Exit Poll shows Boris with largest majority since Thatcher in 83

Started by johnofgwent, December 12, 2019, 10:47:33 PM

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I agree with your last line, if Farage and his Brexit Party has not stood for election I think Boris would have had a much bigger majority than he has now
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


There is a reason why kinnock and smith took labour away from all this hard left nonsense and tried to modernise the party , which then tony blair enjoyed the fruits of........to get labour electable in england.

However popular this vision of the hard left might be in certain pockets in england , it isnt popular across your country as a whole.

Kinnock smith and blair all knew it , and all momentum has done is take labour back to the foot era and make them unelectable again.

Further , politics in the celtic fringe has moved on from the eighties , and here in scotland  , the snp have already long ago taken the labour vote like myself with not only those of us who support independence , but with progressive policies.

All labour are trying to do is turn back the clock instead of having a new and fresh vision for the future , thats before you even go into constitutional issues like brexit , scottish indy and irish reunification where they are so out of touch its unbelievable.

Feck labour.

They have reaped what they have sown over many decades.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sampanviking post_id=9915 time=1576328194 user_id=79

I actually hope that Labour can keep with the same program and maybe put under someone like Mcdonnell, put key parts of the manifesto back before the electorate next time around.

so do i sampan , until we get out this union , i fervently hope labour continue with momentum behind the scenes electing muppets like corbyn and macdonnel to front them while each election the english  and scottish public give them an absolute drubbing in the process.

Brexit aside , putting one of the most left wing manifestos to a country ( england) that has been small c conservative and slightly right of centre all of my life has to be one of the maddest things i have seen in politics since michael foot did the same when i was in high school.

Business and commerce didnt buy into it , and neither did the ordinary english public regarding everything for free and tax the rich till the pip squeaks.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Well, delighted that Brexit is back on track and looking forward to leaving the EU next month.

Labour made the same mistake that May made in the 17 election, by not recognising that it was all about Brexit and nothing else.

Instead, they threw everything including the Kitchen sink into the manifesto, in the hope it would distract their core vote.

It clearly did not work.

In a sense, it is a shame as I would have loved to have seen a straight contest between the two visions, to see how it would have turned out.

I actually hope that Labour can keep with the same program and maybe put under someone like Mcdonnell, put key parts of the manifesto back before the electorate next time around.


Quote from: Barry post_id=9894 time=1576324672 user_id=51

Of the 32% voting Labour, 16% wanted to leave with a deal and 16% wanted to remain. Labour had an ambiguous policy.

So recalculate:

Leave 61.6%

Remain 34.2%

welcome to beelbeebs  anglo remainer zany world barry  , where black is white and up is down.

There must be a new bbc graph doing the rounds showing remainers that labour actually won the general election or something , and england and wales are staying in the eu. :lol:  :lol:  :roll:

brexiters 5    remainers nil.

Thats is what i call a severe humping , and as they say , you can only beat what is in front of you  under the rules agreed beforehand...............unless of course you are a remainer in england and dont want to take your medicine. :roll:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: BeElBeeBub post_id=9886 time=1576323486 user_id=88
The conservatives won more votes than any single party.  That's because almost all the  leave vote went to the Conservatives.

The remain vote was split between multiple parties.

If you tally up (as people did in 2017 to claim "80% of people voted for a party with brexit in their manifesto) the leave parties (Con/BXP) and the remain (revoke or 2ref) parties then remain for more votes.

CON 43.6%

BXP 2.0%

Total = 45.6%

LAB 32.1%

LD 11.5%

SNP 3.9%

GRN 2.7%

Total = 50.2%


Of the 32% voting Labour, 16% wanted to leave with a deal and 16% wanted to remain. Labour had an ambiguous policy.

So recalculate:

Leave 61.6%

Remain 34.2%
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=9811 time=1576273219 user_id=63
But this time, and this must REALLY piss you off, if you count up all the votes, you find that the tories not only won more SEATS than everyone else  they won more VOTES than anyone else too.

Suck it up, LOSER

The conservatives won more votes than any single party.  That's because almost all the  leave vote went to the Conservatives.

The remain vote was split between multiple parties.

If you tally up (as people did in 2017 to claim "80% of people voted for a party with brexit in their manifesto) the leave parties (Con/BXP) and the remain (revoke or 2ref) parties then remain for more votes.

CON 43.6%

BXP 2.0%

Total = 45.6%

LAB 32.1%

LD 11.5%

SNP 3.9%

GRN 2.7%

Total = 50.2%


Quote from: BeElBeeBub post_id=9776 time=1576255586 user_id=88
i'll cop to grasping at straws.

Because of Corbyn's very ambiguous stance and incredible personal unpopularity (and the FPTP/2 party system) there was no option but to vote tactically for a hung Parliament and hope they sorted it out from there.

but it's not a small minority of people..

