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No deal?

Started by T00ts, December 13, 2019, 08:14:34 AM

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Quote from: cromwell post_id=10593 time=1576696505 user_id=48
To that in bold,no they didn't there's plenty of evidence of remain calling those who voted leave stupid,poorly educated and thick......Thornberry has been a]ccused and I know who I believe

I'm sure there are individuals calling leavers and others calling remainers the same. That doesn't make it a commonly held belief on either side.

Quote from: cromwell post_id=10593 time=1576696505 user_id=48Please quote where I  called people fools and idiots,the only one doing that is you posting about Boris

You said

There is bewilderment amongst the losers as to size of their loss and reasons for it and they scrabble around grasping for any reason other than you treat people as fools and idiots take their vote for granted and ignore them and say we know best it will come back to bite you on the arse and it has big style.

You keep saying that, your words not mine.

I spoke of Johnson, one man, and my opinion wasn't based on his position as a leaver or remainer but on his track record, what he has done and probably will do.

The point being you have on numerous posts leveled that accusation that remainer's hold that view about leavers. I don't see many posters saying that.


Quote from: GerryT post_id=10582 time=1576692184 user_id=61
Yep, throw them in a cell and lock the door. But with Haughey and Ahern they are now very much disliked and disgraced when people found out what they were up to. Johnson on he other hand seems to be teflon, even the most stupid of gaffs he seems to get away with, and they still love him.

No there's not, under the unkempt mop is a man way out of his depth, unable to help himself embarrassing his country, that has his own interests at heart more than the countries. The first thing he's going to do is have his withdrawal agreement passed in Parliament. That separate's NI from the rest of the UK. Then he is saying he will pass a law that prevents talks going past Dec 2020, all that does is hand all the power back to the EU, they can just sit and wait until Johnson signs up to the deal they put on the table. Who goes into a negotiation tying their hands behind their backs, johnson needs a deal he should know WTO would be a UK disaster, he's a genius.

 No one tried to subvert democracy, what happened is what should have happened. Alot changed and the people got a second say even if the election wasn't about brexit, it was in reality. The people have spoke and they want Brexit, there's no question now. The only people calling people that voted leave thick are leavers themselves, why do that ?

    But the recent election does place the power with those advocating leaving. So Johnson will get the withdrawal agreement (T.Mays deal really with a minor tweak, separating NI from the UK) passed and the UK leaves at the end of Jan. Then the fun starts, we will see what (Cummings) Johnson does next.

To that in bold,no they didn't there's plenty of evidence of remain calling those who voted leave stupid,poorly educated and thick......Thornberry has been a]ccused and I know who I believe

QuoteThat makes no sense. There are people that want to leave and those that want to stay. Again your calling people fools and Idiots, why ?

Please quote where I  called people fools and idiots,the only one doing that is you posting about Boris and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell post_id=9898 time=1576325352 user_id=48
Liar? Well he's a politician but how does he compare to your Haughey or Ahern and a long list of others proven or suspected of corruption and lies to line their pockets,Little Leo conspiring with a now widely hated or inconsequential past PM of ours around Brexit.

Yep, throw them in a cell and lock the door. But with Haughey and Ahern they are now very much disliked and disgraced when people found out what they were up to. Johnson on he other hand seems to be teflon, even the most stupid of gaffs he seems to get away with, and they still love him.

Quote from: cromwell post_id=9898 time=1576325352 user_id=48But thick? no he's not thick and despite his bumbling appearance under that unkempt mop there is great intelligence, I'm no massive fan (like most  politicians) but he has managed to put himself in to a position where instead of a paralysed parliament he can push through his vision and history will judge his success not you trying to foresee with your cracked and malign crystal ball.

No there's not, under the unkempt mop is a man way out of his depth, unable to help himself embarrassing his country, that has his own interests at heart more than the countries. The first thing he's going to do is have his withdrawal agreement passed in Parliament. That separate's NI from the rest of the UK. Then he is saying he will pass a law that prevents talks going past Dec 2020, all that does is hand all the power back to the EU, they can just sit and wait until Johnson signs up to the deal they put on the table. Who goes into a negotiation tying their hands behind their backs, johnson needs a deal he should know WTO would be a UK disaster, he's a genius.

