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No deal?

Started by T00ts, December 13, 2019, 08:14:34 AM

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Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10947 time=1576937590 user_id=84
Your interpretation and opinion, not facts, are in an alternative universe to my interpretation and opinions.

No fact, go back over my posts about how Johnson was found guilty of lying..fact. How he was sacked for lying...fact. How his comments caused him to apologise...fact. His Mayor embarrassments with water canons, Buses, Ms Rathcliff, Indian temples, Kipling in Myanmar -- fact fact fact fact. There are dozens more examples, On the other hand you had opinion.

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10947 time=1576937590 user_id=84
You deliberately distort what has been said and twist it to your own purpose. I made it absolutely clear that the route for the departure of N.I. from the UK rested with the Northern Irish people voting for it. My point was clearly made with no ambiguity whatsoever. Are you really suggesting that I am not entitled to my own opinions regarding the Union, or that I have no right to voice those opinions? That seems to be the case which would certainly make make you arrogant and a bigot!

No distortion, go back and read. You said
Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10947 time=1576937590 user_id=84
You have, I notice, said something I agree with probably for the first time. Without doubt the best thing for Britain is for Northern Ireland to reunify with the Republic. In one stroke it will get rid of a whingeing minority which has far more in common with its island neighbour than the British mainland, while losing the remainder of the UK a paltry £40 billion or so in nominal GP, but will save us £10.8 billion in unjustified 'handouts'.

That's pretty clear, the best thing for the UK is to "get rid of a whinging minority" of NI, you later twisted what you wrote to some nonsense that you would happily see NI chose to leave the UK. But it's not what you wrote. I'm not distorting anything, your words. But just keep coming with personal insults, you have no other argument. I'll accept that what you meant to say was NI should chose it's own future. If you do believe that then you would know it has nothing to do with brexit and NI should wait until the final deal is trashed out before considering making a decision.

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10947 time=1576937590 user_id=84
Indeed it is not an opinion but a fact that the UK would be better off economically without N.I.

Only because the UK drove NI into the position it finds itself in. Why is it Ireland has prospered while NI did the opposite over the past 100 yrs. Some investment from GB would have helped.

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10947 time=1576937590 user_id=84
As an ex-soldier, charged with attempting to keep the peace in N.I. in the early seventies, I can barely bring myself to address the utter drivel you spew about an invading country murdering, starving and taking peoples land for GB invaders. Your view disgusts me. Many fine British servicemen lost their lives to the terrorist murderers so beloved by Sinn Fein and the far left of the Labour Party and now it seems by you from your wild and emotive language.

You have a very poor understanding of Irish history if you don't understand that GB was an invading country that held Ireland through force, that's a fact go read a book. Your ignorance on the subject is bewildering.  1 million people were starved to death because GB took all the food out of the country..fact. IF you want to read about how Cromwell stole land from Irish read this"> ... eland.html">  Irish land ownership went from 70% Irish catholic to 10% UK soldiers, with hundreds of thousands killed...fact.

So roll on and some of your fellow soldiers are killed, you might call them terrorists but your totally overlooking why.

GB held onto NI for a number of reasons, one major one was it's industry, the Titanic left port in 1912, from a very wealthy region of Ireland just 4 yrs before Ireland's fight for freedom was at it's peak. In this country the men that fought GB soldiers through 1916 were hero's and are commemorated in this country, you probably think their terrorists, but let me remind you those UK soldiers were in another country that didn't recognise their authority on this island.

To further prove my point, the ROI had in it's constitution a legitimate claim on NI as a part of the ROI, that was only removed in 1998 after a referendum, long after you left these lands.

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10947 time=1576937590 user_id=84
I really have now had enough of your opinions. This exchange is only going to disintegrate further since it is my belief that you are as wrong as you can get and you obviously feel the same about my views. I really think it better if there is no further exchange between us and I will be the one to walk away.

Most of what I have presented have been facts, you can choose to ignore fact, from you all I've got is opinion. Not one of which has been backed up by any fact.

If you don't want to engage that's fine.


