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Care Homes

Started by kwhs10, May 17, 2020, 04:08:09 PM

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Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=25050 time=1589790586 user_id=50
Is that so, Quack Quack? Listen ole son, your hypocrisy has littered both this and the previous forum for several years, and your monotonous posts whinging at the result of the Brexit referendum and constant rambling rubbish about ways to overturn the result were as regular as clockwork. You are a poster who spent his time dreaming up scenarios about how a "second referendum" was justified in the case of Brexit, and in the very next breath claiming that Scotland shouldn't have a second referendum on independence. Your self interest and hypocrisy are blatant Quack Quack, as is shown yet again by this priceless gem in the "hoax" thread -

These people have a RIGHT to free speech, and have a RIGHT to lawfully protest, and yet here you are suggesting that they should be treated as terrorists because they don't share the same views as you. You are contemptible, Quack Quack. A narrow, self obsessed, middle class ****** who pays lip service to such things as democracy and free speech only when they mirror want you want.

You used the words "pro-coronavirus protesters" no less than THREE times in successive posts in an attempt to provoke other posters, and everyone ignored you because they could see what a sham argument this is. If someone is opposed to the Governments actions or opposed to lockdown, that does NOT mean they are "pro" coronavirus, and to suggest they are is the argument of an idiot.

The difference between you and I is that while I voted to remain in the EU, I respected the will of the majority, while you are still unable to grasp that democracy means we don't get what WE want, we get what the MAJORITY want. And while I detest zealots like Piers Corbyn and other assorted left and right wing zealots that rent-a-mob protests like this attract, I accept that they have a legal right to both protest lawfully and to free speech, something you also seem to have difficulty grasping because of your narcissism and narrow self interest.

Any time you fancy taking me on in an honest an open debate Quack Quack, you just say the word. But don't expect me to say "kind" things about you or not hurt your poor little feelings, because you in my opinion you are a spoilt and privileged middle class ****** who doesn't understand that the same rights and freedoms you stake your arguments on apply to us ALL, not just you and people who share your cosy little middle class values.

 :hattip  :thup: Well said.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester post_id=25036 time=1589747751 user_id=62

I don't know about these DNRA orders. I have seen people die from pneumonia and while they spend a lot of time choking and gasping and sounding pretty bloody awful, they were mostly in a coma and quietly sleeping their lives away. But I don't like the idea of having my food and drink cut off and left to die of being bloody miserable.

Dont worry, they pump you full of drug that make sure you don't notice you are dehydrating to death.

They ought to "titrate" the amount, but they don't bother, the GP says you shoudl get six times the lethal body burden, so dou do.

And then you just lie in your bed and die of dehydration when the heart finally fails to find enough to pump round, and they call it heart failure.

You're only suppose to take three days,

It took mum nearly seven (if you think vikings are hard to kill, you should see how tough wild wooly valleys girls are)

Unfortunately it fell to my brother to have to watch most of the time, he went a bit suicidal afterwards...
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=25100 time=1589818653 user_id=50
Yes you do. After 6 or so years having to read your rubbish, I've yet to see Duncan Smith, McVey or any other Tory you routinely harp on about in any and every thread you can troll about it, dragged before a court arraigned on charges of aiding abetting or permitting genocidal type deaths,

Give it time, (In fact IDS and Chris Grayiing both ignored coroners notices to prevent further deaths, there was a serious attempt to get then into court about that but no public prosecutor had the balls so go ahead with it.)

That does not mean the offences have been forgotten about it is just a matter of time.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=25083 time=1589806681 user_id=89
No I don't, I means facts and research also the Disability News Service quotes source which link to the government.

That you don't like the message or the messenger because they challenge your ill informed opinion and personal prejudice, that does not take away from the factual accuracy, which is often government departments own data set, Hansard and Select Committee evidence gathering sessions and research.

Yes you do. After 6 or so years having to read your rubbish, I've yet to see Duncan Smith, McVey or any other Tory you routinely harp on about in any and every thread you can troll about it, dragged before a court arraigned on charges of aiding abetting or permitting genocidal type deaths, because those are the accusations you have implied again and again. You've been asked repeatedly in the past to provide evidence of a state policy which permits the deaths of elderly or infirm persons, and of "incinerators" and the other shite you come with, and you are NEVER able to provide any.

