM
I would pay Meghan to divorce Harry.

This bug has no cure. We could run around like blue bummed flies but to be honest, masks and such aren't of much use. As I said on another thread, it is mainly the 70+ age group who are going down because they usually have plenty of pre existing conditions and have to die of something.

The problem is that we live in quiet times so the media has run and run with this story because sod all else has happened. So I suggest we get the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to break up. Meghan loves publicity and would soon push the Sino snots off the front page and Harry is incapable of keeping his trousers up, so we would have plenty of shots of him, arm in arm with his latest squeeze and signing on at the Balmoral Labour Exchange.

Good strategy.

This is why Toots made you Chancellor and possible successor PM, with your blue sky thinking and blu- aged ideas and cheesy quips, who could resist a slice of blue borchester?

I think we should tax the paysans a further guinea or two and introduce a further poll tax, as well as a 100% tax on pensions to fully play-out the Tories' "kill the old" strategy. They call it "Die for the DOW" in America after governor Dan Patrick's ideas... 😜🇺🇸

Older folks would rather die than let C19 harm economy, Bojo appreciates your willing sacrifice good sir. Now like a good blue bottomed fly, kindly go zzzap! by flying straight into the blue light.  :D

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on September 20, 2020, 01:33:55 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 20, 2020, 01:27:42 PM
Scotland fared way better than us or the Welsh as I remembered, yep.

right but it didnt stop the british left types making political capital out of care home covid deaths i nscotland for example.

They need something to do when not chasing down the bro's and sis' to donate some spare change at Euston I guess.

Wales had a lower death rate oer million than England...

Sure , but labour run welsh nhs had one of the highest excess death rates in europe.

The corruption at the Senedd is well covered on here, Plaid according to JoG are just as bad.
All in all not really sure what to say, London did horrifically worse than anyone else.

Right but in your opinion is this down purely to tory incompetence , in which case what would labour have done better , or is ther many other factors involved some of which i mention?

It's multi factors, but Tory incompetence isn't a trivial factor, and Boris definitely failed to deliver.

In fact, London bloats the stats by orders of magnitude I should think.

3 of the four uk nations were among the worst in europe for excess deaths , yet only one is controlled by the tories.

Sure, but one is so much worse than the rest.

I blame the westminster party...


Quote from: Dynamis on September 20, 2020, 01:27:42 PM
Scotland fared way better than us or the Welsh as I remembered, yep.

right but it didnt stop the british left types making political capital out of care home covid deaths i nscotland for example.
Wales had a lower death rate oer million than England...

Sure , but labour run welsh nhs had one of the highest excess death rates in europe.
All in all not really sure what to say, London did horrifically worse than anyone else.

Right but in your opinion is this down purely to tory incompetence , in which case what would labour have done better , or is ther many other factors involved some of which i mention?
In fact, London bloats the stats by orders of magnitude I should think.

3 of the four uk nations were among the worst in europe for excess deaths , yet only one is controlled by the tories.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I would pay Meghan to divorce Harry.

This bug has no cure. We could run around like blue bummed flies but to be honest, masks and such aren't of much use. As I said on another thread, it is mainly the 70+ age group who are going down because they usually have plenty of pre existing conditions and have to die of something.

The problem is that we live in quiet times so the media has run and run with this story because sod all else has happened. So I suggest we get the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to break up. Meghan loves publicity and would soon push the Sino snots off the front page and Harry is incapable of keeping his trousers up, so we would have plenty of shots of him, arm in arm with his latest squeeze and signing on at the Balmoral Labour Exchange.
Algerie Francais !

Borg Refinery

Scotland fared way better than us or the Welsh as I remembered, yep.

Wales had a lower death rate oer million than England...

But they had higher cases per million.

All in all not really sure what to say, London did horrifically - way worse than anyone else.

In fact, London bloats the stats by orders of magnitude I should think.