Quote from: GerryT post_id=11012 time=1576967806 user_id=61
T May agreed the WA, the backstop would kick in at the end of the transition period only if an alternative solution to the NI border wasn't found, it was  a dormant clause. Johnson changed that form a backstop to a front stop, effectively making it front and central. So it's pretty much guaranteed that NI stays in alignment with the EU and has free access to the GB market. But Johnson agreed that there would be a border down the Irish sea to ensure Ni stays in alignment.

So let the shit-storm start.

What has happened is that it has gone from the EU holding all the cards to the UK actually having control. We are the ones saying we are leaving and that we can do very well without the EU thank you. It's on our terms, we live or die by our decisions, the EU's only input is whether they want to deal or not and I'm guessing they will.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Thomas post_id=10911 time=1576931283 user_id=58
Gerry sorry to jump in on the argument , but i hope you arent making the same mistake as conor here?

Have you not learned any lessons after the drubbing remainers took in the GE in england?

Northern ireland will not be an obstacle to brexit , the english wont tolerate it.

It will either need to leave ( or johnson sell it down the river to protect english interests GFA or no) or it will be dragged around in the mud as collateral damage.

You should be out making a case for a border poll , rather than arguing for a half way house.

If northern ireland gets its special status of one foot in the eu and the other in the uk , every remainer in these islands is gong to be going mental arguing for the same status.

Not just the snp and scotland , but business and areas of england and wales who want remain will be arguing why cant we have the same.

The GFA isnt going to be an excuse either , i told you before most folk neither know nor do they care about it.While( i repeat) i hope the 6 counties get their special status , the reality is it will cause johnson and his party severe problems across the rest of the uk , and johnson and the tories know their bread is buttered in england which has a massive brexit majority , and english brexiters will hold the tories feet to the fire if they let the 6 counties and the GFA get in their way.

just saying.

T May agreed the WA, the backstop would kick in at the end of the transition period only if an alternative solution to the NI border wasn't found, it was  a dormant clause. Johnson changed that form a backstop to a front stop, effectively making it front and central. So it's pretty much guaranteed that NI stays in alignment with the EU and has free access to the GB market. But Johnson agreed that there would be a border down the Irish sea to ensure Ni stays in alignment.

So let the shit-storm start.

Major Sinic

Quote from: GerryT post_id=10908 time=1576930713 user_id=61
No we don't, I have an opinion, one based on fact and you like the man. You back your argument up by calling me a bewildered loser, an ignorant cipher, arrogant, a bigot and utterly stupid. So no hard to find common ground. You then listed what you thought backed your argument, but all you presented were empty vessels. So until you can show why you thing he's seismic we can leave him as a certified liar and fool, based on fact.  

I never distorted what you said, to recap:

You think the best thing for Britain is for NI to just go away, you think there's a whingeing majority but the fact is there are staunch unionists living in NI, but you don't care about them but you do the 10.8b. Luckily both Ireland and the EU do care about both communities in NI and will protect the GFA.

And there you go again, it's best for GB so lets dump NI

The people of NI haven't yet being asked, what we can read from the election is the people want the UK to remain in the EU, not that they want reunification, that question hasn't being asked. Post Brexit and depending on the type of deal Johnson can broker the NI people might then decide to look for reunification.

Yes a violent civil war, that is if you count an invading country murdering, starving and taking the local people's land for GB invaders, who fight back for freedom from tyranny, yes a civil war. Again you have an opinion on what the people of NI want, one that suits your want to dump NI so that England can get what it wants. Brexit and NI reunification are separate. But Brexit may be a catalyst to bringing about reunification but it should never be the means for brexit.

Your interpretation and opinion, not facts, are in an alternative universe to my interpretation and opinions. You deliberately distort what has been said and twist it to your own purpose. I made it absolutely clear that the route for the departure of N.I. from the UK rested with the Northern Irish people voting for it. My point was clearly made with no ambiguity whatsoever. Are you really suggesting that I am not entitled to my own opinions regarding the Union, or that I have no right to voice those opinions? That seems to be the case which would certainly make make you arrogant and a bigot!

Indeed it is not an opinion but a fact that the UK would be better off economically without N.I.

As an ex-soldier, charged with attempting to keep the peace in N.I. in the early seventies, I can barely bring myself to address the utter drivel you spew about an invading country murdering, starving and taking peoples land for GB invaders. Your view disgusts me. Many fine British servicemen lost their lives to the terrorist murderers so beloved by Sinn Fein and the far left of the Labour Party and now it seems by you from your wild and emotive language.

I really have now had enough of your opinions. This exchange is only going to disintegrate further since it is my belief that you are as wrong as you can get and you obviously feel the same about my views. I really think it better if there is no further exchange between us and I will be the one to walk away.


Gerry sorry to jump in on the argument , but i hope you arent making the same mistake as conor here?

Have you not learned any lessons after the drubbing remainers took in the GE in england?

Northern ireland will not be an obstacle to brexit , the english wont tolerate it.

It will either need to leave ( or johnson sell it down the river to protect english interests GFA or no) or it will be dragged around in the mud as collateral damage.

You should be out making a case for a border poll , rather than arguing for a half way house.

If northern ireland gets its special status of one foot in the eu and the other in the uk , every remainer in these islands is gong to be going mental arguing for the same status.

Not just the snp and scotland , but business and areas of england and wales who want remain will be arguing why cant we have the same.

The GFA isnt going to be an excuse either , i told you before most folk neither know nor do they care about it.While( i repeat) i hope the 6 counties get their special status , the reality is it will cause johnson and his party severe problems across the rest of the uk , and johnson and the tories know their bread is buttered in england which has a massive brexit majority , and english brexiters will hold the tories feet to the fire if they let the 6 counties and the GFA get in their way.

just saying.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10887 time=1576916359 user_id=84
There is absolutely no common ground between us and I think we must both accept that.

No we don't, I have an opinion, one based on fact and you like the man. You back your argument up by calling me a bewildered loser, an ignorant cipher, arrogant, a bigot and utterly stupid. So no hard to find common ground. You then listed what you thought backed your argument, but all you presented were empty vessels. So until you can show why you thing he's seismic we can leave him as a certified liar and fool, based on fact.  

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10887 time=1576916359 user_id=84
One point I take particular exception to is your final paragraph and your distortion of what I said. There is no suggestion on my part of sacrifice or abandonment of the Northern Irish people. The departure of N.I. would be at the behest of a majority of the N.I. people and probably their acceptance by the Republic of Ireland. Just because I would warmly welcome and approve such a departure, just as I would that of Scotland following a democratic vote, in no way implies any abandonment  of N.I. by the UK. Indeed if anything it would be the abandonment of the UK by N.I. but I think that would cause minimal distress.

I never distorted what you said, to recap:
Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10887 time=1576916359 user_id=84
You have, I notice, said something I agree with probably for the first time. Without doubt the best thing for Britain is for Northern Ireland to reunify with the Republic. In one stroke it will get rid of a whingeing minority which has far more in common with its island neighbour than the British mainland, while losing the remainder of the UK a paltry £40 billion or so in nominal GP, but will save us £10.8 billion in unjustified 'handouts'.

You think the best thing for Britain is for NI to just go away, you think there's a whingeing majority but the fact is there are staunch unionists living in NI, but you don't care about them but you do the 10.8b. Luckily both Ireland and the EU do care about both communities in NI and will protect the GFA.

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10887 time=1576916359 user_id=84
It is perfectly reasonable for me, as an Englishman, to have a view on the Union and in the case of N.I. it is undoubtedly in the remainder of the UK's economic interests for N.I. to leave the Union.

And there you go again, it's best for GB so lets dump NI

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10887 time=1576916359 user_id=84
It also seems to me that the majority of the population of N.I. agree, with the Nationalist cause for the first time electing more MPs than the Unionist and a majority of the N. Irish people voting to remain in the EU.

The people of NI haven't yet being asked, what we can read from the election is the people want the UK to remain in the EU, not that they want reunification, that question hasn't being asked. Post Brexit and depending on the type of deal Johnson can broker the NI people might then decide to look for reunification.

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10887 time=1576916359 user_id=84
Finally the majority of the N. Irish people would get what they started a violent civil war to achieve. Culturally and in terms of trade and simply day to day I can't help but feel that the N.Irish people feel, regardless of sectarian issues, a closer kindred spirit to the those in the Republic than to those on mainland UK (as in that is where the remainder of the UK is located and it is somewhat larger than the 'six counties').

