Brexit post virus?

Started by T00ts, March 04, 2020, 08:24:13 PM

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Quote from: cromwell post_id=18589 time=1584261780 user_id=48
No the point is we are facing a crisis whether Boris is right or not is still at the jury stage,and we are all regarding it in different ways,hence that this isn't about brexit.

I sometimes wonder whether people attempt to understand what is written in a post at all.

I think the comparison some are trying make here is not with Brexit itself, more with the Brexit argument we've all (including yourself) experienced over the last few years. One side of that argument constantly stressed its intellectual superiority in facts, figures and scientific/mathematical "facts and figures", yet here is Quack Quack reacting to rumour, media speculation and gut instinct in a way Brexiteers would have been panned for a year ago. As you yourself have said above, the jury is out, because there is so much we don't know, yet this doesn't stop people advocating "instinctive" reactions to something we actually know very little about.

What can't be denied is that panic and speculation is rife in all this, the world over. That Iran are "digging mass graves" as the result of a satellite image with little hard evidence of actual figures, to people panic buying bog rolls and pasta (then posting images of their carefully labelled horde on social media with self satisfied comments), to pure speculation about how the NHS will collapse within days (with much of it political point scoring as it is material fact)

Its not that people necessarily don't read someone elses post, its that many of us have a different view. It doesn't make us bad people that we refuse to be reduced to panicked soundbytes or to picking and choosing sensationalist figures out of thin air. I don't know the answers anymore than you do, but in the absence of evidential argument, I refuse to join the circus of fear unfolding around us, and will go to work until I am ordered not to. Sorry if you don't like that, but that is how many of us feel.

EDIT - thank feck Rob Roy is back  :lol:


Quote from: cromwell post_id=18589 time=1584261780 user_id=48
No the point is we are facing a crisis whether Boris is right or not is still at the jury stage,and we are all regarding it in different ways,hence that this isn't about brexit.

I sometimes wonder whether people attempt to understand what is written in a post at all.

I just glanced at quackers post cromwell , and he appears as ever to be doing nothing more than what the rest of the labour/liberal luvvies are doing and jumping on the bandwagon to make political capital out of coronavirus.

Up here , and on scottish forums , we are listening to all the labour mob running around telling everyone that coronavirus is all the fault of nicola sturgeon and boris johnson , who are somehow working in tandem secretly trying to infect the whole of the uk to kill us all off.They tell us they should be shutting everything down to save us all.

At the same time they are screaming donald trump is being too extreme , and hes bad too. Seems politicians cant win no matter what they do.

As you know i run a wee business , we are fine till the end of the month and can pay all the bills and wages no bother.

...but if the scottish and uk government s shut everything down , business income falls off a cliff , i dont know how our wee business and probably most other small business will survive april , never mind going further forward.

I think the safest course of action is to ignore bed wetting panic sticken muppets , keep calm and level headed , and carry on.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick post_id=18579 time=1584231895 user_id=73
The point is that Ducky is having a go at the government for not being in sync with other countries. Boris is taking guidance from the top medical experts in the UK and should be commended.

No the point is we are facing a crisis whether Boris is right or not is still at the jury stage,and we are all regarding it in different ways,hence that this isn't about brexit.

I sometimes wonder whether people attempt to understand what is written in a post at all. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Nick post_id=18579 time=1584231895 user_id=73
The point is that Ducky is having a go at the government for not being in sync with other countries. Boris is taking guidance from the top medical experts in the UK and should be commended.

Algerie Francais !


Quote from: cromwell post_id=18573 time=1584224015 user_id=48
This isn't about brexit it's about a public health problem,one described as one of the greatest threats to this country since WW2,unsurprisingly I have sympathy for what HQQ is saying,in part at least.

We just might in a few months actually say "what was all the fuss about" I hope that's the case (though I have my doubts) would I be embarrassed on my stance? would I hell as like my first thought is for me and mine but am concerned for the potential of large loss of life and my fellow humans.

Should people like myself and Quackers prove correct would we be coming back and saying look we were right,what would be the point a pyrrhic victory.

 I cannot believe so many countries and their leaders would be acting on something and nothing especially extreme regimes,Iran is one such an extremist religious regime where they believe in the will of god,satellite images have emerged of mass graves and heaps of lime adjacent to cover the bodies.

The point is that Ducky is having a go at the government for not being in sync with other countries. Boris is taking guidance from the top medical experts in the UK and should be commended.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: "Hyperduck Quack Quack" post_id=18551 time=1584199177 user_id=103
The coronavirus catastrophe, as it spreads through Europe is currently highlighting one of the ironies of Brexit.  

Note: I feel it would be inappropriate for me to post this in the covid-19 sub-forum, which should really only be about terrible situation that is threatening us all.