Quote from: cromwell post_id=9898 time=1576325352 user_id=48What speaks volumes for our electorate is that many looked around at a Westminster that had lied,obstructed and treated said electorate as thick and moronic who weren't at all and obviously many who voted remain too were sickened by the attempt to subvert democracy and voted accordingly.
No one tried to subvert democracy, what happened is what should have happened. Alot changed and the people got a second say even if the election wasn't about brexit, it was in reality. The people have spoke and they want Brexit, there's no question now. The only people calling people that voted leave thick are leavers themselves, why do that ?

Quote from: cromwell post_id=9898 time=1576325352 user_id=48So many around the world laugh at him and his moronic ways you say,perhaps some do whilst looking over their shoulders in fear that all labelled as populism there is someone much much worse than a Boris looking to replace them

 There is bewilderment amongst the losers as to size of their loss and reasons for it and they scrabble around grasping for any reason other than you treat people as fools and idiots take their vote for granted and ignore them and say we know best it will come back to bite you on the arse and it has big style.
 That makes no sense. There are people that want to leave and those that want to stay. Again your calling people fools and Idiots, why ?  But the recent election does place the power with those advocating leaving. So Johnson will get the withdrawal agreement (T.Mays deal really with a minor tweak, separating NI from the UK) passed and the UK leaves at the end of Jan. Then the fun starts, we will see what (Cummings) Johnson does next.


Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=9825 time=1576292785 user_id=84
Your opinions are two dimensional, unreasoned and unsupported and can be dismissed as the minority view of a bewildered loser.
Thanks very much, I look forward to your forensic build up to that opinion.

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=9825 time=1576292785 user_id=84He is widely regarded by many as a successful mayor, he successfully broke a political log jam in our parliament when no one else could, he negotiated the re-opening of the WA when everyone said he hadn't a hope, he successfully renegotiated the WA to remove the NI back stop and he has just secured the biggest landslide election victory since 1983, with constituencies which have never been Conservative are now Conservative. He did so because he has proved his credentials as a genuine democrat by risking his career to deliver Brexit in the face of the most disgraceful anti-democratic gerry mandering by the Remain lobby.

How do you rate his success as Mayor. Was it his purchase of the 3 water canons, they were never used and sold for scrap..that's scrap, or maybe it was his promise to end rough sleeping in London by 2012, instead he rose it by 130%. Wait it could be his promise in 2012 to double the number of special constables to 10,000 but by 2016 there were less than 3271. He was perfecting his lying skiils for when he became PM and would get a court conviction for lying to the Queen. But my favourite was how he would lie down in front of the bulldozers building Heathrow, but when the crunch time came he didn't resign like Greg Hands did, no he preferred to fly to Afghanistan to miss the vote, a man of conviction. Finally as mayor his new Bus with unusual design, costing London hundreds of millions in design it turns out the IP rights remain with the manufacturer, this was found out after TFL bought 1000 buses for 250m. Enough about him being Mayor.

Next the WA, next you say he had the NI backstop removed. Is that what you see, lets look a little deeper. What he did was agree to removing the full UK backstop and replace it with a NI only backstop, in effect driving a big wedge down the middle of the UK. The NI backstop remains and only a sea border satisfies what Johnson agreed to, what he's going to most likely sign into law, guaranteeing the UK has a border and NI effectively in the EU.

Yes he won the election and the people of the UK will get the PM they deserve. But ironic that you bring up gerrymandering, I've heard talk of johnson looking to move electoral areas in the UK so that future votes favour the tories ! we'll have to wait and see, yes Johnson is a great leader.

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=9825 time=1576292785 user_id=84He is a graduate of Oxford University having had one of the finest educations available in the world at Eton, and prior to becoming a politician,he was a successful and well educated journalist. You are an ignorant cypher and have the arrogance and ignorance to refer to him as thick and a moron! He is no more a liar than many of your grubby Irish political representatives, Corbyn, Swinson and many other UK politicians, and less so than most.

