A Salop in the face for Boris

Started by cromwell, December 17, 2021, 07:23:42 AM

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Quote from: Good old on December 17, 2021, 09:30:23 PMLabour will grasp another poisoned chalice
Are you having a laugh? Labour manufacture poisoned chalice's

I've got a daughter like that, nothing is ever her fault :) :) :)

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

Good old

Quote from: Borchester on December 17, 2021, 09:03:56 PM
So Labour's policy is like the Christmas post? Get your excuses in early :)

I think Labour, can speak for themselves, Borky,  I only try to see the scene as far as one can. A lot of water is going to go under the bridge between now and another full term election. What I will say is if Labour get elected at that election , this country might well be damaged beyond repair by that time and Labour will grasp another poisoned chalice.  If they didnt get elected ,in the circumstances then the chalice will merely be replenished until it's effects become irreversible. These are not excuses , just a sad reflection of just how far down the drain we for one reason or another have allowed this country  to sink. 


Quote from: Borchester on December 17, 2021, 09:03:56 PM
So Labour's policy is like the Christmas post? Get your excuses in early :)

That was a Christmas cracker Borchester, you resident Tories have been. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on December 17, 2021, 08:23:24 PM

In the greater national picture, there is a few years for the Tories , to get something right, let's face it they hold most of the cards , mega donors, well ahead financially , most of the well read press firmly in pocket, very difficult to overcome even when rotten to the core.

So Labour's policy is like the Christmas post? Get your excuses in early :)
Algerie Francais !

Good old

Quote from: Borchester on December 17, 2021, 08:04:27 PM
Not really. We have all agreed that the Tories had a crap result. We then moved onto why the Labour party still managed to see its vote fall to its lowest level yet. With the brothers and sisters addiction to glorious defeat I can see its appeal to you and yours, but to simple folk such as myself, I can't see how that sort of thing will get Sir Keir into number 10
As far as seeing how Starmer gets into Downing Street, on this result it is hard to see.but it's not hard to see that after taking into account any number of abstentions the Tories have had a major turning over. Whether they or their die hard support elsewhere like it they had 30,000 voters refuse to support them in a constituency that was in the palm of their hand at the last election.
In the greater national picture, there is a few years for the Tories , to get something right, let's face it they hold most of the cards , mega donors, well ahead financially , most of the well read press firmly in pocket, very difficult to overcome even when rotten to the core.


Quote from: Good old on December 17, 2021, 05:31:17 PM
As I see it, when you have gone from. A 20,000 majority to a 5,000 plus loss. A percentage loss of record proportions  It is absolutely nit picking to mention that Labour, didn't pull up trees.

Not really. We have all agreed that the Tories had a crap result. We then moved onto why the Labour party still managed to see its vote fall to its lowest level yet. With the brothers and sisters addiction to glorious defeat I can see its appeal to you and yours, but to simple folk such as myself, I can't see how that sort of thing will get Sir Keir into number 10
Algerie Francais !

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on December 17, 2021, 07:05:44 PM
Delusion overcomes reality once again. Will the english public put up with a remain coalition taking them back into the EU by the backdoor is the question ?

I dont think so good old. I think your hope  and fear is misplaced to be honest.

Once again , you are severely letting personal wishes cloud the mood in your own nation. This is a mid term kicking becaus bojo has become an out and out wet blanket over covid and green issues nothing more.

Nothing i have seen suggests england has all of a sudden found a remain appetite and centre left credentials to usher your limp wristed party into power.Far from it.