Brexit was supposed to be all about taking back control from the EU.  Yet in the coronavirus outbreak several EU member states are closing their borders and some are bringing in lockdown policies and other placing severe restrictions on public gatherings. No hint of the EU being either the mastermind behind this or trying to obstruct the policies of member states.  The Italian government imposed the lockdown there, the Spanish one the same in Spain.  The Irish and French governments are responsible for introducing the restrictions in their countries, just like our government should be doing here but is lagging behind although they are moving in the right direction, but far too slowly.

So what has happened to the sacred cow of free movement? Borders are perhaps there for a reason, after all.
† The end is nigh †


This isn't about brexit it's about a public health problem,one described as one of the greatest threats to this country since WW2,unsurprisingly I have sympathy for what HQQ is saying,in part at least.

We just might in a few months actually say "what was all the fuss about" I hope that's the case (though I have my doubts) would I be embarrassed on my stance? would I hell as like my first thought is for me and mine but am concerned for the potential of large loss of life and my fellow humans.

Should people like myself and Quackers prove correct would we be coming back and saying look we were right,what would be the point a pyrrhic victory.

 I cannot believe so many countries and their leaders would be acting on something and nothing especially extreme regimes,Iran is one such an extremist religious regime where they believe in the will of god,satellite images have emerged of mass graves and heaps of lime adjacent to cover the bodies. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Nick post_id=18556 time=1584214788 user_id=73
Any opportunity for a dig at Brexit.

The uk government is following the advice from the chief medical officer and you would be the first to complain if they weren't.

Poor Duckie is the first to complain about anything. In moments of stress my father was inclined to say that when the fox bites you smile. Dad was not a great one for the reading and writing and thought the expression came dog racing, but he knew what was expected of a man. I am not entirely sure that Duckie does.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: "Hyperduck Quack Quack" post_id=18551 time=1584199177 user_id=103
The coronavirus catastrophe, as it spreads through Europe is currently highlighting one of the ironies of Brexit.  

Note: I feel it would be inappropriate for me to post this in the covid-19 sub-forum, which should really only be about terrible situation that is threatening us all.

Brexit was supposed to be all about taking back control from the EU.  Yet in the coronavirus outbreak several EU member states are closing their borders and some are bringing in lockdown policies and other placing severe restrictions on public gatherings. No hint of the EU being either the mastermind behind this or trying to obstruct the policies of member states.  The Italian government imposed the lockdown there, the Spanish one the same in Spain.  The Irish and French governments are responsible for introducing the restrictions in their countries, just like our government should be doing here but is lagging behind although they are moving in the right direction, but far too slowly.

Any opportunity for a dig at Brexit.

The uk government is following the advice from the chief medical officer and you would be the first to complain if they weren't.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

Hyperduck Quack Quack

The coronavirus catastrophe, as it spreads through Europe is currently highlighting one of the ironies of Brexit.  

Note: I feel it would be inappropriate for me to post this in the covid-19 sub-forum, which should really only be about terrible situation that is threatening us all.

Brexit was supposed to be all about taking back control from the EU.  Yet in the coronavirus outbreak several EU member states are closing their borders and some are bringing in lockdown policies and other placing severe restrictions on public gatherings. No hint of the EU being either the mastermind behind this or trying to obstruct the policies of member states.  The Italian government imposed the lockdown there, the Spanish one the same in Spain.  The Irish and French governments are responsible for introducing the restrictions in their countries, just like our government should be doing here but is lagging behind although they are moving in the right direction, but far too slowly.


Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=18088 time=1583497838 user_id=63
That seriously worries me.

I was worried to, the chemical formula looks far too close to a weapons grade nerve agent to me.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=18080 time=1583480623 user_id=89
Thanks for that, it makes interesting reading, and is still being "tinkered" with with the aim of bumping off "superbugs."

That seriously worries me.

On introduction to isolated liver cells cultured to sustain viability for metabolic assessment according to long established procedures, cell viability fell to between 30 and 18%. Electron microscopy of fixed culture samples showed damage akin to that caused by phage viruses on bacterial cells..

I professionally estimated the LD50 to be about 0.98. Meaning a dose to kill 100% of the bugs kills 98% of the patients.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


COVID19 will be the new "diesel"

It will be responsible for any and all negative things that happen to the UK for the foreseeable future.

Johnson and Cummings aren't one to waste a good crisis.


Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=18072 time=1583449390 user_id=63

It's called tunicamycin.

Thanks for that, it makes interesting reading, and is still being "tinkered" with with the aim of bumping off "superbugs."
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: "Hyperduck Quack Quack" post_id=18052 time=1583423254 user_id=103
Let's just hope the spread of coronavirus and its effects on those unfortunate enough to be infected can be minimised. If need be, the UK and the EU should agree to hold their relationship in its current state and suspend trade talks until the coronavirus situation has cleared.

Well I know a way to stop the virus dead in its tracks.

It has a 100% success rate at killing absolutely all viruses of all varieties.

I wrote a research paper on it in 1982

It's called tunicamycin.

The Japanese invented it as an antibiotic.

Trouble is it kills 100% of the organisms it comes in contact with. It's far better than cyanide.

Just say where you want it deployed.....
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>