And yet again, you snip one line out of a post and ignore the rest because you can't answer it. The crap you've posted over the years is legendary, the times you've been whipped in arguments too numerous to list and times you've had to be censured or banned for incendiary comments beat all records. It's got nothing to do with any "message", it's that you as a poster are just so fecking annoying.


Only government owned care homes should receive PPE, the rest should buy it them selves.
A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=25080 time=1589804944 user_id=50
You mean sources or individuals with similar theories to your own, or vested interest groups like "Disability News" which are touted as "facts" when they are often nothing of the sort.

No I don't, I means facts and research also the Disability News Service quotes source which link to the government.

That you don't like the message or the messenger because they challenge your ill informed opinion and personal prejudice, that does not take away from the factual accuracy, which is often government departments own data set, Hansard and Select Committee evidence gathering sessions and research.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=25074 time=1589801198 user_id=89
Well documented data and facts are not "fuitbat theories." It is people like you who are in denial who are the problem and even worse when they are in positions of authority.

You mean sources or individuals with similar theories to your own, or vested interest groups like "Disability News" which are touted as "facts" when they are often nothing of the sort. There is little doubt that governments feck up, there is even mileage in the accusation that some politicians lack empathy, but you have tried to suggest on many many occasions that this is part of some sinister attempt at mass euthanasia or an "extermination" programme which has some organised basis in actual policy, like the Holocaust. It is these parallels between that and your insinuations that are creepy and unhinged. Worst still is your constant sneering attitude that people who won't join in with this fringe group mentality are "uninformed" and that you are the only sincere person who ever posted on an internet website. You irritate the feck out of everyone and then wonder why people just tell you to feck off when they've had their fill of your nonsense.

On top of that, you embarrass yourself with lunatic confessions about shootings and have to be warned about casually discussing the deaths of MPs or politicians. None of this is the thinking of a rational person, and that is why I can't take anything you say seriously. You've made yourself into a figure of fun, and you have no one else to blame.

Borg Refinery"> ... em-failure">

QuoteMatthew Nutt, managing director of Accurocare which runs homes in Oxford and Basingstoke, was told eight times by PHE that CQC was responsible for the programme and four times by CQC that it was PHE's job.

"The left hand doesn't know what the right is doing," he said.

Last Thursday a DHSC official told him PHE was in charge and another said it was CQC. That contradicted what CQC told him 24 hours earlier: that its involvement in testing care staff ended on 25 April

His organisation has been trying to obtain about 200 tests since 28 April, when Hancock announced that testing for all care workers and residents would be available regardless of whether they are showing symptoms of coronavirus. So far he has received none.

On Tuesday Hancock claimed "the performance on testing has been unbelievably positive".

"It has been a complete system failure," said Nutt. "We don't know when we are going to get test kits. The government's plan to lift the lockdown says all homes will have testing by 6 June. It's far too slow. How many more people have to die?"

More quotes from providers...

QuoteThe UKHCA says up to 80% of homecare firms will be at risk of insolvency by the end of July. About 10 million adults need help at home, of which 811,000 receive formal care there.

"What's going to happen to all those people if they don't receive care? They will end up in hospital with malnutrition and dehydration and God knows what else," Townson said.

"The chancellor has given business loans and grants to hospitality and retail and other sectors. Our people weren't eligible for any of those."

Vic Rayner, executive director of the National Care Forum, which represents non-profit care homes, said the contrast was most obvious for those homes that offered other services such as restaurants and haircuts.

"One of our members has received more funding from the retail hospitality and leisure grant for disruptions to their hairdressing and bistro services than they have for their care home operations," Rayner said. "That was a bit of a jaw-dropping moment."

Under that grant, restaurants can get up to £25,000 in cash and also reduce their business rates.

Care homes and homecare providers, by contrast, have seen costs rise by 30% to 40%, Townson said. They have needed to hire more staff to cover those who are sick or self-isolating, yet all but the smallest do not qualify for help with statutory sick pay. Their PPE costs have risen tenfold and homes need to be deep cleaned more regularly.

