Arrested for praying

Started by Barry, November 01, 2019, 08:43:30 PM

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Borg Refinery

Idk if anyone posted this before but the charges got dropped:

Man arrested for praying outside abortion clinic sees case against him collapse

A man who was arrested after praying outside an abortion clinic has had charges against him dropped after officers failed to caution him before his arrest.

Christian Hacking was arrested on 8 August after kneeling to praying aloud in front of the Marie Stopes clinic in Ealing, west London.

The clinic was the first in the UK to be covered by a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) – which specifically bans "engaging in any act of approval or disapproval" towards abortion outside the facility – including prayer.

Bodycam footage shows Mr Hacking ignoring officers while praying for god to "end the shedding of innocent blood" and to "have mercy upon the mothers".

Mr Hacking, who tells officers he broke his back several years prior and has used a wheelchair since, is then lifted and carried into a police van – however he is not told of his charge before being lifted away and placed in the cell in the back of the vehicle."> ... 81551.html">

When there are murders, GBH etc going on London's streets and the ol bill are busying themselves with paraplegics praying outside an abortion clinic, and not even causing any kind of trouble, you know this country has gone down the pan.


Borg Refinery

Quote from: Churchill post_id=4948 time=1573315426 user_id=69
But this man was not arrested for praying, but because of where he was praying.

If some nice northern lad sidled up on to your lawn and spontaneously started praying, would you cruelly poke him with the rake and go "go on, gerrout"... ?

I know ^ is not the same as OP but the point still stands.


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4943 time=1573314460 user_id=98
The idea of anyone being arrested for praying, to me just increases their grace- and the persecutor is paid in stored up wickednesses on the ol tab.

But this man was not arrested for praying, but because of where he was praying.
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: "Baron von Lotsov" post_id=4941 time=1573314289 user_id=74
Ah but interfering with protest is itself against the law.

Not obeying a Court is committing an offence, not a protest
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>

Borg Refinery

Quote from: "Baron von Lotsov" post_id=4941 time=1573314289 user_id=74
Ah but interfering with protest is itself against the law.

The idea of anyone being arrested for praying, to me just increases their grace- and the persecutor is paid in stored up wickednesses on the ol tab.

Baron von Lotsov

Ah but interfering with protest is itself against the law.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Indeed anyone in the zone breaking the conditions laid down by the Court would be arrested if they refused to stop and leave the zone
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: "Baron von Lotsov" post_id=4752 time=1573222954 user_id=74
It's interesting the difference when you have an Extinction Rebellion rebellion. None of the police arrested them for praying.

It seems there is one law for government-backed protest (i.e. more control and more socialism) and yet if anyone criticises their programme then you can just about get arrested for being there.

As was stated in the source - the buffer zone has several speech restrictions that include praying, the man would also of been removed if he was in the buffer zone in support of the clinic. Praying per se was not the issue.

If an extinction rebellion activist was in a buffer zone and refused to leave they would also be arrested.
Don't believe everything you think.

Baron von Lotsov

It's interesting the difference when you have an Extinction Rebellion rebellion. None of the police arrested them for praying.

It seems there is one law for government-backed protest (i.e. more control and more socialism) and yet if anyone criticises their programme then you can just about get arrested for being there.

 I'm convinced what is going on in the wider world is China is becoming like we used to be, and we are becoming like it was during Mao. In that time them they murdered "rightists" because the "rightist" were the cause of all their troubles according to their brainwashing. In this country today they are called "the far right".

Anyhow my view is if Christians want to protest then actually the root cause of all of this is not the government per se, nor the BBC or the press. It's the ones who teach them. All of these people study degrees, and during that time the universities brainwash them, especially if they do an arts degree. So they really need to be outside their humanities department. all of this LGBT stuff has been disseminated by universities. If you don't believe that, then simply do a search on Google scholar for LGBT. They invent new ones all the time, and of course the way to tell is who was first. Did the government start talking LGBT and then made the universities teach it or did the universities do it first?
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>

Borg Refinery

Quote from: papasmurf post_id=4734 time=1573212327 user_id=89
When I get enthusiastically greeted by one of the many psychopaths I know, it scares people that I know them and saves me a lot of hassle.

Hehe. I am told that I'd like many of the mad un's and they're really nice ..mostly. I can get along really well with psychos. According to my old man (depending on his mood) I exhibit traits of something like that myself. '

Of course, IMHO that is incompatible with my Faith and therefore I want no part in it. Though you certainly do get very Faithful Russian Orthodox um, grifters of different kinds incl bikers ....who are, let's say, terrifying?


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4731 time=1573211236 user_id=98
Oh dear Gawd yes, I've met a few (they were not bikers but still psychotic)

When I get enthusiastically greeted by one of the many psychopaths I know, it scares people that I know them and saves me a lot of hassle.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Borg Refinery

Quote from: papasmurf post_id=4726 time=1573210140 user_id=89
I am not a member of a motorcycle club. (Although I do know far more psychopaths than I like.)

Oh dear Gawd yes, I've met a few (they were not bikers but still psychotic) but frankly my old man can scare the life out of me with a stare. His crazier mates with names like 'breed', 'satan' etc don't even bear thinking about! I've not rubbed shoulders with them ever in person... which is possibly a good thing!


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4724 time=1573209193 user_id=98

My pa was a biker (their gang were very brutal..not hobbyists..) funnily enough.

I am not a member of a motorcycle club. (Although I do know far more psychopaths than I like.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Borg Refinery

Quote from: papasmurf post_id=4712 time=1573205498 user_id=89
Actually I am like life, nasty, brutal, and short.


My pa was a biker (their gang were very brutal..not hobbyists..) funnily enough.


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4707 time=1573204382 user_id=98
Well, funnily enough Barry, rightly, agrees.

And no, none of those words I used or use are fancy, and no I wasn't poking fun at your dyslexia so don't imply that I was. And I'm afraid people do write some nasty stuff to papa, so I was right to point that out - I pointed out that you were dismissive which was exactly right.

No doubt papa & Baron could defend themselves, but I happen to believe that they're generally too polite to tell you what they really think - and you and others are abusing their good nature, which is wrong.

I know you were not making fun of my dyslexia most people cannot even recognise it anyway I simply decided to tell you, I simply responded to your IMO patronising unwarranted post and uncalled for interference, you are making something out of nothing,

Perhaps you should let the moderators do what they are tasked to do, I am quite certain they are more than capable of doing so without your help, I don't do arguments I prefer to debate in my way not how you think I should.

I have nothing more to say to you on this matter, suggest you do the same.
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>