 I never disputed he is educated, I said he was thick and and a liar, now there's not many of us that get the lying bit proven in Court but Johnson did, so that's not disputed. If you look at just the few, and I could have posted so many more, of the stupid decisions Johnson made it would show that no matter how much information a person memorises if he can't use that information in making decisions he's thick. Johnson is a prime example of this. knowledge is not intelligence, we can only Judge johnson on his actions.

As for other politicians, if you think they come close to Johnson demonstrate it. But what does that prove, it doesn't change what Johnson is. SO fire away, demonstrate it

I'll throw in a couple more to show his ability to use his vast education.

Nazanin Rathcliff had the prospect of her sentenced doubled thanks to Johnson saying she was training journalists in Iran.

Talking on radio about money being spent on child abuse investigations, he said it would be better spent "spaffed up the wall"..lovely comment.

Then there's the burka "bank robbers" and "letter box" comments

In lybia he said the town of Sirte had a bright future when investors cleared the dead bodies from the streets, very diplomatic.

AT a Sikh temple he was verbally attacked for bringing up the topic, that he was thrilled to increase the Whiskey exports to India, they just love talking about alcohol in those Sikh temples.

In 2017 speaking in India he described the EU as inflicting Nazi style punishments for suggesting introducing Tariffs post brexit. I think in 2017 the well educated Johnson needed to brush up on WTO, in fact he still does.

But the best was reading the Kipling poem in a sacred temple in Myanmar, that was just after he said a gold statue looked like a very big guinea pig. The poem was the road to Mandalay.

Look he's a clown, he's thick a moron and a liar. But you like him. Maybe you could explain his genius. Maybe it's Dominic Cummins, the man behind the scenes telling Johnson what to do.

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=9825 time=1576292785 user_id=84Your own glaring ignorance, bigotry and utter stupidity beggars belief!

Again some nice personal insults, don't bother talking about the post, just go for the poster. But your probably right, but I'm so utterly stupid can you explain how you came to those opinions. Or do I just ignore it as your backlash at calling out Johnson for what he is.


The EU, I believe is going to become divided with French farmers throwing their toys out the pram(exceedingly well), and German car makers / all the wine producers pressuring their own governments to get a trade deal done.

If Borris starts using language along the lines of 'Plenty more wine growers outside EU' they will deal.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Herein lies the reality

Boris has been elected with an unshakable majority on the very clear manifesto message of getting Brexit done.

On top of this the new MP's will know that they were elected specifically with the intent of them getting Brexit done.

None of this will be lost on the EU negotiators who know now that they can no longer bluff against a weak other side, which is sitting on flimsy foundations.

The General Election was the confirmatory vote and it was a resounding endorsement of the 1st.

The remainers were fully routed and the Lib Dem queen of remain, dethroned in the most unceremonious way. That she lost her seat to the SNP is also telling as a pro Union and EU remain Scotland would have returned Lib Dems by the drove.


Quote from: Ciaphas post_id=10431 time=1576585143 user_id=75
Is it realistic to expect a trade deal to be sorted within a year?

It'a good to see Mr Johnson is owning the process and pushing hard for results but rushing the trade negotiations may result in a bad deal or no deal at all.

The thing is Boris was elected on a "Get Brexit done" ticket. The fact we have a working trade relationship at the moment and concurrent standards means there is already a head start. The sticking point is the old "no cherry picking", so the EU will want free movement of people.

QuoteDo we have any idea what the actual negotiating goals of the UK actually are?

We'll have to wait and see, but one goal is obviously to have it done and ready to go on 1st January 2021. Deal or no deal?
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Ciaphas post_id=10431 time=1576585143 user_id=75
Is it realistic to expect a trade deal to be sorted within a year?

It'a good to see Mr Johnson is owning the process and pushing hard for results but rushing the trade negotiations may result in a bad deal or no deal at all.

Do we have any idea what the actual negotiating goals of the UK actually are?

A Canadian deal without political ties I believe is all the detail we have thus far. Although I am not sure where that comes from, the rumour mill or the horse's mouth. It's all speculation until after the Queen's speech.


Quote from: Barry post_id=10420 time=1576577715 user_id=51
No deal is more likely according to Sky News.">//

He plans to outlaw any extension past 31.12.2020. This will put pressure on the negotiating teams to find a trade deal before then.

Is it realistic to expect a trade deal to be sorted within a year?

It'a good to see Mr Johnson is owning the process and pushing hard for results but rushing the trade negotiations may result in a bad deal or no deal at all.

Do we have any idea what the actual negotiating goals of the UK actually are?


Quote from: Barry post_id=10420 time=1576577715 user_id=51
No deal is more likely according to Sky News.">//

He plans to outlaw any extension past 31.12.2020. This will put pressure on the negotiating teams to find a trade deal before then.

I think this is a good thing. The rumour from the EU is once again that a deal will take forever. While they have that view it will suit them to meander through negotiations presenting more and more arguments rather than get on with it. We are as aligned as possible as far as trade is concerned so the only things negotiable are other ties which no doubt they will want as tight as possible.

I am hoping that the difference in negotiations will be that BJ will determine the agenda just as much as the EU, thus making for proper negotiations rather than us always presenting a white flag.


Quote from: Ciaphas post_id=10408 time=1576563481 user_id=75
Nevermind. No deal is a bt more likely now."> ... -extension">

No deal is more likely according to Sky News.">//

He plans to outlaw any extension past 31.12.2020. This will put pressure on the negotiating teams to find a trade deal before then.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Ciaphas post_id=10321 time=1576515359 user_id=75
Alternatively with his majority he doesn't need to worry about keeping the ERG onboard anymore and instead can persue a future relationship with the EU and other trading partners which is a bit more grounded in economic reality.

Mr Johnson may have promised he wouldn't extend the transition period but based on his track record I wouldn't put it past him to change his mind if extending becomes the more politically expedient option.

Nevermind. No deal is a bt more likely now."> ... -extension">


It would appears Boris has consigned workers right to the dustbin:-"> ... -1-6427587">

No 10 indicates Boris Johnson could ditch promises to protect workers' rights after Brexit

Jonathon Read


PUBLISHED: 15:30 16 December 2019 | UPDATED: 15:30 16 December 2019
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: T00ts post_id=9556 time=1576224874 user_id=54
In theory with such a large majority BJ could now simply bring us out with no deal. I just wonder if he will be tempted. The EU must be wetting themselves and they are all together at the moment aren't they?

Alternatively with his majority he doesn't need to worry about keeping the ERG onboard anymore and instead can persue a future relationship with the EU and other trading partners which is a bit more grounded in economic reality.

Mr Johnson may have promised he wouldn't extend the transition period but based on his track record I wouldn't put it past him to change his mind if extending becomes the more politically expedient option.


Quote from: GerryT post_id=9822 time=1576283738 user_id=61
I don't think he's thick, he is thick. It speaks volumes for the English electorate that not only votes in a moron but also a certified honours degree liar. He's a national embarrassment,you do realise that countries outside the UK laugh at him and his moronic ways, May is a major step up from Johnson.

His track record as lord mayor is embarrassing and as foreign secretary it gets worse, but you English just love a character.

Liar? Well he's a politician but how does he compare to your Haughey or Ahern and a long list of others proven or suspected of corruption and lies to line their pockets,Little Leo conspiring with a now widely hated or inconsequential past PM of ours around Brexit.

But thick? no he's not thick and despite his bumbling appearance under that unkempt mop there is great intelligence, I'm no massive fan (like most  politicians) but he has managed to put himself in to a position where instead of a paralysed parliament he can push through his vision and history will judge his success not you trying to foresee with your cracked and malign crystal ball.

What speaks volumes for our electorate is that many looked around at a Westminster that had lied,obstructed and treated said electorate as thick and moronic who weren't at all and obviously many who voted remain too were sickened by the attempt to subvert democracy and voted accordingly.

So many around the world laugh at him and his moronic ways you say,perhaps some do whilst looking over their shoulders in fear that all labelled as populism there is someone much much worse than a Boris looking to replace them

 There is bewilderment amongst the losers as to size of their loss and reasons for it and they scrabble around grasping for any reason other than you treat people as fools and idiots take their vote for granted and ignore them and say we know best it will come back to bite you on the arse and it has big style. and affordable,not that hard is it?