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So Ner!

Started by cromwell, March 17, 2021, 10:22:16 PM

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Quote from: GerryT on March 25, 2021, 05:58:48 PM
Your constantly arguing a point that everyone agrees with, and nobody mentions. Then you avoid the questions posed.

First everyone knows "leave" won, and everyone accepts that. No need to mention it, it's not what's being discussed. We have all moved on bar you.

So what are you doing on here , as both myself deppity dawg and many others have asked you time and again?

You never ever talk about uk politics outwith brexit related , and you never mention irish politics.

You havent moved on at all , your whole raison d`etre on this forum is to fling constant shit at brexit in every way shape and form the the utter and total exculsion of everything else .

Why is that when you arent even a uk citizen , ( allegedly)?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on March 25, 2021, 06:27:18 PM
They didn't in Scotland though.

But curiously our resident Scottish nationalist is more than dilighted to have the English impose their will on the Scots - in a "British" vote - if it's something he likes.

Quite self-interestedly contemptible, if you ask me, not to mention hypocritical.

Again you are attempting to badly misrepresent my views on brexit  , and failing miserably.

I voted to remain , and have told you that fact probably a million times.

What i said to you though was i accepted we lost unlike you and your party , and that the referendum result should be implemented , not overturned simply because anti democrats like you didnt like it.

Further , i made the point time and again it would be extremely daft for scot indy supporters to join with labour muppets in trying to overturn a referendum when that would then open a can of worms for us further down the line with any future scot indy ref which the same anti democrats would similarly overturn if we won.

So what are you talking about?

We all know labours past inglorious record of overturning demcoracy , when robin cook and the labour party helped stitch up the 1979 devolution referendum in scotland with their dodgy 40 % rule.

I might not like or agree with brexit , but im fecked if im jumping into bed with you labour party anti democrtic muppets over it.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on March 25, 2021, 06:22:57 PM
You talking about the Scottish independence referendum of 2014?

Nah, thought not, lol.

Different rules for different votes, depending upon whether they went your way or not.

Fecking hypocrite, lol.

Yes im talking about all referendums steve.

We lost the scottish indy ref in 2014 , and i accepted the result and have lived with the result for 6 years.

The winners got their prize , unlike the brexit referendum where the winners were denied their prize for the best part of five years , while people like you denied democracy , and your party did everything they could to stop the referendum results being implemented even to the point of going against something like 60 odd % of labour constituenices who voted brexit , and the result of your parties disasterous anti demcoratic policy was self feckin evident in the 2019 general election where you were wiped out.

Labour never learn their lessons do they? You were wiped out in scotland for backstabbing the people over scot indy and jumping into bed with the tories , and you were wiped out in england for similarly back stabbing the english people.

So feckin suck it up.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on March 25, 2021, 05:14:20 PM
I choose to ignore you because your modus operandi involves constant lies and personal attacks, and you go in for yet more of the same here. If you debated honestly and reasonably I would not ignore you.

You very much remind me of Badfellow in style, and I have no time for that.

I have never ever once lied in any way shape or form about you at any time on this forum.

If you believe i have  , please use the quote tags to show me.

I dont know you in real life , have never met you nor do i know anything personal about you except the information you have divulged online , for example in the past as we have discussed before your admittance you were a hashead and enjoyed a spliff or three.

You then went on to deny this when i ribbed you about it , then made a cant of yourself further down the line where you then admitted you did used to smoke hash , but added the caveat you dont anymore.

So on this one issue alone it shows the mark of the man that you are , your constant twists turns lies and puerile attempts at duplicity on a personal level before we even come onto your politics.

I dont lie steve. I get things wrong , and admit when i do like any person  , but i dont tell lies , which is something you find hard to deal with in your petty attempts to try and trip me up.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on March 26, 2021, 02:05:06 PM
I have read that article just now and I would agree with practically everything in it. More so it agrees with nearly everything I said. So whats the problem ?

Maybe you would like to point out in the article something that contradicts with what I posted.