Yes a violent civil war, that is if you count an invading country murdering, starving and taking the local people's land for GB invaders, who fight back for freedom from tyranny, yes a civil war. Again you have an opinion on what the people of NI want, one that suits your want to dump NI so that England can get what it wants. Brexit and NI reunification are separate. But Brexit may be a catalyst to bringing about reunification but it should never be the means for brexit.

Major Sinic

Quote from: GerryT post_id=10849 time=1576864224 user_id=61
It can't be undemocratic, the people voted in the MP's. It's the Tories fault for holding an election and loosing it's majority position, followed by a mistake getting into bed with the DUP. But you mention below how he brought about the GE, my comment is there.

 The original withdrawal agreement had a NI only backstop, T.May changed that to a UK wide one. What Johnson did is put it back to NI only and guaranteeing no border in IRL, effectively a border down the middle of the UK. And this you cite as seismic achievement, that's funny. Lets face it T,May had a better WA, Johnson just made it worse.

 He hasn't got an EU deal, those talks start 1st Feb if the UK doesn't balls things up between now and then.

 Well after he lied to the queen about suspending parliament to get his way he then looked to call a GE to do the same, it wasn't surprising that nobody would agree. Then his failed "die in a ditch" Oct deadline passed, followed by his 3 attempts to have a GE called, also failed. What was it Johnson did to get the GE, well nothing. It was Corbyn that felt the time was right and only then was the GE day set. Not a glorious result there for Johnson!

 Wouldn't class them as seismic, not even a slight rumble.

 And so the Unionists in NI are sacrificed for the better good of England, these are UK citizens that your would so easily abandon. There is no British mainland, it's an Island, it includes Britain and Scotland or GB if you want. The right thing to do is let the people of NI decide what they want, remain in the UK, join IRL or go it alone. That's what the good Friday agreement does. As for the handouts, if the UK hadn't made a total balls of the region for the past 100yrs then NI would be a major contributor and not a sink hole.

There is absolutely no common ground between us and I think we must both accept that.

One point I take particular exception to is your final paragraph and your distortion of what I said. There is no suggestion on my part of sacrifice or abandonment of the Northern Irish people. The departure of N.I. would be at the behest of a majority of the N.I. people and probably their acceptance by the Republic of Ireland. Just because I would warmly welcome and approve such a departure, just as I would that of Scotland following a democratic vote, in no way implies any abandonment  of N.I. by the UK. Indeed if anything it would be the abandonment of the UK by N.I. but I think that would cause minimal distress.

It is perfectly reasonable for me, as an Englishman, to have a view on the Union and in the case of N.I. it is undoubtedly in the remainder of the UK's economic interests for N.I. to leave the Union. It also seems to me that the majority of the population of N.I. agree, with the Nationalist cause for the first time electing more MPs than the Unionist and a majority of the N. Irish people voting to remain in the EU. Finally the majority of the N. Irish people would get what they started a violent civil war to achieve. Culturally and in terms of trade and simply day to day I can't help but feel that the N.Irish people feel, regardless of sectarian issues, a closer kindred spirit to the those in the Republic than to those on mainland UK (as in that is where the remainder of the UK is located and it is somewhat larger than the 'six counties').


Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10779 time=1576839390 user_id=84 Briefly he almost single handed broke the anti-democratic log jam manipulated by the opposition in Westminster,
It can't be undemocratic, the people voted in the MP's. It's the Tories fault for holding an election and loosing it's majority position, followed by a mistake getting into bed with the DUP. But you mention below how he brought about the GE, my comment is there.

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10779 time=1576839390 user_id=84despite everyone and his dog claiming he wouldn't persuade the EU to reopen the WD agreement he did,
The original withdrawal agreement had a NI only backstop, T.May changed that to a UK wide one. What Johnson did is put it back to NI only and guaranteeing no border in IRL, effectively a border down the middle of the UK. And this you cite as seismic achievement, that's funny. Lets face it T,May had a better WA, Johnson just made it worse.

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10779 time=1576839390 user_id=84despite the opposition assuring us he wouldn't secure an EU Deal he did,
He hasn't got an EU deal, those talks start 1st Feb if the UK doesn't balls things up between now and then.