The majority of votes were cast for 2nd ref/anti brexit parties.  Before you go off on "that' not how it works" - it's exactly the maths used when people say "the majority of votes in 297 were cast by parties who pledged to honour brexit".

Over the years on our old forum , and now this , that i have read your posts , at times i found myself agreeing with you. At times i thought that was a well written well articulated post.

...but at many other times , i found myself actually cringeing in embarressment for you at the absolute horseshit you come out with.

This is another one of those times.

History has shown men cannot live together without rules. Thats why we created democracy , a system of rule where we elect or appoint people to make rules we all agree to live by.

...and when people like you come along , and think somehow those rules dont apply to you when its something you disagree with , not only does it piss the rest off , society then starts to break down and we have chaos.

So lets look at the facts and pick apart this latest piece of bullshit in your above post.

In 2015 , the conservatives under david cameron stood on a ticket to hold a brexit referendum , remainers like you opposed it , it was put to the people , and you lost. one nil brexiters.

In 2016 , we held the brexit referendum , your country voted massively in favour of leaving the eu along with wales (54% from memory) you lost again. two nil brexiters.

In 2017 , both main parties stood on a brexit ticket , you lost again. Three nil brexiters.

In 2019 , we held the european elections , you lost again. Not only lost , but by now it was that bad for remainers you were reduced to arguing that you actually won off the back of some dodgy bbc graph  , much to all round laughter from the public and utter disbelief. Four nil brexiters.

December 2019 , we hold yet another general election. After much delay and obfustication by 77% remain parliament trying to obstruct the will of the english and welsh people , while clowns like you and yer pal javert stood on forums like this telling us all about the silent remain majority that couldnt win a single referendum or election over 4 years , how everyone had changed there mind and brexit must be stopped , it was yet again put to the people.  Tories stood yet again on a get brexit done ticket. Result? landslide victory five feckin  nil brexiters.

Your response? Its all wurzels fault.

Your head is buried so far up your arse beelbeeb you cant see reality around you.

QuoteSo, how come you haven't taken your (much bigger) referendum defeat of 2014 as a message that you have a crap message that no one buys into? How come yiu, as a commited democrat, haven't chucked your iScot aspirations in the bin?

I have told you why many times , and i will do so again.

In 2014 , we lost and accepted the result , and the result was implemented. While many people for example on this particular forum dont agree with scottish indy or support the snp , i think most reasonable people accept we honoured the result of 2014.

Even the tories accept that , they arent telling us we cant have another referendum , just not yet.

You on the other hand have never accpeted the referendum result of 2016 , and it has never yet been implemented.

Thats the key difference. You broke the rules of democracy , and refuse to take your medicine despite being drubbed by brexiters five feckin nil over five years in every election and referendum you took part in.

In the process , you have managed to unite in disgust all the bickering factions against your anti democratic stance of refusing to accept being humped five times. So much so you had people in the north  of england and wales  , constituencies who have voted labour for half a century or more voting tory to get brexit done as they are appalled at the anti demcratic stance of remainers like you.

You are now a figure of ridicule beelbeeb.

Your anti democratic remain stance and refusal to accept democracy is now nothing more than the rants of a lunatic who cannot see or accept reality around him.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Baron von Lotsov

We have been saved from Tessa Munt, even though I had about ten items of spam from her and only one from the Tories.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Quote from: BeElBeeBub post_id=9776 time=1576255586 user_id=88
i'll cop to grasping at straws.

Because of Corbyn's very ambiguous stance and incredible personal unpopularity (and the FPTP/2 party system) there was no option but to vote tactically for a hung Parliament and hope they sorted it out from there.

but it's not a small minority of people..

The majority of votes were cast for 2nd ref/anti brexit parties.  Before you go off on "that' not how it works" - it's exactly the maths used when people say "the majority of votes in 297 were cast by parties who pledged to honour brexit".

But this time, and this must REALLY piss you off, if you count up all the votes, you find that the tories not only won more SEATS than everyone else  they won more VOTES than anyone else too.

Suck it up, LOSER
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Thomas post_id=9733 time=1576249019 user_id=58
i know beely , its all wurzels fault. :lol:

i mean the labour party was so terribly popular in the yookay under gordon brown and ed milliband before him wasnt it?

it was the delusional option of a small minority of people grasping at straws.
i'll cop to grasping at straws.

Because of Corbyn's very ambiguous stance and incredible personal unpopularity (and the FPTP/2 party system) there was no option but to vote tactically for a hung Parliament and hope they sorted it out from there.

but it's not a small minority of people..