Feck off, Gerry. The article sticks to the facts, eg whats know, and doesn't speculate about what might have been exported and what might not. Neither does the article sink to slating Astra Zeneca and make plays on its name like "Disastrazeneca". Its about as far away from your jaundiced and bitter narrative as its possible to be

All you've done in this thread is fawn all over the EU as usual, whilst constantly slating a company that's tried to produce a vaccine at cost in the fight against a global problem. Anyone who wasn't familiar with your posting style could be forgiven for thinking the fact that the company in question is part British riles you up, while those of us who've been reading your utter shite for several years can see straight through it

No mention of the US, even though its specifically mentioned in the article though, eh? Funny that, that you seem content to leave the US out of your bitter sniping, when accused of doing the exact same thing you accuse the "durty braddish" of. Perhaps thats because the EU is currently engaged in a "cosying up" exercise with it in order to repair its own damaged reputation, eh

You've still never answered the question as to why you are constantly posting here when you've claimed time after time after time not to be interested in Britain or Brexit. Yet here you are. Again. Its like listening to a fecking broken Val Doonican record.


Quote from: cromwell on March 26, 2021, 02:19:44 PM
So what do you get
Really? and if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its arse so often.
I was refering to the export ban (indirect) on vaccine exports and taking in what you can get.


So what do you get
QuoteIf the EU did what the UK did then the EU would be ahead on vaccine delivery

Really? and if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its arse so often. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: DeppityDawg on March 26, 2021, 01:27:05 PM

How many times have I said this. How many others simply don't trust you, Gerry T? Why would anyone waste their time with you? Why would anyone on here want to debate the EU or related matters with anyone who can't even bring himself to utter a critical word about the EU, who can't disguise his own hatred and contempt for the UK no matter how hard he tries, has openly stated support for the provisional IRA on a British forum, and who cannot even get his own identity straight in two consecutive posts?

Gerry, I know what I believe and I know who not to take seriously. No matter WHAT they post.
I have read that article just now and I would agree with practically everything in it. More so it agrees with nearly everything I said. So whats the problem ?

Maybe you would like to point out in the article something that contradicts with what I posted.


Quote from: GerryT on March 26, 2021, 01:34:29 PM
So a car manufacturer with the loss of thousands of jobs pulls out and a logistics company, most likely warehousing moves in. Wow, that's impressive. What will they be storing, trucks going to the kent border for customs delays ?  lots of high paying jobs in warehousing.
Keep up the sobbing. it makes me smile. I might tell the EU to give the Scots an ultimatum next, they can have an EU Passport but there is no going back and they hand any chance of sovereignty to the EU.  Keep them voting until they agree maybe.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on March 26, 2021, 01:07:59 PM
Well cry me a fecking river Gerry.
So a car manufacturer with the loss of thousands of jobs pulls out and a logistics company, most likely warehousing moves in. Wow, that's impressive. What will they be storing, trucks going to the kent border for customs delays ?  lots of high paying jobs in warehousing.


Quote from: cromwell on March 26, 2021, 11:39:37 AM
Oh dear now Jean Claude has criticised the eu for being too slow and cautious,budget conscious too and says a vaccine war would be stupid.......are you listening Dublin?......course not.

Not what was being spouted on here is it,still I expect it'll be dismissed as a story from a rag and lies,except it's all down on film.
If the EU did what the UK did then the EU would be ahead on vaccine delivery and the UK would be criticising the EU for vaccine nationalism. You won't accept that the UK are hoarding and banning vaccine exports, by stealth or indirect means but they are doing it. What you see from the EU is retaliation. Juncker is more than entitled to his opinion but the way the article is written (can we believe it didn't leave out part of the story) Juncker is only looking at the issue from one side. Not his usual take on things so lets see if someone else covers this story.


How many times have I said this. How many others simply don't trust you, Gerry T? Why would anyone waste their time with you? Why would anyone on here want to debate the EU or related matters with anyone who can't even bring himself to utter a critical word about the EU, who can't disguise his own hatred and contempt for the UK no matter how hard he tries, has openly stated support for the provisional IRA on a British forum, and who cannot even get his own identity straight in two consecutive posts?

