Is anyone surprised? Ukraine invaded

Started by T00ts, January 24, 2022, 01:31:11 PM

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Quote from: Thomas on February 24, 2022, 07:48:13 PM
Where? :D A minor reference to george bush , once in 12 years , qualified as ever with blair ? Thats it?

Thats the great critique of yank land and thier foreign policy?

I bet mr putin would be pleased to get off that lightly.
As someone else already said it's up to you to prove otherwise and I've countless examples whereas you've nowt to say about your u turn on the eu and them providing European security and us destroying it.

Basically Thomas you're calling me a liar as you do to many people with your stupid games I'm done bothering with you. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on February 24, 2022, 07:48:13 PM
Where? :D A minor reference to george bush , once in 12 years , qualified as ever with blair ? Thats it?

Thats the great critique of yank land and thier foreign policy?

I bet mr putin would be pleased to get off that lightly.

If your only argument is you don't remember Cromwell criticising American Policy Thomas, then that isn't an argument at all. The burden of proof is on you given you are making the claim. Have you got evidence of Cromwell supporting US policy or not? Don't ask Cromwell to go through his posts to counter your argument because you cannot be arsed. He is telling you he hasn't supported US geopolitics and that is all we need to know until you can prove otherwise.


I have told you before Thomas if people knew a tenth of the things our so-called leaders go to fill their pockets and pretend it is all for the greater good, they would never ever get a vote from anyone. Backing Nazis well it is just business then. All for the greater good, backing Commies and the Neo Liberals just business, all for the greater good, except this time it seems to have blown up literally in their face.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on February 24, 2022, 07:46:11 PM
I don't know why you bother,  Neither the Balkans or any action in World war 2 was an invasion that could compare to Putins
I just fell off my chair reading that. World war two didnt involve countries invading like putin? Well. There you go. You learn something new on here everyday.

The labour party loonies and thier fantasy world of make believe to fit the argument springs up again. :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on February 24, 2022, 07:45:32 PM
Oh and here's one of many me not criticising the yanks

« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2020, 07:39:26 am »

It's no use Dynamis it all happened a long time ago so to many it's irrelevant,history has no meaning and there's no lessons to learn.
Criticise the Israeli govt?Oh dear me no,too many conflate criticism of that govt with anti semitism ......which of course there is sadly but to lump all those as one is mistaken.

The Palestinians have been treated shabbily too but point that out and often you will be reminded of the shortcomings of Islamic culture and the problems of that region of which of course there are many but exacerbated by the interference of people like those in the Bush and Bliar administrations under the guise of freedom and democracy.

Where? :D A minor reference to george bush , once in 12 years , qualified as ever with blair ? Thats it?

Thats the great critique of yank land and thier foreign policy?

I bet mr putin would be pleased to get off that lightly.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on February 24, 2022, 07:16:59 PM

Did you see starmers heart warning address to the "nation "? My how we fackin laughed. I could hear the chinese money jingling in his begging bowl as he talked. Starmers friend xi .ok you are frothing at the mouth now good old , so let me indulge you one more time .

Heres what  you sarcastically said earlier...
hundreds of years ago , so not only do you not know history , but you clearly can't count.

the second world war wasnt hundreds of years ago , neither was the balkans.  Im not sure what your reply has to do with my retort.calm down dear , and try and post coherently.
was there no english in the army then in 1715  , 1745 , or 1820? There were all differnet nationalities over the centuries in many english armies , french  ,welsh , bretons ,  irish flemish etc , that invaded scotland , would that then mean they werent english armies?

Honestly good old give it up mate. Lets take further historical education for you to the other thread ok.

im sure you are good old. Another big event in world politics ,and you and your labour party are still out begging for friends........well except the chinese of course.

I dont mind politicians taking a few quid here and there , but the labour party ones are so cheaply bought .

I don't know why you bother,  Neither the Balkans or any action in World war 2 was an invasion that could compare to Putins , cheap land grab. The Balkans was an international operation. With international put an end to a human catastrophe .world war 2 the only parallel was Hitlers Invasion of Poland, and Russias  invasion of  Poland.
It's in Valds blood. As a matter fact before you talk of coherent. check your own posts. Moving on I never said English army ,I said the Union army's make up at any particular time is irrelevant ,except in the way you chose to distort what is said. The fact that units in 1820would have contain English as well as many Irish and. Yes Scots, Tom Dicks and Harry's . Does not constitute an English invasion in1820. Earlier maybe. Not in1820 so get your own history sorted before you offer me more of your personalised ideas.  Another red herring thrown from the trawler named Thomas.