Quote from: Dynamis on September 20, 2020, 01:06:42 PM

Fair point.

I thought Scotland fared a lot better? 🤔 How can they make bad capital out of that?

well if you listen to the british left , scotland and england are the only two countires in the world to suffer badly from covid , and its all the fault of the nasty snp and tories , until you ask them how labour in wales did.......and silence.

QuoteBtw England was measured against most of Europe specifically on one graph I saw and it was much worse as I recall.

You will have to show me , as most of the figures i see for covid are uk wide or scottish only.

Quotebut I'm not going to accept that Boris did a "good job"

sure , but im not going to accept labour would have done anything different or better.

We know this as you only have to look at wales.

You can't keep moaning about the tories and saying they are bad whilst offering up no alternative , and lamenting the two party system

The choice you have is lab or tory , and lab wouldnt do any better.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I think everyone who agrees with the lockdown route would say we were a couple of weeks too late implementing it .
Airports should have been closed and remain closed to all but essential travel with rigorous testing and enforced quarantines and my main gripe on the way things have been handled has been the vagueness of the instructions .

So yes ,I would have been clear on the message and had everyone under lock and key so to speak for the first 2-3 weeks with no immigration at all until the testing was in place .
We dont know what effects any of our ideas would have had and its a fluid situation that needs a compliant population to any decisions made . But as I have said the least we can do is be clear in what is required

For me the most important thing is that we all comply even if we decide the best thing to do is comply to do nothing .

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on September 20, 2020, 12:58:47 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 20, 2020, 12:39:53 PM
Quote from: cromwell on September 20, 2020, 06:21:54 AM
I don't think in the end Boris did that bad a job

;D Really? Worst something in Europe..can't think what..    ..... ....  ...

Thats disingenuous dynamis.

You are using the combined uk figures , of all four uk nations , of which johnson is only in charge of the english health service , and then saying its the worst death toll/number of infections in europe to smear johnson.

England has a much bigger population crammed into a much smaller country compared to france and germany for example.

There are many factors involved , and to try and insinuate its down to the conservative incompetence when all governments across europe are struggling the same is wrong.

I keep saying the same thing , but labour types( no im not suggesting you are) are on scottish forums attempting to make political capital out of the covid 19 response of the snp government as they are on english forums with the tories.

How did labour run wales get on with dealing with covid?

Fair point.

I thought Scotland fared a lot better? 🤔 How can they make bad capital out of that?

They must have really lost the plot the lab types now.. they're nuts.

Btw England was measured against most of Europe specifically on one graph I saw and it was much worse as I recall.

No it's not all down to the Tories, but I'm not going to accept that Boris did a "good job". That is just ridiculous... yes the EU failed, East Asia did way better, but still there's bad and worse, and in England things went horribly wrong.

Did you know Hastings had the lowest cases in the country, cos we is good sheep and do as we're told.  :D


Quote from: Dynamis on September 20, 2020, 12:39:53 PM
Quote from: cromwell on September 20, 2020, 06:21:54 AM
I don't think in the end Boris did that bad a job

;D Really? Worst something in Europe..can't think what..    ..... ....  ...

Thats disingenuous dynamis.

You are using the combined uk figures , of all four uk nations , of which johnson is only in charge of the english health service , and then saying its the worst death toll/number of infections in europe to smear johnson.

England has a much bigger population crammed into a much smaller country compared to france and germany for example.

There are many factors involved , and to try and insinuate its down to the conservative incompetence when all governments across europe are struggling the same is wrong.

I keep saying the same thing , but labour types( no im not suggesting you are) are on scottish forums attempting to make political capital out of the covid 19 response of the snp government as they are on english forums with the tories.

How did labour run wales get on with dealing with covid?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: cromwell on September 20, 2020, 06:21:54 AM
I don't think in the end Boris did that bad a job

;D Really? Worst something in Europe..can't think what..    ..... ....  ...


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