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10779 time=1576839390 user_id=84despite all the odds he forced a General Election which he won with the biggest majority since the early eighties and now faces a five year term as the Prime Minister of an inclusive one nation Conservative Government.
Well after he lied to the queen about suspending parliament to get his way he then looked to call a GE to do the same, it wasn't surprising that nobody would agree. Then his failed "die in a ditch" Oct deadline passed, followed by his 3 attempts to have a GE called, also failed. What was it Johnson did to get the GE, well nothing. It was Corbyn that felt the time was right and only then was the GE day set. Not a glorious result there for Johnson!

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10779 time=1576839390 user_id=84These are the seismic achievements which will ensure him a positive place in history. What you think of him is now more insignificant than ever.
Wouldn't class them as seismic, not even a slight rumble.

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10779 time=1576839390 user_id=84You have, I notice, said something I agree with probably for the first time. Without doubt the best thing for Britain is for Northern Ireland to reunify with the Republic. In one stroke it will get rid of a whingeing minority which has far more in common with its island neighbour than the British mainland, while losing the remainder of the UK a paltry £40 billion or so in nominal GP, but will save us £10.8 billion in unjustified 'handouts'.
And so the Unionists in NI are sacrificed for the better good of England, these are UK citizens that your would so easily abandon. There is no British mainland, it's an Island, it includes Britain and Scotland or GB if you want. The right thing to do is let the people of NI decide what they want, remain in the UK, join IRL or go it alone. That's what the good Friday agreement does. As for the handouts, if the UK hadn't made a total balls of the region for the past 100yrs then NI would be a major contributor and not a sink hole.

Major Sinic

Quote from: GerryT post_id=10768 time=1576837663 user_id=61
I point out a number of examples where the highly educated Johnson has acted like a grade A fool, as examples of his ability to embarrass himself and the UK, he will continue to do such things as he can't help himself. You choose to ignore what he does and prefer to see him as this leading light. Lets see how long that lasts now he's in charge.

But you haven't listed all the great things he has done, what are they ?

Maybe it was his time before lord Mayor, oh no he was sacked the times for making up stuff in a front page article. Or maybe before that at the Spectator when he blamed drunken liverpool fans on Hillsborough. Yea a real nice character.

Ireland broke free from the UK and since then has lifted itself, maybe the best thing for NI would be to join Ireland and reap the same benefits. It's obvious that England hasn't a clue how to make the area profitable, either that or they just don't care...humm..

But more importantly you leveled a lot of accusation about me, back them up. Otherwise their just loose words thrown around.

Briefly he almost single handed broke the anti-democratic log jam manipulated by the opposition in Westminster, despite everyone and his dog claiming he wouldn't persuade the EU to reopen the WD agreement he did, despite the opposition assuring us he wouldn't secure an EU Deal he did, despite all the odds he forced a General Election which he won with the biggest majority since the early eighties and now faces a five year term as the Prime Minister of an inclusive one nation Conservative Government. These are the seismic achievements which will ensure him a positive place in history. What you think of him is now more insignificant than ever.

You have, I notice, said something I agree with probably for the first time. Without doubt the best thing for Britain is for Northern Ireland to reunify with the Republic. In one stroke it will get rid of a whingeing minority which has far more in common with its island neighbour than the British mainland, while losing the remainder of the UK a paltry £40 billion or so in nominal GP, but will save us £10.8 billion in unjustified 'handouts'.


Quote from: GerryT post_id=10768 time=1576837663 user_id=61

Ireland broke free from the UK and since then has lifted itself, maybe the best thing for NI would be to join Ireland and reap the same benefits. It's obvious that England hasn't a clue how to make the area profitable, either that or they just don't care...humm..

We dont always agree gerry , but i have to say i agree with this.

David mcwilliams the irish economist who writes for the financial times  , epitomises your point in your post about england not having a clue how to make the regions outside london profitable or even wether they care.

He wrote that one of the most striking developments of the last 4 decades or so is how much richer the independent republic of ireland has become compared to the uk and northern ireland in particular.

Commercially the union has been a calamity for northern ireland.

Even the small amount of devolution we have has drastically improved scotland since the late nineties , compared to the vastly ignored northern english regions which are some of the poorest in these islands.