Quote from: cromwell on February 24, 2022, 07:43:06 PM
And it seems to me you forget slagging us off less than two years ago for leaving the eu and destroying European security(this with Ukraine has been going on for eight years) you slag the eu off now in that and other respects.
Heres what you said.
sure be wheres YOUR proof? I mean you can engage in whataboutery all day long cromwell , its not unexpected ,but where have you once in 12 years criticised the yanks as you have done in the last 12 weeks the russians?

Blind as ever to american behaviour , but as soon as auntie tells you putin is the bad man , off you go screaming .

Its like mind control through the tv set isnt it? Anyway , when you find any links let me know.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Oh and here's one of many me not criticising the yanks

« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2020, 07:39:26 am »

It's no use Dynamis it all happened a long time ago so to many it's irrelevant,history has no meaning and there's no lessons to learn.
Criticise the Israeli govt?Oh dear me no,too many conflate criticism of that govt with anti semitism ......which of course there is sadly but to lump all those as one is mistaken.

The Palestinians have been treated shabbily too but point that out and often you will be reminded of the shortcomings of Islamic culture and the problems of that region of which of course there are many but exacerbated by the interference of people like those in the Bush and Bliar administrations under the guise of freedom and democracy. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on February 24, 2022, 07:26:33 PM
Well done cromwell.

I stand by my link  and my criticism. Wheres your criticism of the american governments past and present and their foriegn policy?

If you can't find anythng just say so , and we can let it go at that . :D

Not once in 12 years of posting on here do i recall you criticising the yank gov , but this forum is littered with you criticising the russian bogeyman .

Seems to be a lack of balance to me mate.
And it seems to me you forget slagging us off less than two years ago for leaving the eu and destroying European security(this with Ukraine has been going on for eight years) you slag the eu off now in that and other respects.
Heres what you said.
QuoteYou tell us who we have to learn the lessons of european history and never forget and continue to "celebrate" the overthrow of those evil fascists , while for the last four years you and many in your country have went out your way to not only leave , but hope it is destroyed , an institution whose founding forefathers set up to get european nations to come together and work hand in hand in mutual cooperation and european solidarity. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Sheepy on February 24, 2022, 06:14:55 PM
Don't be ridiculous, fake news, the EU and US wouldn't do that, Vlad is paranoid. 
apparently i was reading sheep the UN had a vote recently on the glorification of nazism , and banning it if i remember aright , and the only two nations to vote against it were the USA , and Ukraine.

Tell us sheepwash , who is the bad guy and who the good this time? Are we on the side of the nazis or not? Im lost here. Are the nazis giving good old and the labour party money , and the commies giving the tories money?

I preferred it when dynamis posted on here fae his bedsit in hastings  , at least we knew who the good and bad guys were crossing the channel.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on February 24, 2022, 07:09:44 PM
The only point you make is that Barry Gardener, and the Labour Party . Along with the Tory party were  taken for a ride by a Chinese national working in the interests of their own government.

Dont want to hear any excuses good old.

Dirty money is no stranger to labour just like the tores as we all know.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on February 24, 2022, 05:38:07 PM
Well it's not like you've never criticised the Russians or us for leaving the eu and destroying European security is it .
Here's one of your links you posted
Well done cromwell.

I stand by my link  and my criticism. Wheres your criticism of the american governments past and present and their foriegn policy?

If you cant find anythng just say so , and we can let it go at that . :D

Not once in 12 years of posting on here do i recall you criticising the yank gov , but this forum is littered with you criticising the russian bogeyman .

Seems to be a lack of balance to me mate.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Barry on February 24, 2022, 05:34:54 PM
Cromwell may not have done that, but he has made it clear that he considers Yankee land to be an open loony bin and mad as a box of frogs.
I put their current leadership in the same category. Are you wishing Trump was back yet? - the World was a far safer place.
I fully agree and understand with what you are saying barry. I agree with cromwell on things like american gun ownerehip , their criminal justice system and many other topics.

However ,we are talking about criticim of the yank government and thir forign policy , jsut for balance , comapred to his criticism of the russioans at the drop of a hat ( when aunt tells him ) and on my childrens life , all the years i have posted on this forum and its predesscessor , almost as long as you yourself , i havent once seen him ciriticise american foreign policy , or thier warmongering invasions or behaviour around the globe.

Like i say happy to be corrected if im wrong.
I put their current leadership in the same category.
100 %agree. You know i have criticied biden many a time on this forum , and i say every time the demcorats are in power they are warmongering. They are a fackin disgrace.

QuoteAre you wishing Trump was back yet? - the World was a far safer place.
Trump was a clown without a single diplomatic bone in his body , but you arent wrong when you say the world was a safer place.

Special relationship my arse.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on February 24, 2022, 07:09:44 PMNormal being the terms used for our trusted associates.
Well, you had better give us a list of these trusted Associates. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!