At the same time, care providers have seen income drop by up to 15% because residents have died – not all from coronavirus – and new residents are not arriving at the same rate.

All care home staff and residents in England to be tested for coronavirus

Since March, ministers have made three pledges of funds for the care sector, adding up to £3.8bn, but most of that is being held by local authorities – still reeling from a decade of funding cuts – and not yet distributed.

That's grauniad stuff, let's try The Sun?

'DUMPING GROUND' Care home where 15 residents died was 'used as a dumping ground' and 'pressured into taking untested sick people"> ... ering/amp/">

Anyway, whether it's callous [criminal] indifference or something more sinister I have no idea, I doubt most Tory govt people even know what's going on in their minds half the time, if indeed there is anything going on at all. Very blinkered approach imo.  8-)


Quote from: cromwell post_id=25077 time=1589801856 user_id=48
Well no,whilst you do often have a good point to make you usually ruin it all by saying it's the tories (yes it is sometimes but not always) and also making outlandish claims which you have done for years then complain when people take the piss.

have you ever typed a post and then thought again about the content,it's called self moderation.

That the truth hurts really is  not my problem.  I do carry out self moderation when I can't verify something. (Several on going matters currently I have no intention of starting threads about because of that.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=25074 time=1589801198 user_id=89
Well documented data and facts are not "fuitbat theories." It is people like you who are in denial who are the problem and even worse when they are in positions of authority.

Well no,whilst you do often have a good point to make you usually ruin it all by saying it's the tories (yes it is sometimes but not always) and also making outlandish claims which you have done for years then complain when people take the piss.

have you ever typed a post and then thought again about the content,it's called self moderation. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=25070 time=1589800273 user_id=50
I've told you before, I don't have a problem. You believe whatever fruitbat theories you like.

Well documented data and facts are not "fuitbat theories." It is people like you who are in denial who are the problem and even worse when they are in positions of authority.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=25065 time=1589797087 user_id=89
The coerced signing of DNR was a deliberate attempt to kill people. As are many other aspects of government and officialdom.

They may not be going around neck shooting people but the results are people have died and continue to die as a result of doctrinal policies and callousness.

That you don't like that or don't accept it is not my problem.

I've told you before, I don't have a problem. You believe whatever fruitbat theories you like. You've embarrassed yourself so many times before that I stopped taking anything you say seriously a long time ago. You're a crank in my opinion.


Quote from: cromwell post_id=25066 time=1589797142 user_id=48

Ah yes the Liverpool pathway,

Stopped in 2014.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=25062 time=1589796262 user_id=50
It's not that he doesn't sometimes have a point, it's his undisguised attempts to suggest that policies he disagrees with are deliberate attempts to kill vulnerable people that winds others up. Mistakes and deliberate actions are two different things.

That and other dangerous fruitcake notions which I'm not supposed to mention.

Well that's Smurfy for you,but politicians do like to cover their cock ups.

QuoteThe problem with this DNR lark is that the NHS is keen on it because it makes its life easier, but not much fun for the patients because as often as not they die from hunger or thirst, which is a miserable way to go.

Ah yes the Liverpool pathway,I've had differences with a Doctor friend who thinks it OK but I agree with you,if I have to go a Liverpool way I'd rather it be a swift and final blow to the head as per a mugging rather than the miserable way you describe.

I suppose I might now be told I'm portraying all scousers as muggers,I'm not but it does remind of the joke doing the rounds now that so many people have been off work for so long they are developing scouse accents :o and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=25062 time=1589796262 user_id=50
It's not that he doesn't sometimes have a point, it's his undisguised attempts to suggest that policies he disagrees with are deliberate attempts to kill vulnerable people that winds others up. Mistakes and deliberate actions are two different things.

The coerced signing of DNR was a deliberate attempt to kill people. As are many other aspects of government and officialdom.

They may not be going around neck shooting people but the results are people have died and continue to die as a result of doctrinal policies and callousness.

That you don't like that or don't accept it is not my problem.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe