George Floyd Riots

Started by B0ycey, May 30, 2020, 01:19:30 PM

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Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=27929 time=1591360144 user_id=53
Well its what we used to call back in the day a pre fight shove .That the unfortunate guy stumbled back was an accident that could have been avoided if he had stayed in his care home .

And despite your later comments about the stumble now qualified by that PD as a quote from cops not even there the old bastard who should've stayed in his care home  has a severe head injury,serves him right eh! who does he think he is having the temerity  to protest peacefully,and the two cops who helped him when he stumbled now suspended. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Javert post_id=27984 time=1591373419 user_id=64
Gobbing off?  How do you know what he was saying it's just a video from a distance away.  He might have been asking for directions for all you know?

What was done there was an clear assault on him by a police officer - if that happened in normal circumstances the police officer (if it was in the UK) might well be charged with assault because that guy didn't raise a finger against him.

My point is if you missed it was that a 20 second video can be read in different ways and cant really tell the whole story . You /we  don't know what happened before filming started or indeed after .

And that goes for all clips of incidents we see on the web .


Quote from: Javert post_id=27984 time=1591373419 user_id=64
Gobbing off?  How do you know what he was saying it's just a video from a distance away.  He might have been asking for directions for all you know?

What was done there was an clear assault on him by a police officer - if that happened in normal circumstances the police officer (if it was in the UK) might well be charged with assault because that guy didn't raise a finger against him.

Well neither did the UK paper seller hands in pockets who died,how easily a shove over can lead to someone dying,having said all that I think police in the UK are much better trained and in the main behaved. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=27969 time=1591369789 user_id=53
He was gobbing off and made a move toward the cop on the right who pushed him .

Gobbing off?  How do you know what he was saying it's just a video from a distance away.  He might have been asking for directions for all you know?

What was done there was an clear assault on him by a police officer - if that happened in normal circumstances the police officer (if it was in the UK) might well be charged with assault because that guy didn't raise a finger against him.


Quote from: cromwell post_id=27963 time=1591368836 user_id=48
Oh ffs SW the bloke was no threat whatsoever,stumbled? accident ? No it wasn't and one cop if you watched it leans  over him threateningly and what I took to be a more senior officer pulled him away,the bloke was bleeding from his head and lost consciousness not a good sign.

He was gobbing off and made a move toward the cop on the right who pushed him .

Yep he stumbled back probably drunk by the looks of it . The other cop then leans down to check if he is OK .The senior officer pulls him away as you say as there is a riot about to kick off yards away .

 You may also note the senior officer after pulling him away immediately calls for an ambulance before (out of shot) putting him in the recovery position .

I guess that's why they have 12 people on a jury , ;)

Borg Refinery

Revolt of the generals: Trump faces heat from US military leaders

A rare public rift has opened between United States President Donald Trump and senior military leaders over Trump's threats to use troops against protesters as the US braces for another day of unrest and mourning following the death of George Floyd.

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper broke publicly with Trump on Wednesday in an appearance at the Pentagon and said active-duty military troops should not be used to quell the protests. Other military leaders soon followed.

"The option to use active-duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort and only in the most urgent and dire situations," Esper said.

Mattis says he's 'appalled' at Trump's response to Floyd protests

General Mark Milley, the top US commander, later the same day issued a memo to military leaders reminding them of their oaths to protect the US Constitution and the "right to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly".

Trump's former Trump defence secretary, General James Mattis, chimed in with a strongly worded statement criticising Trump directly for his divisive rhetoric during the protests.

"Militarizing our response, as we witnessed in Washington, DC, sets up a conflict - a false conflict between the military and civilian society," Mattis said.

Senator Lisa Murkowski, a Republican, told reporters at the US Capitol on Thursday that Mattis's public letter rang true for her and she now is unsure whether to support Trump's re-election.

"I thought General Mattis's words were true and honest and necessary and overdue and I have been struggling for the right words," Murkowski said. "Perhaps we're getting to the point where we can be more honest with the concerns that we might hold internally and have the courage of our own convictions to speak up."


Retired General Martin Dempsey, a former top US commander, criticised Trump in a radio interview set to air on Friday.

"The idea that the military would be called in to suppress what for the most part were peaceful protests" is "very dangerous", Dempsey said.

Irked by Esper's comments, Trump called the defence secretary to a meeting at the White House late on Wednesday and confronted him about their disagreement, Bloomberg reported.

The president questioned senior White House aides about whether they thought Esper could continue to be effective in his job, according to the report."> ... 15623.html">

Oh dear?


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=27929 time=1591360144 user_id=53
Well its what we used to call back in the day a pre fight shove .That the unfortunate guy stumbled back was an accident that could have been avoided if he had stayed in his care home .

Oh ffs SW the bloke was no threat whatsoever,stumbled? accident ? No it wasn't and one cop if you watched it leans  over him threateningly and what I took to be a more senior officer pulled him away,the bloke was bleeding from his head and lost consciousness not a good sign.

On another note in the news today one of the cops in jail I think it was the Chinese looking one was apparently in the job only 4 or 5 days he wasn't going to override the 20 year man mr neck crusher,it is claimed though that he did want to put George Floyd in the recovery position but old neck crusher was having none of it,now if this is all correct he doesn't deserve to be in jail,suspended? Yes ......lose his job ? Probably ......but jail time I feel harsh,still up to the courts. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Nalaar post_id=27888 time=1591349849 user_id=99
This man "tripped and fell"">//

Well its what we used to call back in the day a pre fight shove .That the unfortunate guy stumbled back was an accident that could have been avoided if he had stayed in his care home .


This man "tripped and fell"">//
Don't believe everything you think.

Borg Refinery

It starts around 1.39 but the shocking displays of unnecessary aggression towards the mostly peaceful protesters before that are equally unbelievable.

That Texas cop on a horse, knocking over some girl standing there for no reason is unbelievable. She could have been permanently injured.

So many reports of journos attacked/injured; it's like a bloody third world country."> ... 44829.html">

CPJ: Over 100 press freedom violations reported at US protests

Police have hit journalists with rubber bullets, tear gas, pepper spray and arrested 20 of them, media watchdog says.

...cops & nat guardsmen defying the prez.."> ... DxWpd1v_H5">"> ... 3t&ampcf=1">"> ... wood%3famp">

..and maybe even the military; he threatened to call em' in."> ... t.amp.html">
...In fact, the general whom Mr. Trump tasked with responding to the protests, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark A. Milley, has advocated such flexibility. In 2017, as Army chief of staff, he gave a speech for the Atlantic Council in which he expressed support for "disciplined disobedience" for the sake of a mission's "higher purpose."

We may be close to the moment at which active-duty service members need to consider disciplined disobedience. American democracy depends in part on the ingrained commitment of its armed forces to civilian control. But as more and more military leaders — including, publicly, two of General Milley's predecessors — are coming to recognize, the risk has increased that a president will abuse that control to subvert the very democracy it is meant to uphold.

By Wednesday, Mr. Trump's reckless use of the military had moved James Mattis, who resigned as secretary of defense in December 2018, to break his long silence. The former four-star Marine general expressed his dismay that troops sworn to support and defend the Constitution "would be ordered under any circumstance to violate the Constitutional rights of their fellow citizens."

There may yet be hope that active-duty generals will listen to him, and decline to facilitate Mr. Trump's dangerous overreach.

Jonathan Stevenson is a senior fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies and managing editor of Survival. Trained as a lawyer, he served on the National Security Council staff from 2011 to 2013 and as a professor of strategic studies at the U.S. Naval War College.


Quote from: Javert post_id=27802 time=1591287920 user_id=64
Have you got any data on that - it seems to contradict a lot of the nationwide data points - what is your source for these conclusions other than just walking around, which I'm sure you'll acknowledge is not really an effective way of measuring population.

I'm not entirely sure I would agree that walking round with your eyes open is not an effective way of assessing the environment.

However, and I will try and find the document online for you, at the last council election, in the "information for would be councillors" pack assembled by the council was a quite handy assessment of the demographics of newport ward by ward.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=27805 time=1591288136 user_id=98
 I'm just pointing out that police are getting rowdy overe there as well.

The police in France have always been rowdy. If you ever see what looks like a Gendarme with a GIGN patch be VERY careful.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Borg Refinery

Quote from: papasmurf post_id=27793 time=1591286660 user_id=89
You need to read this, the French have their own problems with police killing black people:-"> ... n-his-name">

I have france 24 in my 'feedly' list mate, I know a bit about it, I'm just pointing out that police are getting rowdy overe there as well.

I know there were also violent covid protests last month and the month before too in France.


Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=27768 time=1591270883 user_id=63
As I have pointed out to papasmurf who seems hell bent on swallowing the "all blacks live in abject poverty" bullshit, the facts are that round here, in newport, the highest covid 19 hotspot for fifty miles in all directions, there are no racially segregated ghettoes. There are ghettoes, and there are people living on the breadline. But they are a veritable pot-pourri of colours, races, languages, religions and cultures.

But the most affluent round here are largely non white and as I point out, there is no particularly marked racial line in any of the above higher risk areas.

Yet the facts are there. As you clearly accept, there seems to be something else going on.

Have you got any data on that - it seems to contradict a lot of the nationwide data points - what is your source for these conclusions other than just walking around, which I'm sure you'll acknowledge is not really an effective way of measuring population.


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=27790 time=1591286293 user_id=98
The kick-offery has spread to Paris now.

You need to read this, the French have their own problems with police killing black people:-"> ... n-his-name">
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe