What is really happening in the Ukraine Conflict?

Started by Sampanviking, March 18, 2022, 01:00:53 AM

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Quote from: Sampanviking on April 21, 2022, 12:25:45 PM
So he is a monster for not ordering a final slaughter in the catacombs!!??
All the Ukrainians have to do is surrender.
Its not the Russians that video themselves, kneecaping, eye gouging and throat cutting POW's
It is more important than that. I was Zelensky's red line for ending talks when talks are the only way this conflict will end. By pinning them in, their freedom becomes a bargain chip I guess. They don't need to surrender they can stay put and starve. It was a tactic used in Stalingrad.


Quote from: Sampanviking on April 21, 2022, 12:25:45 PM
So he is a monster for not ordering a final slaughter in the catacombs!!??
All the Ukrainians have to do is surrender.

All the Russians have to do is feck off back to Russia 


Quote from: T00ts on April 21, 2022, 11:30:46 AM
The news this morning that Putin is celebrating his success while condemning loads of people to a slow death from possible starvation simply confirms that he has absolutely no honour either in battle or anything else. The Russian people deserve so much better. What a sadness that they have been hoodwinked for so many years into making this evil man massively rich and powerful. I hope the rumours of some infighting amongst those of his own circle as they recognise the disgrace into which Putin is dragging Russia, develops into a need to de-activate him together with his bombs.
So he is a monster for not ordering a final slaughter in the catacombs!!??
All the Ukrainians have to do is surrender.
Its not the Russians that video themselves, kneecaping, eye gouging and throat cutting POW's


Quote from: Nick on April 20, 2022, 10:32:34 PM
There is a big difference between the Russian soldiers and the Ukrainian ones. The Russians will be told by the generals exactly what to do, and if that involves walking in front of a bus they will be expected to do it and will die. The Ukrainians have had extensive training from the west and been weaned off that kind of warfare. Hence the reason the Russians aren't making the inroads they expected. When the new ordinance gets to the Ukrainians the Russians are toast, and I personally hope they suffer and have a slow painful death.

The big difference between the Russian and the Ukrainian soldiers is that there is a lot more of the former than the latter, so the odds are on a win for Putin.

I personally hope that any sad bastards who gloats over deaths on either side ends up with a Lee Enfield stuck up their arses and turned sideways, although I admit that the aforementioned sad bastards might well enjoy the experience.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: cromwell on April 21, 2022, 11:11:21 AM
What is really happening is a lot of ordinary people are dying whilst knobheads posture on the world stage.
The news this morning that Putin is celebrating his success while condemning loads of people to a slow death from possible starvation simply confirms that he has absolutely no honour either in battle or anything else. The Russian people deserve so much better. What a sadness that they have been hoodwinked for so many years into making this evil man massively rich and powerful. I hope the rumours of some infighting amongst those of his own circle as they recognise the disgrace into which Putin is dragging Russia, develops into a need to de-activate him together with his bombs.


What is really happening is a lot of ordinary people are dying whilst knobheads posture on the world stage.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Sampanviking on April 20, 2022, 04:37:53 PM
Where to start with that rant
First Ukrainian success have been as exaggerated as Russian loses, which is why Russia keeps the initiative and shapes the battlefield.
Secondly, this is no Russian Goliath vs the Ukrainian David, this is a full on NATO Russia proxy war that is perilously close to being a a direct NATO Russia war.
US Officers are running the Ukrainian army, NATO weapons are flooding into the country and NATO volunteers are swelling the Ukrainian ranks, NATO is monitoring the battlefield and providing real time battlefield intelligence and NATO EW units are actively trying to block Russian communications and radars.
The Ukraine is effectively an unofficial NATO protectorate, close to being an official NATO protectorate, facts which are primary drivers for there being a war in the first place.

Despite facing escalating NATO involvement, Russia continues to dismantle the Ukrainian military and after destroying a force of some 15 thousand of its best fighters in Mariupol (less that 2 thousand still remain in the Azovstall Steelworks) is finishing the task of destroying a force in excess of 50 thousand; of the rest of its best troops, in the Donbas. The Ukraine has very few armored vehicles left, has lost its entire original airforce and is losing the ones being given to it at an astonishing rate.
On the ground, the Ukrainian army is largely immobilised, running out of fuel and running out of ammunition. They have even had to start blowing up their own railway and road supply lines to prevent them falling into Russian hands.
Russia is breaching the Ukrainian lines in multiple locations and a myriad of small encirclements are being developed, which are also developing into large scale over encirclements as well.
Further, where we have been told about Ukrainian counter attacks, we find claims to have "taken" locations that Russia and The local Militias have never claimed, or as in the region Kharkov, doubt that claims have been little more than invention with evidence instead of District wide evacuations of the city taking place, in areas which are claimed to be well behind the front lines.

Once the Ukrainian forces in the Donbas are gone, there will be next to nothing left to stop Russia taking whatever parts it claims, with only the prospect of a direct NATO intervention having the possibility of stopping them.

Sooner or later the fairy story being spun to the public here in the West is going to be exposed for what it is and those that have led the majority to believe that Russian defeat is imminent will have a lot of explaining to do.
There is a big difference between the Russian soldiers and the Ukrainian ones. The Russians will be told by the generals exactly what to do, and if that involves walking in front of a bus they will be expected to do it and will die. The Ukrainians have had extensive training from the west and been weaned off that kind of warfare. Hence the reason the Russians aren't making the inroads they expected. When the new ordinance gets to the Ukrainians the Russians are toast, and I personally hope they suffer and have a slow painful death. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Sampanviking on April 20, 2022, 06:50:06 PM
I think you will find that they are all Russians over there. Even what is called Ukrainian is just another Russian dialect.
As I keep telling people, this is a civil war with Sectarian overtones into which the West has pointlessly inserted itself and insanely decided to sanction itself.
So enjoy your sky high prices, inflation, shortages and coming recession.  I hope you think its worth it!
Yes well so many Ukranians don't want to be Russian even more I guess now.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: T00ts on April 20, 2022, 06:20:20 PM
It's not Russia that is being blitzed to pieces. It isn't Russian women and children being abused, starved and killed. It is Russian citizens trying to escape to safety. There are no Russian refugees.

It is Russia who are the transgressors here. It is Putin and his cohorts who are the murderers.
I think you will find that they are all Russians over there. Even what is called Ukrainian is just another Russian dialect.
As I keep telling people, this is a civil war with Sectarian overtones into which the West has pointlessly inserted itself and insanely decided to sanction itself.
So enjoy your sky high prices, inflation, shortages and coming recession.  I hope you think its worth it!


It's not Russia that is being blitzed to pieces. It isn't Russian women and children being abused, starved and killed. It is Russian citizens trying to escape to safety. There are no Russian refugees.

It is Russia who are the transgressors here. It is Putin and his cohorts who are the murderers. 

Good old

Quote from: Sampanviking on April 20, 2022, 04:37:53 PM
Where to start with that rant
First Ukrainian success have been as exaggerated as Russian loses, which is why Russia keeps the initiative and shapes the battlefield.
Secondly, this is no Russian Goliath vs the Ukrainian David, this is a full on NATO Russia proxy war that is perilously close to being a a direct NATO Russia war.
US Officers are running the Ukrainian army, NATO weapons are flooding into the country and NATO volunteers are swelling the Ukrainian ranks, NATO is monitoring the battlefield and providing real time battlefield intelligence and NATO EW units are actively trying to block Russian communications and radars.
The Ukraine is effectively an unofficial NATO protectorate, close to being an official NATO protectorate, facts which are primary drivers for there being a war in the first place.

Despite facing escalating NATO involvement, Russia continues to dismantle the Ukrainian military and after destroying a force of some 15 thousand of its best fighters in Mariupol (less that 2 thousand still remain in the Azovstall Steelworks) is finishing the task of destroying a force in excess of 50 thousand; of the rest of its best troops, in the Donbas. The Ukraine has very few armored vehicles left, has lost its entire original airforce and is losing the ones being given to it at an astonishing rate.
On the ground, the Ukrainian army is largely immobilised, running out of fuel and running out of ammunition. They have even had to start blowing up their own railway and road supply lines to prevent them falling into Russian hands.
Russia is breaching the Ukrainian lines in multiple locations and a myriad of small encirclements are being developed, which are also developing into large scale over encirclements as well.
Further, where we have been told about Ukrainian counter attacks, we find claims to have "taken" locations that Russia and The local Militias have never claimed, or as in the region Kharkov, doubt that claims have been little more than invention with evidence instead of District wide evacuations of the city taking place, in areas which are claimed to be well behind the front lines.

Once the Ukrainian forces in the Donbas are gone, there will be next to nothing left to stop Russia taking whatever parts it claims, with only the prospect of a direct NATO intervention having the possibility of stopping them.

Sooner or later the fairy story being spun to the public here in the West is going to be exposed for what it is and those that have led the majority to believe that Russian defeat is imminent will have a lot of explaining to do.

And you call my few words ,a rant. What do you think this load of unsubstantiated twaddle amounts to.
Russia, has paid and is paying a high price for the their adventure. Ukraine is certainly paying a high price for the aggression . But they do defend their homeland, and the Russians are uninvited.
 Russia, is considered a super power. With super military resources, going up against a much smaller adversary in every way. In military terms they should making headway. But at what cost?
The only help Ukraine gets is in weaponry and that is limited because in the main, they use Russian gear. That might not remain the case. 
If NATO actually did get involved he would be in trouble.even he admits,it, and that's why he waves his Nuks.
So if he wants to  fry all of us including him, he just needs to keep thinking it's a good idea to invade his neighbours. Donbas , may be going to be occupied by him. But that will only be the start, in so many ways.


The other big lie of course is to deny the widespread support given to the Russian and local militias by the residents in the greater Donbas area
A DPR column is fimed moving into Mariupol earlier today


Quote from: Good old on April 20, 2022, 03:36:01 PM
Even if the Russians are appearing to make some limited gains. At what price? And can they keep momentum, if they keep losing men and material at the rates they have had up to now?  This is  costing Russia, dear , and they are nowhere near in a position they can call problem solved.
And beyond that , even if the Donbas, is over run , do the Russians think they will have stopped paying the bill, in every sense of the word . The Ukrainians will not leave it there. The western world will not leave it there. And it's already been proved, that the Russians could only subjugate Ukraine , in a really protracted and very costly operation. Proof  if needed was their failure around Kiev.
Where to start with that rant
First Ukrainian success have been as exaggerated as Russian loses, which is why Russia keeps the initiative and shapes the battlefield.
Secondly, this is no Russian Goliath vs the Ukrainian David, this is a full on NATO Russia proxy war that is perilously close to being a a direct NATO Russia war.
US Officers are running the Ukrainian army, NATO weapons are flooding into the country and NATO volunteers are swelling the Ukrainian ranks, NATO is monitoring the battlefield and providing real time battlefield intelligence and NATO EW units are actively trying to block Russian communications and radars.
The Ukraine is effectively an unofficial NATO protectorate, close to being an official NATO protectorate, facts which are primary drivers for there being a war in the first place.

Despite facing escalating NATO involvement, Russia continues to dismantle the Ukrainian military and after destroying a force of some 15 thousand of its best fighters in Mariupol (less that 2 thousand still remain in the Azovstall Steelworks) is finishing the task of destroying a force in excess of 50 thousand; of the rest of its best troops, in the Donbas. The Ukraine has very few armored vehicles left, has lost its entire original airforce and is losing the ones being given to it at an astonishing rate.
On the ground, the Ukrainian army is largely immobilised, running out of fuel and running out of ammunition. They have even had to start blowing up their own railway and road supply lines to prevent them falling into Russian hands.
Russia is breaching the Ukrainian lines in multiple locations and a myriad of small encirclements are being developed, which are also developing into large scale over encirclements as well.
Further, where we have been told about Ukrainian counter attacks, we find claims to have "taken" locations that Russia and The local Militias have never claimed, or as in the region Kharkov, doubt that claims have been little more than invention with evidence instead of District wide evacuations of the city taking place, in areas which are claimed to be well behind the front lines.

Once the Ukrainian forces in the Donbas are gone, there will be next to nothing left to stop Russia taking whatever parts it claims, with only the prospect of a direct NATO intervention having the possibility of stopping them.

Sooner or later the fairy story being spun to the public here in the West is going to be exposed for what it is and those that have led the majority to believe that Russian defeat is imminent will have a lot of explaining to do.


Quote from: cromwell on April 19, 2022, 10:38:45 PM
Well that's great Scott but can you point me in the direction of where I said Russia has/is going to use chemical weapons?

I don't think I can point you there.  I was unaware you said it.  My point is, I doubt you applied your "conspiracy theory" label to that claim, which was prominent in the corporatist media, and yet it would be more accurate.  But you're quick to apply it to the claims you don't like, even when it's inaccurate.
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.

Good old

Quote from: Sampanviking on April 20, 2022, 12:55:07 PM
Despite claims by Zelensky that the Ukrainian lines in the Donbas are holding, the evidence from the ground tell a different story with multiple gains across the front, especially on the Northern Flank developed out of Izyum and its near environs.
Today there is a lot of talk about the Ukrainians withdrawing from Sevetdonesk and its surrounding towns, before the jaws of the developing encirclement lock them in for the kill.
I will post confirmation, just a s soon as I see it.

Even if the Russians are appearing to make some limited gains. At what price? And can they keep momentum, if they keep losing men and material at the rates they have had up to now?  This is  costing Russia, dear , and they are nowhere near in a position they can call problem solved.
And beyond that , even if the Donbas, is over run , do the Russians think they will have stopped paying the bill, in every sense of the word . The Ukrainians will not leave it there. The western world will not leave it there. And it's already been proved, that the Russians could only subjugate Ukraine , in a really protracted and very costly operation. Proof  if needed was their failure around Kiev.