Gerry, I know what I believe and I know who not to take seriously. No matter WHAT they post.


Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: DeppityDawg on March 26, 2021, 10:13:10 AM
AZ it seems (according to DM anyway) have forgone a potential £21 billion in profits as a result of charging the "at cost" price for their vaccine and "wouldn't do it again". I don't blame them. The political point scoring in this story is a sad indictment of an action that had a noble aim.
None of this however will go acknowledged by the EUs cheerleader in chief on here.
Well maybe you missed the post where I did say it was sad to watch developed countries squabble over vaccines. I do ack that AZ selling vaccines at cost is a commendable act, its the manner in which this has been played out that's not so admirable.

Quote from: GerryT on March 21, 2021, 02:24:23 PMIt's only countries that manufacture and won't ship to other countries, such as the UK that are being caught in the cross hairs.
There's a strong feeling of vaccine nationalism coming out of the UK, the refusal to call it the AZ vaccine when they manufacture it, the sense that anything AZ makes is just for the UK when that's not the contracts AZ signed up to.
A first world problem when privileged countries argue over vaccine supplies when we are way ahead of 3rd world countries, sad really.

Quote from: DeppityDawg on March 26, 2021, 10:13:10 AM
It's difficult to see a realistic motive for AZ to deliberately provoke a problem by failing to supply one party over another, or to get involved in a high stakes political game when they had little to gain and so much to lose. There is one party in all this however who has had the most to lose by a former.member appearing to be so much more successful in handling their program than they themselves were.
In fact, in the end, we all lose. As has been reported, there will be new strains and variants of this virus, and potentially new ones altogether in future. I can't see any pharma company that would now risk any kind common good motivations after this
You could say there would be no motive for AZ to do what they have done, so why did they do it. Lets look at what's happening and not at what people are saying. And why would the EU feel they have to sabotage the UK when it's the EU that is making the UK vaccine roll out a great success. 40% of UK vaccines came from the EU, without the EU that wouldn't have happened.

Both the EU and UK funded the development of the vaccine, the UK gave £65.5m early (may/june) then the EU gave 336m (sept).
The EU placed it's order for vaccines from AZ before the UK did, only 1 day but it was before.
The EU has been manufacturing vaccines and shipping nearly half out to other countries, including the UK who got 10m from the EU facilities.
The UK has got 100% of it's order, the EU has got 30% of theres.
AZ have shipped Zero from it's UK facilities. These were mentioned in the EU contract as suppliers to the EU.

There's the problem, so why is it AZ have not shipped anything from the UK and why does AZ say the EU plants are there to supply the EU when at the same time AZ ship vaccines from these very same plants to the UK. It doesn't make sense, but then you look at the UK. They have shipped zero vaccines to anywhere, that includes 3rd world countries.

You refuse to recognise one main fact. It is the UK that is not exporting any vaccines. It's the UK that is restricting the export of 175 medicines of which 100 are used in the treatment or as ingredients to make vaccines. What does that tell you ?

Look at it from other countries perspectives, the UK manufacturing used ingredients from well over 20 countries, it takes those and makes a vaccine and then it refuses to ship any vaccines to the very same countries that give ingredients. And you think the UK holds the moral high ground ?

Finally the EU introdruced rules months ago that all vaccines for export must be registered and informed to the EU, an inspector in Belgium spots a shipment of 30m vaccines (more that the EU has received to-date) where under covert operations ended up in an Italian factory. When the EU quiz AZ about it then miraculously AZ say oh there for you and also we are exporting 10m of them to 3rd world countries. But disastrazeneca never informed anyone. Very very very suspicions behaviour from a company that has a history of dodgy dealings, from criminal and civil charges over prostate cancer drugs, product safety regarding lung cancer & schizophrenia drugs, sexual employment charges, tax evasion in the UK. It goes on and on. Disastrazeneca is not the beacon of light you think it is.