The majority of votes were cast for 2nd ref/anti brexit parties.  Before you go off on "that' not how it works" - it's exactly the maths used when people say "the majority of votes in 297 were cast by parties who pledged to honour brexit".

We were telling you the voters of england and wales were getting mightily pissed off at having their democratic vote disrespected , you ignored that and buried your head in the sand and carried on believing in fantasy rather than reality.

Now the voters patience snapped , the cold hard light of reality seems to be laid bare before you.

pathetic it really is.

When we lost in the 2014 referendum , we sat back , took a deep breath and realised our shortcomings and why we failed.

You on the other hand refuse to accept that people want brexit , and instead carry on blaming some silly old man who was never going to stop brexit in your wildest dreams nor is he to blame for remainers getting humped again.

You remainers lost because you are anti democrats who cant accept reality , not because of wurzel.

There comes a point where you have to stop blaming others , stop blaming lies or gerrymandering and accept you have a crap message no one buys into .


So, how come you haven't taken your (much bigger) referendum defeat of 2014 as a message that you have a crap message that no one buys into?  How come yiu, as a commited democrat, haven't chucked your iScot aspirations in the bin?


Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=9647 time=1576235169 user_id=63
You guys did give me the best laugh of the morning though. Jo 'your next prime minister' Swinson is now looking to the opportunities in the job centre.

john im not sure how true it was but i heard that the local scottish liberal democrat canvassers refused to go out and chap doors for her and they had to bus folk up from england.

Honestly , i feckin despise that woman and her fake feckin snooty accent i really do.

twos up to her.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: BeElBeeBub post_id=9719 time=1576245391 user_id=88
Good god no! A Corbyn gov would be pretty terrible. Whether it would would be worse than a hard brexit Tory gov is a difficult question. Except brexit is permanent and a Corbyn gov would be temporaryyup, that was our best option.

i know beely , its all wurzels fault. :lol:

i mean the labour party was so terribly popular in the yookay under gordon brown and ed milliband before him wasnt it?

Quoteyup, that was our best option.

it was the delusional option of a small minority of people grasping at straws.

We were telling you the voters of england and wales were getting mightily pissed off at having their democratic vote disrespected , you ignored that and buried your head in the sand and carried on believing in fantasy rather than reality.

Now the voters patience snapped , the cold hard light of reality seems to be laid bare before you.
 in case you hadn't noticed, i've been putting the boot into Corbyn for a while now and would have continued to do so even if he hadn't made a complete hash of things.

pathetic it really is.

When we lost in the 2014 referendum , we sat back , took a deep breath and realised our shortcomings and why we failed.

You on the other hand refuse to accept that people want brexit , and instead carry on blaming some silly old man who was never going to stop brexit in your wildest dreams nor is he to blame for remainers getting humped again.

You remainers lost because you are anti democrats who cant accept reality , not because of wurzel.

There comes a point where you have to stop blaming others , stop blaming lies or gerrymandering and accept you have a crap message no one buys into .

QuoteIf you're so concerned about Jeremy Corbyn's feelings why do you feel the need to continually refer to him as "Wurzle". Why are you following Donald Trump's style of coming up with childish nicknames like some sort of school bully.?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=9599 time=1576229153 user_id=58
That seems to be what i am reading across the interwebby this morning , anglo remainers  running around denying any sort of support however lukewarm for labour , while we all know they have secretly been hoping labour win the GE

 Good god no! A Corbyn gov would be pretty terrible. Whether it would would be worse than a hard brexit Tory gov is a difficult question. Except brexit is permanent and a Corbyn gov would be temporary
Quote or at least front a remain supporting hung parliament to stop brexit progressing.
yup, that was our best option. [/Quote]

Now they are putting the boot into wurzel along with the rest of the mob as the remain dream starts to crumble into bits finally.

With support like that who needs enemies.???[/quote] in case you hadn't noticed, i've been putting the boot into Corbyn for a while now and would have continued to do so even if he hadn't made a complete hash of things.

Whats the famous quote ? I paraphrase.........a shiver ran down the remainers look for a spine to climb up?

its despicable looking how quickly wurzel is being cast to the dogs by those who were inclined to give him support however lukewarm mere moments before.

If you're so concerned about Jeremy Corbyn's feelings why do you feel the need to continually refer to him as "Wurzle". Why are you following Donald Trump's style of coming up with childish nicknames like some sort of school bully.?


Quote from: Thomas post_id=9595 time=1576228482 user_id=58
no remain lost badly in england.

labour sat in the fence over brexit and were humped because of it.

England wants brexit , and you can run away and deny labour all you want while holding them at arms length , but the fact of the matter your precious status quo has been well and truly humped across the disunited kingdom.


You guys did give me the best laugh of the morning though. Jo 'your next prime minister' Swinson is now looking to the opportunities in the job centre.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>