Off topic thread (to the tower)

Started by cromwell, November 09, 2019, 12:24:10 PM

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Quote from: Borchester post_id=8224 time=1575401740 user_id=62
I have noted that when cornered Pappy's responses seem to be cowardly, spiteful and worse, ill informed.

My wife has a disability allowance, state pension and various other odds and sods with the only downside being that she has to put up with me. I could probably claim carer's allowance but I can't be arsed. The lass downstairs gets pretty much the same as we do plus a rent free flat.

I am not into Wiggles idea of giving every on benefits a canister of Zyklon B for Christmas, but he is on the money when he says the money isn't so bad.

You mean when Wriggles is cornered, he comes out with even more lies.

He seems to have no idea who reads this forum or who the members are.

Some years ago the editor of a "free newspaper," came out with a series of editorials spouting the same lies about Motability as Wiggles. In the end he had to stop before he was charged by the police with disability hate crime.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=8211 time=1575398347 user_id=89
It was an anecdote full of lies. (If you actually knew anything about Motability you would not have lied like that.)

I have noted that when cornered Pappy's responses seem to be cowardly, spiteful and worse, ill informed.

My wife has a disability allowance, state pension and various other odds and sods with the only downside being that she has to put up with me. I could probably claim carer's allowance but I can't be arsed. The lass downstairs gets pretty much the same as we do plus a rent free flat.

I am not into Wiggles idea of giving every on benefits a canister of Zyklon B for Christmas, but he is on the money when he says the money isn't so bad.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=8210 time=1575398159 user_id=87
It was an example, NOT an anecdote.

It was an anecdote full of lies. (If you actually knew anything about Motability you would not have lied like that.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=8203 time=1575396834 user_id=89
Quoting the bollocks you think is proof is waste of my time. Anecdotes are not evidence.

It was an example, NOT an anecdote. I don't know how many times I have to tell you, the type of figures are you require are not available. At this point I should state I have not been rude to you or used the bad language you have chosen to use when addressing me.

This is quite obviously a left wing site occupied by people who chose to live off of the hard working tax payers of this country. I openly accept you are entitled to your opinions, as am I, but please stop accusing me of trolling, as this nothing more than your admittance that you don't have a decent reply to my posts.

I tell you what. I have given you several examples of people who live very well off of the welfare state, and I can give you more. In return, please give me an example of someone you GENUINELY know who suffers. When I say SUFFERS, I mean someone who doesn't have a roof over their head, or can't afford to heat their paid for home, or can't eat.The example in question mustn't be anyone who has decided to participate in drug abuse, or simply wants to live on the streets. These are the facts that count, not some copied and pasted hand chosen statistic that proves nothing !
A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=8201 time=1575396666 user_id=87
So you copied and pasted the part of the thread to prove your point, but ignored the part that proved mine. I have given you many examples, and could give you many more, but you still choose to believe otherwise.

Quoting the bollocks you think is proof is waste of my time. Anecdotes are not evidence.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=8187 time=1575394798 user_id=89
That is because they are as ill informed and pig ignorant as you are. I suggest you widen your circle to include people who are not neo-nazis.

So you copied and pasted the part of the thread to prove your point, but ignored the part that proved mine. I have given you many examples, and could give you many more, but you still choose to believe otherwise.
A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=8186 time=1575394574 user_id=87
Rubbish. Just about every person I know thinks the benefits system is very generous, especially those paid to the disabled. ?

That is because they are as ill informed and pig ignorant as you are. I suggest you widen your circle to include people who are not neo-nazis.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=8137 time=1575364824 user_id=89
Yes it is Trolling.

Rubbish. Just about every person I know thinks the benefits system is very generous, especially those paid to the disabled. Amongst the many examples I have given, let me give you another one. My neighbors who are both in their 70s bumped into my wife in town today. They were picking up their brand new mobility car, but unfortunately they had to kill a few hours because it wasn't ready. The garage told them them they had been inundated with mobility sales this month. They told my wife they were going to do some shopping in the M&S food hall while they were waiting, not Tesco or Lidl, M&S. Previously, Janet (the lady of the couple) had told my wife the system gives them nothing, but it transpires as well as their state pension, she gets a carers allowance, and get's gets a disability allowance. As well as this they get their pension credit that pays their rent. As a result of all of this they get to live in a lovely two bed bungalow, they have two foreign holidays every year, and they drive a fully expensed brand new car. They are nice people, and I admire them because they know what forms to fill in, but come on, should the tax payer really be paying for this type of life style ?
A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=8133 time=1575362074 user_id=87
 What you would like me to do is to roll over and say all disabled people are hard done by and should receive even more benefits. Sorry, that isn't going to happen. Now, is that trolling ?

Yes it is Trolling.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: cromwell post_id=8087 time=1575311304 user_id=48
Mod Notice

A number of trolling posts or replies to deleted,if the trolling continues (you know who you are) your ability to post will be curtailed.

You know as well as I do, I am NOT trolling. I simply hold a different opinion to you, and this you find hard to deal with. It is my belief our benefits system is far to generous, and it is being abused, so how is that trolling ?

One of the posts you removed simply stated that not everything can be proved by statistics, because certain statistics are not available. What you would like me to do is to roll over and say all disabled people are hard done by and should receive even more benefits. Sorry, that isn't going to happen. Now, is that trolling ?
A hand up, not a hand out


Mod Notice

A number of trolling posts or replies to deleted,if the trolling continues (you know who you are) your ability to post will be curtailed. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=7540 time=1574853164 user_id=87
I consider myself above that thank you

Then I wish you well in your twilight years.

Because the day may well dawn when you may need to stoop a bit.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=8064 time=1575300735 user_id=89
That is a blatant lie. I report benefit cheats and I don't hide behind the anonymous "shop a benefit cheat" hotline.

I make VERY sure of the facts before I do because that can take a long time. It also eliminates  reporting of innocent people.

That is why thus far I have a 100% track record of being right.

Unlike the vindictive nasty bastards who report frauds anonymously and who are wrong around 90% of the time.

Such people should be exposed publicly and sued for wasting DWP investigators time and enabling the innocent claimant to sue, (with legal aid to back it up.)

They are not nasty bastards, they are people concerned about the millions of pounds being stolen from the honest people paying their taxes. people who can barely afford to pay their mortgages, and put food on the table for their children. Meanwhile some lazy bastard who has eaten their way into a mobility scooter is given a council house, a brand new car (paid via their allowance) and enough money so they can get even fatter, has a comfortable life. Meanwhile, in other countries they sit on street corners begging.

I am guessing you are one of the poor soles who have to live off of benefits. If you are genuinely disabled and can not work, I have no issue with you receiving a basic life style provided by the tax payer, and this is what all advanced countries should do. My issue is with defending the hundreds of thousands that take advantage of the people who put in.
A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: Borchester post_id=8063 time=1575300003 user_id=62
Of course Pappy would love benefit cheats to get away with it. He is a hysterical fool, you are a troll and the pair of you should be put in iron cages and poked by any passerby willing to pay a shilling for a stick.

But this site only comes alive for a few days a week so the pair of you are being indulged.

Grow up mate, having a different opinion isn't trolling. My opinions represent the majority of people in this country who are fed up with people scrounging off of the system.
A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: "patman post" post_id=8061 time=1575298598 user_id=70
Do you take doggie poop bags with you to collect material for your posts...?

That's another one, dog owners who don't pick their mess
A hand up, not a hand out