When ireland first gained indy , centuries of british rule had left it impoverished and its income per head was less than half the european average.

A century of freedom from the wonder of london rule , and its income per head is 37% above the uk. A statement mirrored in almost every country that has decided to swap the chains of london rule for independence,.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=10727 time=1576784256 user_id=84
Frankly I see this as nothing but another long ramble in which you have trawled a number of isolated instances which you feel justify your ferocious attack in your original post against Boris Johnson. You again conveniently ignore his seismic achievements, as Prime Minister. You have said nothing to change my view of Boris as PM nor my opinion of your jaundiced, ill-judged and bigoted diatribe against the man.

If you don't like what is happening then campaign for nationalisation with the Republic! If you don't like the idea of the resulting drop in your living standards which such a move would cause, then accept that you are facing five years of UK Conservative rule, in all probability under Boris's premiership.

Certainly the loss of the 'six counties' with its drop in the ocean of 43 billion GDP would be far less noticeable to the UK economy than the positive benefit  of saving  the £10 billion+ which the Westminster Government provides annually to Northern Ireland. My own view is the sooner nationalisation occurs the better for the remainder of the UK.

I do not have sufficient respect for you or your random opinions to respond more fully as I might with others who hold views very different to my own, so I really can't be bothered to respond any further.

I point out a number of examples where the highly educated Johnson has acted like a grade A fool, as examples of his ability to embarrass himself and the UK, he will continue to do such things as he can't help himself. You choose to ignore what he does and prefer to see him as this leading light. Lets see how long that lasts now he's in charge.

But you haven't listed all the great things he has done, what are they ?

Maybe it was his time before lord Mayor, oh no he was sacked the times for making up stuff in a front page article. Or maybe before that at the Spectator when he blamed drunken liverpool fans on Hillsborough. Yea a real nice character.

Ireland broke free from the UK and since then has lifted itself, maybe the best thing for NI would be to join Ireland and reap the same benefits. It's obvious that England hasn't a clue how to make the area profitable, either that or they just don't care...humm..

But more importantly you leveled a lot of accusation about me, back them up. Otherwise their just loose words thrown around.


Quote from: GerryT post_id=10649 time=1576748597 user_id=61
NO what you did is brand remainers as saying leavers are fools and idiots, when the bulk of remainers don't say anything like that. Just like not all leavers say remainers are "insert remark here".

Do you ever read what you post yourself Gerry? You have the bloody cheek to pull me and falsely claim I call people idiots and fools so what do you post on this thread?

That Boris is an idiot and moron and it speaks volumes that the English electorate vote for such a person thereby implying they too are fools and morons.

Look to your own politicians and electorate before criticising the English or to be clear stop looking at the speck in my eye and look at the plank in yours. and affordable,not that hard is it?

Major Sinic

Quote from: GerryT post_id=10576 time=1576690334 user_id=61
Thanks very much, I look forward to your forensic build up to that opinion.

How do you rate his success as Mayor. Was it his purchase of the 3 water canons, they were never used and sold for scrap..that's scrap, or maybe it was his promise to end rough sleeping in London by 2012, instead he rose it by 130%. Wait it could be his promise in 2012 to double the number of special constables to 10,000 but by 2016 there were less than 3271. He was perfecting his lying skiils for when he became PM and would get a court conviction for lying to the Queen. But my favourite was how he would lie down in front of the bulldozers building Heathrow, but when the crunch time came he didn't resign like Greg Hands did, no he preferred to fly to Afghanistan to miss the vote, a man of conviction. Finally as mayor his new Bus with unusual design, costing London hundreds of millions in design it turns out the IP rights remain with the manufacturer, this was found out after TFL bought 1000 buses for 250m. Enough about him being Mayor.

Next the WA, next you say he had the NI backstop removed. Is that what you see, lets look a little deeper. What he did was agree to removing the full UK backstop and replace it with a NI only backstop, in effect driving a big wedge down the middle of the UK. The NI backstop remains and only a sea border satisfies what Johnson agreed to, what he's going to most likely sign into law, guaranteeing the UK has a border and NI effectively in the EU.