I think you are the one that is suffering from a certain amount of delusion. Now I have said the chances of going back to the EU, is in my opinion remote . That is unless Brexit for whatever reason proves to be a disaster.
The idea that any government , of whatever persuasion would take an already successful economy into the EU on what could only ever be a deal well below what we had is ,total hogwash. If Brexit succeeds it will not need a Tory government to cherish it.Myth politics,.your very good at it.
Brexit was a small percentage wish when it was recommended by referendum. It was  simplistic, a yes or no to an all encompassing question. It  really was a flight in the dark for most people. At the 2019 election it had become this monster that was clogging up our whole existence, politics, business, and worst of all personal relations. Brexit was in most respects a fact , the public just wanted it enacted for better or worse. And yes Broris, was prepared to do that part of it. That's what he was judged on.  Not anymore ,  now the ground is different  Brexit is here , not clear as to its long term value but it's here. And now the average punters outside of the die hard element  just want a capable government led by a capable PM, and that includes a good many Tories, regardless of where they stood with Brexit five years ago.  What they have right now is a government of very doubtful ability led by a man that is now recognised as the unreliable untrustworthy buffoon, her always actually was , before he grabbed the Brexit pol and vaulted himself through the window of 10 Downing Street.  The truth of Brexit now is ,it is in danger of helping people realise that the real problems for this country were always here .So every bit as much a hindrance to the Tories as a help to remain in power long term.


Quote from: Good old on December 17, 2021, 04:52:46 PM
There are a couple of very simple factors at work here, Thomas. Will the English public put up with being governed in the piss poor way that this government and its leader think it can be? The answer at Chesham, and now Shropshire, is decidedly no. Nothing much to do with Brexit. The frigging Libs .did not and never will want Brexit. Unlike Labour. not even any if,s and but,s .So they are not putting Brexit where it was when they elected their previous rule breaking , Brexit supporting ,MP.
What happened with Labour, numbers is little or no help in assessing how that party is doing in national terms , they are always overwhelmed in this constituency ,so never high, the Tories have held it for two hundred frigging years, get real.? It's being said all round included in Tory quarters , a lot of Labour voters got wind of the Libs chances here and simply supported it. It happens all the time in very strong Tory seats. I know I do it in a very strong Tory seat.
The fact that the Tories don't appear to have a replacement for Boris, in light of everything that has and is happening, is damming on all of them. They either think what he dishes is OK or they don't have a pair of hands that could handle the total shambles he presides over. Either way it speaks volumes for their removal.
Delusion overcomes reality once again. Will the english public put up with a remain coalition taking them back into the EU by the backdoor is the question ?

I dont think so good old. I think your hope  and fear is misplaced to be honest.

Once again , you are severely letting personal wishes cloud the mood in your own nation. This is a mid term kicking becaus bojo has become an out and out wet blanket over covid and green issues nothing more.

Nothing i have seen suggests england has all of a sudden found a remain appetite and centre left credentials to usher your limp wristed party into power.Far from it.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Ratcliff on December 17, 2021, 06:30:39 PM
The combined Liberal /Labour vote totalled less than the 2019 winning Conservative majority that was lost to the Liberal.
Conservative voters didn't switch sides , they just didn't vote yesterday , they stayed at home to deliver their dissatisfaction
well there ye go ratcliff thats what i thought. But what do i know....im just a foreigner looking in on english politics.

Having said that,  without a bone in the fight , im still able to call out labour party bullshine when i see it.

My opinion is its a mid government slap on the wrist for the tories , and another pyrrhic victory for remain.

Im pleased for my mate hyper quack quack though , hes had a tough few years since the days of clegg , and it keeps it all interesting for a while.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on December 17, 2021, 07:33:01 AM
Blimey, that was a turn up for the books.

I thought that the Tories would get a hiding, but not a kicking such as this.

Bad news for Bojo, but at least it brings a certain level of interest back to UK politics

The combined Liberal /Labour vote totalled less than the 2019 winning Conservative majority that was lost to the Liberal.
Conservative voters didn't switch sides , they just didn't vote yesterday , they stayed at home to deliver their dissatisfaction 

Good old

Quote from: Borchester on December 17, 2021, 05:10:56 PM
Well yes and no Goodie.

The Labour party's share of the vote was the worse it has been since Keir Hardie was in nappies, so how you see that as some sort of victory escapes me.

Boris has come out with some bollocks about making the fight against the Chinese Flu his top prority, which suggest he has already started on the Christmas booze supply. Maybe afterwards he will try to saw his legs off. He does seem in a funny mood. But none of this alters the fact that the brothers and sisters have had a piss poor by election.

As I see it, when you have gone from. A 20,000 majority to a 5,000 plus loss. A percentage loss of record proportions  It is absolutely nit picking to mention that Labour, didn't pull up trees.
This is something Boris, and the party has done all the time, even when well in front, it's always these ," well what about Labour," sessions. If he had ever put more into getting some decent results he might even have got a begrudging thanks from me. As it is he only ever covers up the tripe, with these not needed attacks on the opposition, he does it even when he isn't in trouble.  It is a fact that Labour voters have voted tactically here, but regardless, yes it was piss poor for Labour, it always is there. But  N Shropshire is probably one of the worst places you could pick to try and assess what Labours vote might be doing nationally..


Quote from: Good old on December 17, 2021, 04:52:46 PM

What happened with Labour, numbers is little or no help in assessing how that party is doing in national terms , they are always overwhelmed in this constituency ,so never high, the Tories have held it for two hundred frigging years, get real.? It's being said all round included in Tory quarters , a lot of Labour voters got wind of the Libs chances here and simply supported it. It happens all the time in very strong Tory seats. I know I do it in a very strong Tory seat.
Well yes and no Goodie.

The Labour party's share of the vote was the worse it has been since Keir Hardie was in nappies, so how you see that as some sort of victory escapes me.

Boris has come out with some bollocks about making the fight against the Chinese Flu his top prority, which suggest he has already started on the Christmas booze supply. Maybe afterwards he will try to saw his legs off. He does seem in a funny mood. But none of this alters the fact that the brothers and sisters have had a piss poor by election.
Algerie Francais !

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on December 17, 2021, 03:38:03 PM
He is , you are right , but the flip side of the coin is that one issue is a mountain the labour party cannot climb.

I expect a few more political drubbings for labour over it , a large party conference where some future leader will finally wake up and smell the coffee .

Until then , we have to amuse ourselves with the blairites thinking they are on the road to victory.

There are a couple of very simple factors at work here, Thomas. Will the English public put up with being governed in the piss poor way that this government and its leader think it can be? The answer at Chesham, and now Shropshire, is decidedly no. Nothing much to do with Brexit. The frigging Libs .did not and never will want Brexit. Unlike Labour. not even any if,s and but,s .So they are not putting Brexit where it was when they elected their previous rule breaking , Brexit supporting ,MP.
What happened with Labour, numbers is little or no help in assessing how that party is doing in national terms , they are always overwhelmed in this constituency ,so never high, the Tories have held it for two hundred frigging years, get real.? It's being said all round included in Tory quarters , a lot of Labour voters got wind of the Libs chances here and simply supported it. It happens all the time in very strong Tory seats. I know I do it in a very strong Tory seat.
The fact that the Tories don't appear to have a replacement for Boris, in light of everything that has and is happening, is damming on all of them. They either think what he dishes is OK or they don't have a pair of hands that could handle the total shambles he presides over. Either way it speaks volumes for their removal.


Quote from: Thomas on December 17, 2021, 04:10:39 PM
Thank god you are back hallowed.

Everytime you appear , we just know something has went terribly wrong for labour and remain. You have had your finger on the political pulse since the 2016 brexit victory , and have been calling out remainers lies ever since.

I think priti patel would be a credible replacement once she gets that hang of those 6 foot tall bearded 7 year olds crossing the channel in dinghies.

With you on our side how can we fail.?
To be fair, HB has a point, albeit not as sharp as he might think (HB, pencils. Get it? God I am droll)
The total vote for the Lib Dems and Labour last night was less than the Tory majority in 2019, which could suggest that the Museli Munchers won not because the conservatives voters switched sides but because they stayed at home.
Right now Boris is doing all he can to piss off the electorate and is getting a well deserved kicking. Maybe it is all those broken nights due to the new baby or that Climate Change crap Carrie is pouring into his ears or this cancel Christmas bollocks he has latched onto or maybe he has wants to pack it in and write a Latin primer with Rees Mogg, but I can't see him giving up this easily.
Algerie Francais !


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