Yes he won the election and the people of the UK will get the PM they deserve. But ironic that you bring up gerrymandering, I've heard talk of johnson looking to move electoral areas in the UK so that future votes favour the tories ! we'll have to wait and see, yes Johnson is a great leader.

 I never disputed he is educated, I said he was thick and and a liar, now there's not many of us that get the lying bit proven in Court but Johnson did, so that's not disputed. If you look at just the few, and I could have posted so many more, of the stupid decisions Johnson made it would show that no matter how much information a person memorises if he can't use that information in making decisions he's thick. Johnson is a prime example of this. knowledge is not intelligence, we can only Judge johnson on his actions.

As for other politicians, if you think they come close to Johnson demonstrate it. But what does that prove, it doesn't change what Johnson is. SO fire away, demonstrate it

I'll throw in a couple more to show his ability to use his vast education.

Nazanin Rathcliff had the prospect of her sentenced doubled thanks to Johnson saying she was training journalists in Iran.

Talking on radio about money being spent on child abuse investigations, he said it would be better spent "spaffed up the wall"..lovely comment.

Then there's the burka "bank robbers" and "letter box" comments

In lybia he said the town of Sirte had a bright future when investors cleared the dead bodies from the streets, very diplomatic.

AT a Sikh temple he was verbally attacked for bringing up the topic, that he was thrilled to increase the Whiskey exports to India, they just love talking about alcohol in those Sikh temples.

In 2017 speaking in India he described the EU as inflicting Nazi style punishments for suggesting introducing Tariffs post brexit. I think in 2017 the well educated Johnson needed to brush up on WTO, in fact he still does.

But the best was reading the Kipling poem in a sacred temple in Myanmar, that was just after he said a gold statue looked like a very big guinea pig. The poem was the road to Mandalay.

Look he's a clown, he's thick a moron and a liar. But you like him. Maybe you could explain his genius. Maybe it's Dominic Cummins, the man behind the scenes telling Johnson what to do.

Again some nice personal insults, don't bother talking about the post, just go for the poster. But your probably right, but I'm so utterly stupid can you explain how you came to those opinions. Or do I just ignore it as your backlash at calling out Johnson for what he is.

Frankly I see this as nothing but another long ramble in which you have trawled a number of isolated instances which you feel justify your ferocious attack in your original post against Boris Johnson. You again conveniently ignore his seismic achievements, as Prime Minister. You have said nothing to change my view of Boris as PM nor my opinion of your jaundiced, ill-judged and bigoted diatribe against the man.

If you don't like what is happening then campaign for nationalisation with the Republic! If you don't like the idea of the resulting drop in your living standards which such a move would cause, then accept that you are facing five years of UK Conservative rule, in all probability under Boris's premiership.

Certainly the loss of the 'six counties' with its drop in the ocean of 43 billion GDP would be far less noticeable to the UK economy than the positive benefit  of saving  the £10 billion+ which the Westminster Government provides annually to Northern Ireland. My own view is the sooner nationalisation occurs the better for the remainder of the UK.

I do not have sufficient respect for you or your random opinions to respond more fully as I might with others who hold views very different to my own, so I really can't be bothered to respond any further.


Quote from: cromwell post_id=10598 time=1576700085 user_id=48
Good god Gerry you make things up,I didn't say posters on here though there were odd ones on the old site who did.

NO what you did is brand remainers as saying leavers are fools and idiots, when the bulk of remainers don't say anything like that. Just like not all leavers say remainers are "insert remark here".


Quote from: GerryT post_id=10597 time=1576697406 user_id=61
I'm sure there are individuals calling leavers and others calling remainers the same. That doesn't make it a commonly held belief on either side.

You said

There is bewilderment amongst the losers as to size of their loss and reasons for it and they scrabble around grasping for any reason other than you treat people as fools and idiots take their vote for granted and ignore them and say we know best it will come back to bite you on the arse and it has big style.

You keep saying that, your words not mine.

I spoke of Johnson, one man, and my opinion wasn't based on his position as a leaver or remainer but on his track record, what he has done and probably will do.

The point being you have on numerous posts leveled that accusation that remainer's hold that view about leavers. I don't see many posters saying that.

Good god Gerry you make things up,I didn't say posters on here though there were odd ones on the old site who did. and affordable,not that hard is it?